Facesofsuicide photos. How do you think each one did it?
Facesofsuicide photos. How do you think each one did it?
Ryder Miller
Michael Wood
They had a nigger kill them
Christopher Reyes
>t. incel
Josiah Walker
Aaron Jackson
Hahahah you failure
Oliver Parker
I can't even get a dead girl...
Gavin Bell
Which one did you want?
Ethan Taylor
Thomas Parker
Aiden Gray
Dylan Foster
Any will do, but if I could choose it should probably be 3.
Anthony Bennett
Camden Perez
Rejected by a dead girl and Jow Forums, this is an all time low.
Easton Allen
Owen Russell
Elijah Scott
probably pills, hanging/asphyxiation, or cutting wrists
William Robinson
Parker Evans
Death by toll.
Jeremiah Johnson
They hung themselves. I knew Stacy, I’m from Pocatello. This is Dave.
Joshua Parker
Eli Harris
Isaiah Hill
Once is misfortune. Twice is the universe telling you something.
Camden King
Its impossible to not be on the internet now
Camden Myers
Two plox
Mason Edwards
1 hanged herself
2 took pills
3 took pills
4 unknown
5 shot herself
6 pills
7 jumped off balcony naked
8 pills