How many Canadians here HATE Canada?

Hating your own country is called treason everywhere else. Is Canada the same?

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I don’t hate you. I’d like to falcon punch a few Canadians that post here, but in person Canadians are ok.

They give Canada a bad name.
They don't know their heritage so they figure we have none.

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If you don't hate Canada, you don't love Canada

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We are okay people. Just cucked beyond belief and very spread apart to do anything.

Canada sucks. Has for quite some time. Western Canada Concept now, please.

The amount of JUST that I experience on a daily basis living in Ontario is almost debilitating.

Im a canadian born chinese and I hate canada for being so cucked to allow the place to become new asia.

The only identity in this country is a crappy coffee chain and fucking hockey. It's a blue pilled to the max SJW paradise. The best part is Canadians are so smug and think they're superior to the United States all thanks to the non stop tax payer funded cultural marxist CBC.

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Country is full of low test high estrogen fags and they all fucking love immigrants. Vote peoples party of canada and lets burn this mother fucker down

Late 90s wrestling was so fucking incredible as a live performance. The fans were so passionate. Now the few basedboys and feminists that actually show up to the shows just live tweet the whole time and can’t clap for the wrestlers because of the phones in their hands. Pro wrestling is dead in North America

That jackass' dad made the Canadian identity "do the opposite of what America does"

40 year old leaf here

I pretty much hate this country and could not give a shit less about my fellow citizen

This is why I laughed when the van attack happened, I do take joy knowing that at least one of the victims probably hated Trump and voted Trudeau haha.

NWO VS WWF era was incredible, best era ever

Timmies definitely went down the shitter when the Americans took it over. Who the fuck would ever want chicken strips from Tim Hortons?

The PPC really need to advertise more or something because other than the news that Mad Max broke off from the conservatives I haven’t really seen any ads on (((TV))). But I guess it’s not voting season yet

Based HBK.


I just want Torontofags to leave my cozy Maritime city. Fucking cancer.

Will anyone else ever draw as much nuclear heat as HBK did here?

Broke bitches cant live without money from the west. Dont want us there, dont take our money, fag

Your whole identity revolves around "We're not America! See, we're doing something that they don't do or don't like!"

Oh yeah, thank you for your charity of buying our houses when you can't afford some $2mln shack because you let Chang go wild on speculative real estate. Truly /ourguy/.

We have parts of the country that are distinct from that identity, just like how you have the deep south/Hawaii/PR

I hate it so much. Demographic replacement will doom us all

Canada is not a Country. It's a corporation.

just post in store prices already no loss leaders

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Canada LTD. For all your “We’re not America!” Needs

Weather sucks
Food sucks
Politics suck
The people suck
Weather sucks
Weather sucks
Weather sucks

>hurrr durr we still get summer eh?
3 months of the was freezing till May last year, followed by incredible heat, now back to a shit ton of snow.
Fuck this place simply on climate alone.

It's also over priced in every way compared to the USA
Less choices in all things compared to USA

>Leafnigger has no idea how taxes work
>doesnt know about equalization
>doesn't realize he's broke
>no employment

I hate Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver. The rest of Canada is fine. Quebec City is based af.

>Food sucks

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Fucking lebs in this city were running a monopoly on shawarma for the longest time. Some shit lettuce wrap with bits of chicken for $10. Fortunately some new ones are breaking the cycle and I can get a good one for $5.50.

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do you live in Thunder Bay? Sure sounds like it.

I love the land, but hate the government and can't stand the jews that run the legal system

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Hate our government, but love our country.

>has no idea how taxes work
>user lives in the most taxed province with the lowest incomes
>get pic related as your reward

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Just vote to be annexed by the USA lol

>INB4 bawwing over seals

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Aside from PR, which is hardly integrated into America, the entirety of the US has funny accents in certain areas and a few good recipes at most. It's the same derivative, no matter whether you're in the countryside or in the city, you'll fall into one of a few specific cultural zones based around population density, not geographic location.

i only recently started to hate canada. its not even the politics, its the people.

completely fake and dillusional compared to americans. its like every canadian was born from a pot and grows only to fill the pot and die in it. they never expand beyond. they are all backstabbers

I’m a western separatist so from my point of view not hating Canada is treason to the west

You’re not the west torontofag and your degenerate city would be in the shitter without money from BC and Alberta

An old saying:

In the US the people hate the government.
In Canada the government hates the people.

