They are deporting fucking immigrants now
Vice has now become far right
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Both get the gas.
That's awesome. Fuck work visas.
Someone should hint her that she should learn to code.
Vice turned heel faster than the hulkster in the mid 90s
That's a lot of whining and not a lot of coding sweetie.
Welcome to legal immigration. Funny enough, these same people were promoting more benefits to illegal immigrants while not giving a shit about the legal ones.
>Use unfair system to bypass normal immigration procedures
>Be surprised when employer use said unfair system to your disadvantages
Bitch you got a VISA because it is made ESPECIALLY so you can work in the USA whitout being a citizen of the USA.
She ain't getting deported because she effectively never was a citizen of the USA in the first place, more like a long-term presence justified by your job, so by loosing her job she lost the very reasons she was allowed in the country and the government have absolutely no obligation to keep her around, her employer did.
>Kaleigh Rogers
LMAO i'm sure hamming it up for sympathy will be an effective tactic
Based Vice deporting leaf thots.
Lol companies now owe their employees everything
I have a better one user.
Pretty sure we don’t need to import “journalists.”
That's better than what would happen to her on DOTR.
Given that h-1b visas are mostly given to Indians and Chinese, she'll have hard time getting one.
Is this supposed to be a problem or something...
get deported then cunt
day of the code
so she's from the UK/commonwealth?
deporting whites is a leftwing policy.
Entitlement mentality at work
That's the exact shit attitude towards legals that I'm talking about and that it codified in laws. People are not commodities that you can get rid of when you don't want them any more.
hows highshool?
VICE confirmed /ourguys/
>tipping the fedora so hard you cum all over it
Yikes, you just made me think "yikes". Anything that makes me think something that cringey is cringey beyond further description.
That leap of logic. Laying me off = deporting me.
This is an increasingly popular thing for leftists. Whoah, you're not going to pay my doctor for me? Wow, you're effectively holding a gun to my head! You're not giving me free aboritons? You're practically enslaving me for 18 years! You're not giving me food stamps? Wow, you are starving me and condemning me to death.
It reminds me of those welfare moms when payments don't go out. They freak the fuck out like the government owes them. They'll shamelessly go on the news and screech about how someone's gotta pay for they keeeids, without even realizing the irony of it. And it's sad that educated non niggers have taken a page out of their playbook without even a moment of reflection.
Back to Rwanda girlie
I'm so tired of these faggots thinking everyone has some birthright to come the the US, work, and be paid well.
I'm currently waiting on my work visa for the UK and its an annoying process.
Everyone has rules for coming into their country.
would she date me?
what a weird CV. What does the graph represent?
it's like she has allocated all her points to writing and maxed out that attribute so could only have basic photography skills.
Anyway, can anyone offer her a job, she's kinda cute
>be graduate from shithole country
>us of a is nice enough to give you a visa if you keep yourself to journalism
>lose journalist job
>expect to stay in the us of a
what the fuck is your thinking pattern
the usa has rules, she agreed to them, now that they're working against her, suddenly the rules need to change?
>VICE visa holder laid off
>SJW accounts call out employed white VICE journalists to check privilege
>must quit VICE so visa holders/POC can get jobs back or you are reinforcing systems of oppression
just a stray speculation on my part
Canada, Hepworth Ontario
Video accuses the "alt-right" of doing this, but the concept holds for the left:
"embedded deep into the story where the Toronto mayor said he did crack"
impressive, maybe she can do freelance stories about how willie nelson smokes pot?
you sure about that frenchie?
not mine, just sharing
She deserves to be employed indefinitely
why would you want to put yourself through that?
>what a weird CV. What does the graph represent?
pretty colors. that resume will never hit the desk of a man. women are like toddlers, overly fascinated by shiny things and pretty colors.
Amen user
but i thought america was a complete shit hole with no health care, people being shot, racist gangs of maga teens killing trannys and non-binary trans ecofeminist . why is she so upset she is going back to canada?
Does this mean their videos will become watchable again?
Fucking KEK!
why should journalism be valued in any way? its not like a 15 year old with Microsoft word, an internet connection and half a brain couldn't write an article about literally anything its just copying information and a story that happens thats why all these "major news networks" are laying people off because they are not skilled employees
Learn to code or become a camwhore.
>4 jobs in 2 years, could barely hold a job for 4 months until the 4th job
That’s gonna be a no for me dawg
remember when vice was alright?
Dear lord this poor girl could be deported to Toronto... do you guys have no heart?
What is this coding meme?
> deported to Canada.
Yes, it's cruel.
>People are not commodities that you can get rid of when you don't want them any more.
What a hilariously naive comment you've made
They clearly are under the present system, but is that the world we want? Seems great for VICE but bad for us.
Democracy literally can't work with out them dumbass
So basically Hell has an open borders, but Heaven has a strict immigration policy?
What if I told you she likes
>travelling and meeting new people. I also sail, run, do cross Stitch, cook
you are going to make her leave, but let everyone else in?
Someone should give her an entry level coding position and make white babies with her
American work is for Americans, faggot
you think journalists are valuable and/or skilled, lol retard
Seems like she had no problem finding work in Canada - why did she have to come here?
Basedboy and bluehaired feminist pseudo-journalist acting smug and telling people who lost or dont have jobs"learn to code". Recently buzzfeed and huffpost cut alot or these cunts because they are useless. And now /our guys/ on duty are telling these fags to learn to code. Bonus point is that coding is now a bluecollar job and that these asswipes journalist consider themselves higher than that. What a time to be alive bro
>how can laying off 5% of Vice's staff get any better?
I appreciate how far you go to cringy sport the commie flag while implying it as if we didn't already get the joke from the previous exchange.
Thank you, you redundant cunt.
She bet her citizenship on profiting from the countering disinformation and propaganda act and deserves to be deported based on her merit
It used to be that journalists were reliable and trustworthy and thus were valuable sources of information that might be hard to obtain in their absence.
Now they're just PC-obsessed and and agenda-driven. They don't provide information so much as propaganda so the entire industry is descending into tabloid status. One more American institution destroyed by progressivism.
So legal immigrants arent welcome either? Im right wing and educated. Also more pale than avg american.
Also more 'golian than the average American.
Wtf based Vice?
she is canadian she acts like they're sending her back to iraq but i thought america was a 3rd world nation compared to canada and europe
>Someone should give her an entry level coding position and make white babies with her
if it weren't for those cheese graters up front
learn to code
By far. Better be a mongol than a nigger.
>all these big companies virtue signaling and saying white man is evil only care about clickbait money and dont give a shit about people in general.
wow, what a fucking surprise
Oh no!
useful idiot crying on twatter..there will be more and more of those
Will we stop winning one day? I am quite tired of winning now guys
I imagine all the shit she's written for vice..and I just laugh at her despair
*breathes in*
On /v/ there was somewhat recently a gaming "journalist" who got caught red handed plagiarising a relatively unknown youtuber for his review of a game which of course he didn't play. After that came out people went back and found out it wasn't close to the first time.
Of course he played the victim. He played the fucking victim.
you've been losing for decades. It takes a very desperate person to enjoy torturing people who make like 60k a year writing clickbait because you have no real happiness in life and no way to hold people with actual power accountable
I just know there's a rainbow dildo on our desk
bye bye bye bye.
We have people here on Visas working for the media? The ride never ends...
>very well
>might have
this woman works at a media company but uses language so poorly. she deserves to be deported.
lol cry more. Making fun of people on twitter has exactly 0 (zero) effect on the quality of journalism published in places like Vice and Buzzfeed, you are just lashing out at anyone who appears weak. You want to bring everyone down to your level of constant misery