Who will become President after Donald Trump?
United States of America
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this guy
It's hard to say...very few people have announced for 2024 yet.
The Republic has run it's course, it's time for an Emperor.
>Trump will be the first GALACTIC Emperor
Then trump jr
Then ivanka
Then trump again
Every president after trump will have trumps name. Then the earth will be controlled by the trumps. Earth will be called planet trump. The milky way galaxy will be called trumps domain. All ET will have to leave our galaxy. Trumps space force will take over all the star systems
Rand Paul 2024
Probably someone else who will put Israel First.
Dont know but they will pale in comparison. Why do bongs care so much?
>Who will become President after Donald Trump?
A disappointment.
>Who will become President after Donald Trump?
The most anti-White Democrat ever. Whose sole purpose will be to punish White people for "electing that orange racist, Drumph."
You think it's bad for Whites now? The future will resemble the Turner Diaries and the Northwest Homeland series in regard to how non-Whites treat Whites.
Not a chance
Will Boris Johnson become the next UK Prime Minister?
I c wat u did tharrrr
>Not a chance
Yes, really. If Trump beats the FBI investigation that will enrage the Liberals. If Trump evades impeachment that will enrage liberals even more. If Trump manages to start building the wall, that will enrage Liberals even more so. If Trump wins re-election that will drive Liberals over the edge.
And of course as it's been going the last several election cycles, Republicans get 8 years then Democrats get 8 years etc. etc. So Trump still has one term left if the trend continues.
So a Democrat will be President after Trump. And those Liberals and Democrats will be the most anti-White ever seen.
You cannot refute my logic.
Pence in 2024
>implying there will be another president.
>Pence in 2024
And of course that also brings up the issue that there are still Whites that think voting will save the White race from the Enemy, voting will secure the existence of the White race and that of course we should always vote for the (Zionist) Republican Party.
What a gigantic faggot you are.
Liberals are turning on each other. If a lib does win it wont be an ultra-left one. But there might be a 3rd term republican, who knows. Trump is changing everything about everything
>logic refuted
Pence, Cruz, Kanye, or random Conservative Celebrity
Ted Nugent/Mel Gibson 2024
i asked this questions weeks ago and didn't get a single solid answer so best of luck
Pence /thread
>You think it's bad for Whites now?
What have the Democrats done against whites in America?
Not by democratic voters but by politicians themselves.
That went well for Rome.
some obama type you haven't really heard of yet
Yeah their empire only lasted 1500+ years
The Roman Empire lasted until 1453.
ooga booga the 1st