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>the rest of Canada is fine

You forgot Calgary it’s just as degenerate as the other cities

At least they have a country


I live in BC and it's full of asians and indians. My parents are indian immigrants, from the 70's, a time when canada wasnt full of asians. They hate this situation as much as I do, they came to Canada to be away from ethnic indians/asians, now it's the same shit

Fuck trudeau for making it easier to immigrate. The immigration laws used to be much more strict, now they let just about anybody in

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fake country with:
cucked frogs
coward queen suckers
imported alcoholic Irish
then more and more chinks and mudslims.

REDmonton is worse than Calgary.
Change my mind.

I hate what we are becoming

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Canada is filled with a bunch of cucked faggots.

Buttertarts are good. Im sure you can get them in America

I hate salmon

Poutine is whatever. It's pretty ghetto desu

Sheppards pie....I think most anglo countries have that...

Flipper pie?? Never tried it.

4 mind is much tasty foodssss omggggzzzzz *soiboi open mouth face*

fur corpo from the 1700s and deported whores whores aint something to build up on from the start.
we need something new and not cucked

>I hate salmon

The sikh ''allowed'' to not wear helmets on motorbike is so damn funny

I'm not posting shit to change your mind. I know you're going to be a contrarian fuckwit either way.

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At least the whitey hates the prarienigger

what does "git" mean??
Yes, I hate salmon.
>Everyone has to like what I like

It means GIT.

I think r/canada is better suited for you, buddy.

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There's more people hating on canada in this thread, than not.....
Seems like it's the popular opinion in this thread. Nothing contrarian about me.

I hate my country, I hate my flag, amd the majority of the people in my country for their cowardice and ease to go with the flow, but i dont like to hate... I really dont, I lament it, and it is a detestable tragedy. Not treason. I have an offical portrait of the queen over my desk and a real ensign in the corner.
All it does is fill me with dread; that the only chance our dominon had is gone and there is only uncertainty and horror ahead...
Enoch Powell kind of gives me hope but i think the canadian people have become too saturated and the media to innundated with weakness and "acceptance"

Not gonna argue there I’ve never been to Edmonton. Add them both to the list of degenerate cities

No city is without degeneracy

That's one quote i can get behind

I don't speak inbred......

Why did you post a selfie? Too show your whiteness?

Tim's is Brazilian now.

Yeah and you were the first fucking wave of bullshit. BC used to have a whites only immigration policy until the feds took control of all immigration

get out

You're dumb, I'm not going to listen to you.

Ça veut dire DÉCALISS, 'sti d'cave.

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no you

I used to really like Canada when they were white

Fuck you, nigger. My family are United Empire Loyalists. The Maple Leaf Forever, faggot!

Just leave.

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based and hydromiel-pilled

canada is no longer a real country. it died a long time ago.

loyalist should be hung for their crimes


n-no you

Is that your dad? No wonder you're such a faggot

i hate this place, the people here have never progressed past the naive teenager phase and think that no matter what happens in our countey everything will stay the same

Fuck yeah, bud. Mead is fucking delicious.
I really like the ciders coming out of Ontario these days, too.

Can't wait to reinstate the monarchy. ;^)

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My dad is Terry Fox you prick, show some respect.

I hate 'official' Canada.

I don't hate the land or the majority of the people, but we have a govenment and elite who have developed a state ideology I am worried about. I don't want my govenment in the business of enforcing an ideology from the top down in principle... and this ideology in particular is cancer.

I am starting to lose hope, because when the govenment controls education and many of the outlets for information we get an indoctrinated population. I guess there is always some form of state ideology, but this one is not working for me and I don't think it can be changed any longer. The demographics don't allow for it.

That said, when I look around, I see almost everyone is in thier own strange predicament in thier own ways, so we have a major problem on our hands now.

I'm very pessimistic.

used to like canada, now its like sweden. used to be good. now its just trash.

Why the CIA never derailed P.E.Trudeau's VIA Rail train is beyond me, that communist should have never seen the inside of the Parliament Building.

Not Americans bud, it is a Brazilian financial group (3G Capital, 51% voting shares ownership) that controls Tim Hortons, Popeyes, & Burger King through Restaurant Brands International.

The PPC is still in fund raising & candidate search mode. You'll see them getting ads out once the election date is called.

worse than that my friend. sometimes I feel like I'm not only the white male conservative in Toronto but the only white man. go visit any campus in the GTA. white men are outnumbered 100 to 1

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How's the next election gonna turn out Jow Forums?

I want to know what it's like to eat cheap fast food and have tons of choices with huge portions.
Or be able to buy lots of food for a decent price.

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>visiting Toronto for the first time this month
What could possibly go wrong?

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I don't hate Canada, I hate what the communists have done to her.

Odds are, CPC minority. Expect to have roughly one election per year for a while.