Why is she still single? 29 is really pushing it for a woman
Why is she still single? 29 is really pushing it for a woman
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Because she's fucking insane.
Fuck off memeflag shill
Also, she isn't
kys and sage
she's a tranny.
no one dudes with tits.
She can fuck anyone she wants no need to marry for that
Do you really want this to breed?
is she 16?
>Article designed to southernize US
What mindfuckery is this?
Who the fuck has no savings and works as a bartender with an economics degree? Who allows them into congress?
>got a degree
>ended up as a bartender anyway
I briefly dated a bartender once. They're not quality partners.
She has a "partner"
She has a white boyfriend. Girls like her worship white dick. She probably cheats on him with Proud Boys.
She's a stronk independent woman who don't need no man.
but all females are that.
Horses are sexier than her.
Being single in NYC is difficult
>that clown-red lipstick
>trying like a motherfucker to hide that holstine jawline
>that bare strip between her lips where she either missed or isn't used to not smiling like a horse
For an official photo too, fuck's sake.
Because she's a tranny
Bartenders, waitresses, and nurses are easy sluts no matter where you find them. Good for fucking, bad for relationships.
because she is an ugly obnoxious lying piece of shit thieving commie tranny, who the fuck could put up with that for more than a day, and she looks like she smells like low tide
Yeah. I'm with a mexican preschool teacher now. We take turns crossing the border to see each other. Worth it.
>she looks like she smells like low tide
Good luck to you, fren.
Is this a trap, and how often does Joe Rogan have "relations" with said trap?
>29 is really pushing it for a woman
Spotted the high schooler. People get married in their mid-late 30s now.
You want her to procreate.
Not a trap (narrow shoulders), but Toe Rogaine raises her niglet and preps her bulls like a good goy.
Harrison Clemens and Central Happenings Network are like the only good things to come out of Jow Forums since the meme war. /ourguys/
You don't know she's single. They want young voters to think she's single because it makes her more appealing and interesting. Also it creates a mystique about her sexuality.
Still a commie like AOC, supports Maduro, loves Chavez. Needs kids to get her not commie.
Oh well. I don't know who any of these people are anyway. Is it a tranny?
I just like making fun of commies.
Anybody past the age of 25 who identifies as commie (or even left wing at this point) needs to be shot. There's no hope for them.
I like to see them get stabbed with katanas.
She has a white soïboi boyfriend.
Most likely because she is an insufferable cunt.
>>Why is she still single?
She's not
Long term boyfriend Riley Roberts
Tall pasty white bearded ginger sociology major
head of marketing at HomeBinder.com, which helps people manage the maintenance on their homes.
For all her talk about evil whites, she has been conquered by a far white northern European penis
She is a traitor to her race
Instead of proudly going brown, she will whitewash her eggs
Riley is a girl's name.
hey Rabbi
Because it's illegal to fuck horses
Cure for communism: Get a job, go to church, learn to box or lift. Communism defeated.
She's stupid, annoying and a cum dumpster
what the fuck is wrong with her right ear?
Daily reminder that as a representative from New York she is fully in favor of their child killing 9 month abortion policy.
isn't that the hipster guy meme? I bet she pegs him
Don't mind me, just doing my part.
This is true.
This sign represents /pol. If course it wouldn't be gentle. And she wouldn't say stop.
she will be a crazy cat lady
There is no cure for communism.
No self respecting man would touch a disgusting roastie who has probably had over a dozen abortions
Yes there is.
That's not a cure, it's a solution.
she was made in a lab
Nice. Shills took the bait hard.
A meth lab?
Holy fuck she is rough as shit for 29. She looks 10 years older.
She’s a carpet muncher
>what mindfuckery is this
this is the truth
>29 is really pushing it for a woman
Spotted the high schooler. People get married in their mid-late 30s now.
she has such a huge masculine nose, how has no one noticed this yet
Democracy. Isn’t it great?
shes hot idk why u guys hate her shes white
only the mentally fucked
Her bf is literally a ginger soiboy. Getting married as shes building her anti-whitemale political career would be bad optics. Shes the democratic socialist version of Jeb and his goblina wife
True, but most females are also naturally lazy and without any kind of aspirations, so their craziness is usually balanced out by their dependency on men to survive. But, when you have women that think they can compete with men on any level, they really go off the deep end. Their mania peaks around 30 or right as they're hitting the wall and realize nobody wants them.
Old hag... maybe it’s a man?
because she is fucking ugly, donkey face and has a nose that shaped like a spade shovel. not to mention her psycho eyes
I bet she has a nice butt.
would let sit on my face reverse cowgirl wearing some puerto rico flag panties/10
Lol... what a stupid edgy look...
>AOC Shills at it again
Get over it you incels, she's never going to fuck you for trying to push this in Jow Forums.
I post his stuff on reddit and normie social media. Watching people explode over it is hilarious.
>hates being cisgendered
>smashing tumbleweed with a tranny
>that'll show them
why is this not know?
>Instead of proudly going brown, she will whitewash her eggs
Wrong, she's Jewish, so it's a bit more complicated than you are making it seem. Her kids will be Jewish mutts
Goddamn I wanna lick her asshole while she gets fucked by a huge cock