OC thread - politics & religion Edition

Here's a little gift that was promised yesterday in another OC thread: Ironguard Christ-chan

OC thread, I guess.
>Post the OC you have produced until now
>Post the OC you would like to see done by another user if you are a photoshoplet
>MAKE new OC

From MSpaint to shoops, everything is fair game as long as the ovens keep burning jews and producing memes.


Attached: ironguard.jpg (1428x1000, 157K)

Other urls found in this thread:


PNG version without background

Attached: ironguard Christchan.png (800x1192, 473K)

God that kid doing it must be some morbidly obese 30yo loner weirdo.

posted there, thx bro


Attached: 1548829156826.png (415x416, 5K)

applying pacemaker to thread

Attached: Ceres_Kek.jpg (700x990, 225K)

Your oc is amazing. The Christ chan from yesterday was fucking perfect. Need more sexy and fascist Christ chan

This one?
I'd like to do a Tradcat militant Christ-chan, but I still need to dig some source material or make up a uniform with some sense into it.

If there's any request, I can deliver one piece with this level of detail by tuesday.

I'm not limited to Christ-chan, though. I don't want to become another Malayfag.

Attached: Christchan.png (700x797, 197K)

Hot as fuck, user!

Can you do a pregnant fascist Chris chan? I'm not to sure what else since I have a pretty shitty imagination

Paired with a pregnant Anne Frank. Sounds good?

Attached: blemmye abort.jpg (900x586, 175K)

Christ Chan breast feeding her daughter, as if the viewer of the picture was the father/husband. That would be a solid pro life message.

Sounds very good, haven't had pregnant confederate Ann frank oc in a while
Also what this guy said, wholesome fascist Christ chan feeding her baby with another on the way commenting to the viewer as the father

>Making people draw your shitty fetishes based on your political beliefs
holy shit this is pathetic

Attached: 1542649570468.png (370x320, 69K)

You're doing God's work by drawing Christ-chan, but don't lewd her; she's a symbol of hope and virtue and should never be fap fodder.

Attached: 1547666578514.jpg (3130x2070, 2.55M)

user I love you, keep making more cute/fun OC.
Pic related should be (You).
This, make preggo christ-chan but not lewd.

Attached: 1521488179721.jpg (1280x922, 340K)

as long as it's not the Umaru version (pic related) I'm on it.
What about a situational caption. What's the most wholesome phrase that comes in mind?

As I said, one for tuesday for now

do you know where you are? :3

Attached: 1531557441377.png (500x706, 219K)

Based and Legionpilled

Attached: based.png (542x790, 154K)


Attached: 1548486436480.jpg (640x640, 39K)

Attached: FLATEARTHBTFOOC.png (1920x1200, 1.52M)

Iron Guard and Legionaries should unironically make a comeback, given that this cucked Pope was once part of it but sold out because of pressure, when he was younger (look up "guardia de hierro"-Pope Francis)

Even if it was just for show, it would be a nice way to scare off the degeneration and progressiveness from the catholic church.

>lewding Christ chan
Absolutely unacceptable.

Attached: christchanunholy.jpg (1008x1200, 133K)

Christ Chan looks up and her husband (read: the viewer of the picture,) with dreamy eyes while her infant daughter nurses at her left breast. She is at home relaxing in a warm room with a dress on but is topless. A wedding ring can be seen on her left ring finger.

The Caption reads: Choose Family. Choose Life!

Codreanu is like a chad transcendent Hitler. He's awesome.

Attached: swamps-of-our-sins.jpg (747x275, 25K)

I don't think catholics reproduce by mitosis, user.
And breastfeeding in a home environment seems pretty safe as a concept

Like it.

was reading through his material before doing that piece. Is there any other tangential literature about Legionarism?

I like your rendition of chritstchan, looks very clean and captures lots of details of her.
Very good setting user. Maybe add something coming from Christ chan herself like" our daughter has your beautiful blue eyes, i hope she marries a man like you that cares about his race."

draw an image of a big milker jewish in a IDF uniform girl with a talmud in her hand and a hammer and sickle in the other hand raping a young white man in a brownshirts uniform with a lgbt strap-on
her shirt should read "G-d's Chosen Slut" and she should be saying "Take that you filthy goy" or something

It was my turb

Attached: cuntloser.png (1206x704, 197K)

also make the young white brownshirt crying while getting raped by the jewish girl and saying "B-b-but I'm the master-race, k-kike"

slots taken for this week. Make up some OC yourself or wait for an user to pick up your torch

So, if Christ-chan has blue eyes, the daughter has green ones or another variation of a cold color?

