How does it feel living in a less powerful country knowing if you make the wrong move torwards America you could get...

How does it feel living in a less powerful country knowing if you make the wrong move torwards America you could get BTFO?

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I like the way you think

How does it feel knowing that the exportation of our media led to the collapse of European homogeneity in two generations?

I have no idea

lmao, who cares europe isn't america

(((our media)))

I wouldn't know cause im not a fag

Head to head wars won

Canada: 1
USA: 0

Inb4 some cunts cry about us being british. We used to be and we were proud of it before society deteriorated.

Ask that China

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The US isn't a country. It's a federation of states.
>I envy the US senate since it represents states equally as opposed to the european parliament which is literally ruled by the krauts (direct populational representation)


>We won a war against the US before we even existed
kys leaf

I know how it feels to not give a fuck

A fucking leaf also when Trudeau collapses your country we'll take all the white women but not the beta male onions boys

Cry moar faggot. My great great great grandaddy stuck a sword through your nigger slave great great great grandaddies heart. Then he skullfucked the corpse to prove superiority.

You could use some more white women. Yours are rapidly dying from obesity while goblinas are on every street corner waiting for black cock.

Some desperation from irrelevant leafs. Both the British and the Americans were repulsed. You burned our country and got kicked out and we burned your country and got kicked. This is some pathetic clinging to the one """achievement""" of "your" nation.

Oh was this another of America's many draws in war? Take the L you cuck. If you ever come back we will lynch your bitch ass again.

America could btfo any nation to step up to us

>we will lynch your bitch ass
funny you should mention lynching, as after you """won""" the war, you settled several thousand escaped American slaves in Canada and reimbursed their American slaveowners. Truly a great victory for the British, er- "Canadians".

you are like a red dwarf star. once shining so bright but now shedding its last light before it becomes a black hole(thats science Cletus). you cant even pull of an Iran on Venezuela right. All of your brilliant strategists died or are dying from dementia, Parkisons old people diesases and/or being indicted for pedophilia. You are finished. We will circle upon you like vultures and rip apart your remains. It will be so glorious. God bless America.? Fucking kek. More like God save Americ

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What flag are you even? Lmao you’re irrelevant ass country mad because nobody talks about you

>We will circle upon you like vultures and rip apart your remains
Who? Austrians?

I don't think about you at all.

Were all you think about and everything you want to be don’t lie

i chose high standards of living, low crime rate, world class healthcare over a militarised pseudo socialist shithole like yours anyday. keep being a patriot Cletus.
the international community

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You don't give a fuck that we allowed the media to subvert the morality and culture of our ancestral homelands? Plug yours ears and wave that flag proudly as you ruin everything good in the world.

How does it feel knowing I don't do either of those?
Give me one reason why I should care about you.

Who gives a fuck, we aren’t Europe why do we give a fuck about Europe lol we fought a war to literally not give a fuck about them

What international community?

>muh ancestral homelands
We're mutts, dude. I have twenty "ancestral homelands". Who gives a fuck about any of them. America is my home and the woes of other nations are not my concern.

(((We aren't Europe)))

Europe is for the Muslims now

Toothpaste flag looking ass

>we fought a war to get rid of them
>(((we arent Europe)))
country is unironically run from the city of London
>muh muh fuck the Queen
The international community

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>If you make the wrong move towards Israel

Who's the international community? When are they gonna come and get us?

The composure of the international community represents our foreign interests. That's why we engaged in a policy of containment against the Soviet Union. A future in which Europe demographically falls is not beneficial to us whatsoever.

We run the international community

We're a paper tiger. We don't even have the will to secure our own border but you think we run the world? Open your eyes.

the international community. all nations united against the Jews and their favourite pet, the USA

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