Facesofsuicide photos. How do you think each one did it?

Facesofsuicide photos. How do you think each one did it?

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They had a nigger kill them

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>t. incel


Hahahah you failure

I can't even get a dead girl...

Which one did you want?

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Any will do, but if I could choose it should probably be 3.


Rejected by a dead girl and Jow Forums, this is an all time low.

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probably pills, hanging/asphyxiation, or cutting wrists


Death by toll.

They hung themselves. I knew Stacy, I’m from Pocatello. This is Dave.


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Once is misfortune. Twice is the universe telling you something.

Its impossible to not be on the internet now

Two plox

1 hanged herself
2 took pills
3 took pills
4 unknown
5 shot herself
6 pills
7 jumped off balcony naked
8 pills