What would be a better name for the ALT RIGHT?

What would be a better name for the ALT RIGHT?

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jewish controlled op


The aut right

The right

Cuckservatives need not apply

the alt control delete

The United States Federal Government

sane left

Strawmen. It was practically just a label that MSM co-opted to generalize proactive Trump supporters and then a bunch of cringey r/the_donald fags latched onto it for a sense of belonging.

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>What would be a better name for the ALT RIGHT?

Stopped reading right there.


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>What would be a better name for the ALT RIGHT?

>What would be a better name for the ALT RIGHT?

>What would be a better name for the ALT RIGHT?

Because the alt-right doesn't actually care about saving the White race.

We don't even need a new label. We just need to destroy the term "alt right" and disown Richard Spencer, because he is dead weight, he is a boogeyman. Unless he somehow changes his public perception (lol, good luck) he will continue to weigh down any white liberation movement.

How about that...

White Liberation. Whitey's-Lib. W-Lib. WLM.

White People Movement. WPM.

Idenitarianism or ethno-nationalism. It’s not exclusively right-wing either, in many ways it has more left-wing ideas than the mainstream right, though always in service of the tribe.

More like Alt-GAY amirite?

There's already a name for all that. It's called White Nationalism.


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AUT(ism) Might

Scientific Right

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The alt right alt right alt right

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Fuck off with the optics debate.
go play with the irony bros balls if you wanna do that.

Moronic reactionaries
Useless homosexuals
to name a few.

Drop the Swastika and I won't talk to ya.

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National Socialism is the way forward.

Fat Americans who corrupt anything they touch even the purest ideology

the 3rd Reich?
is that how its spelled?
Hi, I am like, totally not trolling. Lel.

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>Surrendering to Natsoc
>Saved by America
oh yeah

The 3rd Position is a good name