Attached: 1526723666346.jpg (720x711, 34K)

oc flag

Attached: customflag5.png (1399x775, 89K)

I guess whatever color looks good as long as it's a nice white person color

More christ chan!

Attached: christchandeusvult.png (402x537, 12K)

good shit, my dude. you got a stockpile of your art somewhere?

Attached: unknown.png (547x593, 357K)

Attached: 1548729319397.jpg (680x979, 111K)

that was just a troll, but can I actually ask you some tips for drawing on PC?
i'm good drawer irl but I can't transfer these skills to PC, I can do simple stuff like flags but not drawings, any tips and what (free) programs would you recommend are best for creating OC?
pretty good but black pixels ruin it kinda, use guassian blur at 1.0 or 0.5 to make the flag look smoother

I'm just pitching ideas to the artist. I am not a drawer. I like the direction you are taking the idea.

When does she go full Joan de Arc and become wrathchan

Shoulda just started a fash thread there fren

Attached: 3AFDA306-D4D5-4115-8D82-629D28601618.png (490x881, 103K)

this one was from another satirical drawfag, in black and white with a negative accent
Color and a little bit of Shadman blush can reverse that easily


got it

some here, some there. I like being an user drawfag and do whatever I -want- to do.
Something on /cyb/ (mlpol), something on /monster/ (infinitychan)
I like it sparse, it's a way better feeling to see it pop up randomly.

Attached: Saldolf.png (720x794, 229K)

not really political but Jow Forums coat of arms I was working on

Attached: 4chancoa.png (800x864, 404K)


Attached: 1548976870114.jpg (600x600, 112K)

I like flag making, its a good output for nationalist creativity.

Attached: HeartofOakWreath3.png (1280x768, 196K)

Patrician art my dude.
There are crusader versions of Christ-chan.

Attached: Christ-chan.png (480x640, 226K)

really nice, good aesthetics, I'd do a low Gaussian blur to smoothen it out slightly but pretty gud


Attached: waifus_im_wandel_der_zeit.jpg (846x600, 186K)


depends on what you want to use. Mouse, hand-drawn or graphic tablet.
my advice is: keep the lines clear. Use illustrator and autotracing to clean them up and add color in PS.
Coloring and shading is easy, two layers (base and shade) can suffice if your style is simple.

Tutorials are out there by the dozens for every taste and style, start digging.

the spirit of Yotsuba lives on!

Attached: 1538173456925.jpg (386x332, 65K)

2B in a nazi outfit please lord

Attached: 1548969674505.jpg (1575x2100, 1.35M)

An old-style freebooter? I approve, roving artists make the best stuff. The only reason I was asking for a stockpile is that I wanted to see more of Mama Ceres.

Attached: HUNGARY_BEST.jpg (688x478, 104K)

>old-style freebooter

Encountered one once. Was totally worth it!

Attached: to_be_or_rather_not.png (500x500, 44K)

Yeah, the wreath was low poly as shit, need to find a higher quality version. I want to try my hand at a cleaner version of the ethnonat flag.
>pic related

Attached: 1542249047595.jpg (1848x1200, 517K)

why am I not surprised a fucking austrian shows up with a hitler picture

Attached: BIG_KEK.jpg (500x500, 25K)

Ceres was a lone piece drawn for that general that appeared on Jow Forums for some weeks before getting Shoah'ed. "go green general", or /ggg/

The plan was to go full ecofascist terror group and bombard nigger neighborhoods with kudzu and invasive plant seeds

Attached: ggg.png (1561x1240, 395K)

>yfw you grow a jungle around negroes so they can feel right at home

you are awfully nice, bianchi

I always wonder who does the drawings for Christ chan. I don't necessarily approve because it's propaganda, but it is interesting and this is real nice artwork.

What software do you use, user? I've been looking for this kind of aesthetic myself and I like this style a lot. Are they vectorised or rasters?

Nothing wrong with propaganda if it's for a good cause like Christianity, race realism, and fascism

Here is a silly suggestion if you want to branch out into Cat Girls.

The Cat Girl Chorus performs "Howls For Love!" Which is a lot like a normal chorus except in this version, the cat girls howl until they are petted with at least two hands. (And they do expect more love than that.) Another popular song they do is called "We Love You So Much We Could Just Eat You Up." Indeed, sometimes predator girls do eat the ones they love and anything else they can get their hands on.

How the scene might look: A Christmas concert is being performed by 30 Cat Girls who are dressed with Santa Hats and Green/Red outfits. They have memorized their selections for the evening so they have no need for sheet music. The audience is a mix of full humans and Cat People.

What ...

Attached: what_you_say.gif (499x281, 87K)

You don't want to know.
The saga of Malayfag is one of the annoying chapters of Jow Forums's history. Even though she was born in shit, the character of Christ-chan remained and entered in the Olympus of chan-made -tans

Adobe suite CS6, PS and Illustrator, nothing more.
It goes like: scan drawing -> clean in PS -> vectorialize in Illustrator -> export to photoshop as a smart object and color there. The result is a way cleaner raster for the lines, and scalable resolution because the smart object is still a vector.

nice, but off-topic
>sometimes predator girls do eat the ones
no vorefagging. Been there once. Never again, I'm scarred.

Off to eat something. Hope to see the thread still going with new OC in the meantime.

Ah I had an inkling it was going to be those, I'll have to buy the package and try that out. Thank you, been looking for suitable stuff for comic art specifically for a while now.

Do flat earthers not realize that you can't see polaris from down under?

Attached: Europa14.png (948x1152, 2.76M)

it could easily be done
in case you don't know, use the GDR coat of arms for a base of the emblem
also are you gonna including the text?

Heil O'Duffy!

I want more cute militarist girls

Attached: 879625.png (1920x1353, 2.59M)

Perfect, I love your work, if your looking for inspiration, I would love to see a Teutonic Knight Chris-Chan. Especially if it’s as the knight in the bottom left who is praying (but without the drowning).

Attached: 59FE08AF-8300-4642-BD2F-1B2D3BAA1A5E.jpg (1280x1755, 546K)

Thanks for the link, mate. I wasnt going to, no. It fits the boards, but its nice having flags that can be used further afield.
Anyone got more stuff like pic related lying around?

Attached: 1536240651057 - Copy.jpg (796x1024, 215K)

very true brit bong this shit is just sad

Attached: 1548512266240.png (640x880, 540K)

You have to be retarded to think the earth is flat. Which is why a made a retarded way of explaining its not.

like this?

Attached: mary.jpg (679x960, 115K)

might take a while, I'm finishing up some stuff already (pic related), plus the Marian pro-life Christ-chan.

If I'll draw anything on-topic I'll make sure to post it where, and when, it makes sense to.

Attached: latest.jpg (2976x3968, 2.13M)

Good shit man!

Attached: 1503582066394.png (1061x800, 382K)

Sisters of battle? Nice, they were my favorite army to play in dawn of war soulstorm. I hope their new codex does them right.
I still cry over the Black Templars losing their codex status though.

Attached: A018214E-11B3-4F55-B68B-43B552D5DB0A.jpg (960x540, 53K)

Do you browse /ic/ at all?

Truth be told, I opened it for the first time just now, after years and years of browsing here

Attached: laugh.jpg (500x254, 77K)

>was reading through his material before doing that piece. Is there any other tangential literature about Legionarism?
I believe he had a couple of books written while he was in prison. For My Legionaries is what I think one of his works is called, but I know he has more. Not a fan of most forms of Fascism but I really respect Codreanu and Evola.

Absolutely based pizza bro.

I don't browse all that often but it's an interesting and often useful board.

100% OC

Attached: when a thread sucks.png (800x600, 85K)

A cute. Saved.

based and MSpaint-pilled
how can I ever recover

I guess you'll get arrested if you believe otherwise huh?

Don't know if it contributes to the thread but I love this poster and I think you will too.

Attached: ww1.28.jpg (2295x2396, 466K)

How rude


Attached: 1547445050370.png (1280x720, 669K)