Dad always said we were purley Irish

>dad always said we were purley Irish
>Assume it's "muh heritage" bs and that if anything we are like a quarter max
>Take DNA test because why not
>Get results
>Literally more pure then 99% of the earth
>Bet you guys can't say the same

Turns out dad was right

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Other urls found in this thread:

There's more people in the US who identify as Irish than in Ireland. You are all plastic Paddy's though. Nice results anyway


You do know ancestry dna is the least accurate out of all dna tests?

This is 23andme

>largest database (measure of accuracy and robustness)
>Can tie you to a local region (measure of accuracy)
>Most consistent results between identical twins (measure of precision)

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“Ireland, United Kingdom”
You are not pure Irish, you are both Irish and English or Scottish.

Literally no Irish are pure Irish by that definition.

I’m sure there are some.

>getting so triggered by others making fun of your potential genetic history that you voluntarily pay to give your DNA to an organization that cooperates with the FBI/NSA freely.

Well you're smart enough to be Irish, that's for sure.

Most people with British heritage show at least traces of French/German and Scandinavian DNA on these tests

They're all migrants from central europe at some point.

It should be a bannable offense to post your literal DNA analysis on Jow Forums of all places.

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Nice pure blood. I’m 90% white. Just made the cut for the ethnostate, thankfully

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Yes goys, give us your DNA.

Attached: JOANFAT.jpg (660x531, 287K)

The system got him in the end

and most Irish show British heritage on these things. People from the the Home Nations are pretty mixed and there is admixture from other groups. Dublin is kinda founded by Vikings

A list of percentage estimates of ethnicity is not personally identifying in any way.

Lmfao that’s 23andme format good try retard

Probably because Ireland was basically depopulated with migration during the famine.

I'm 6% jewish and ever since I found that out I've been using it to redpill people by explaining any negative trait as an aspect of jewish superiority. You can never convince liberals to hate nonwhite others, but you can ALWAYS get them to hate you.

Yech, I bet you look like those 19th century political cartoons

Both of my haplogroups are Germanic
Paternal : R-l48
Maternal: I2

Attached: BCBED55A-3F0F-45AA-8A1A-BAEE55B8E5B9.jpg (749x708, 71K)

I have dark brown curly hair and dark brown eyes

Both Ancestry and 23andMe me recurved large comprehensive overhauls to DNA results recently actually. They are no more accurate than before.

23and me is mossad tier

Italian here.

Whiter than you op, you shitskin nigger.

Attached: armm.jpg (2592x1936, 1.16M)

It's literally an analysis. The resolution of accuracy is pretty damn close with our modern methods. The founder of 23andMe is the CEO of YouTube, which was bought out by Google long ago.

You post on Jow Forums using the JS CAPTCHA, presumably with the tracking cookie unblocked.

Summery: Google knows your literal genetic makeup and your political opinions. You feed the beast, pay for it, then brag about your results like a teenager who received a good grade at school to their parents, encouraging others to do the same. You should be beaten to a pulp.

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I too am a fellow white!

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How about no


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>tfw 0.1% sub-Saharan African

>Irish and UK

It pretty much is
It’s mostly found in Iceland and Northern Scotland and Ireland

Attached: 5FB63E80-F3F7-443A-AE2D-F4D4EF569085.jpg (750x859, 59K)

>Google knows your literal genetic makeup and your political opinions. You feed the beast
This is the only reason I haven’t done one desu. I’ll just settle for being a mutt, fuck it.

>giving the Jew your DNA
Congrats on your ancestry OP, but you fucked up.

Attached: Screenshot 2019-02-03 13.08.49.png (731x443, 318K)

The Ashkenazi kikes are actually convinced there is such a thing as an "Ashkenazi Jew" ethnicity.
I laugh at Ben Shapiro when he claims to be "100% Ashkenazi".

Go back to Africa shitskin

Thanks. I work at FBI branch in the EU. Your DNA sample will be very useful for us.

I used a fake name. How could the government pinpoint it to me?

Why is it always Americans...
Research your family tree and be happy with that.

Seem to have somewhat of a high frequency in North Africa too, for some reason.

Released comprehensive updates, now more accurate than before****

The DNA tests struggle to differentiate between British and Irish ancestry because you're all so mixed together. Does that make you feel dirty, Nigel?

One drop rule

You dirty potato

Ye, more purely Celt people will have a result similar to OP’s

You don't have to settle. Just don't do it now. Postpone it for when accurate home analysis kits become available, or a company you can trust will provide the service. You have a lifetime to unearth this admittedly very interesting data, your genetic makeup isn't going anywhere, there's no rush.

Did you use a fake address?

>unsourced map

I haplogroup is mostly found in the balkans and med regions. It is believed to be the old european haplogroup. Old europeans are not germanic.

Fucking forgot picture I was laughing so hard

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As I expected, most White Americans are bongs. I'm willing to bet that most American whites are more British than actual Brits from London are bwahahaha

Some Mummies in Egypt were found to be I2

>seeing you DNA info to kikes who sell it to the government
You must be retarded.


One drop rule

You get rope

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>>Take DNA test because why not

Jesus Christ, I can tell you're an incel just from your arm. KYS.

Y and M I2 are totally different

my dad told me that race doesnt matter

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I can't wait to pay to have my DNA indexed too!

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95% chance those organizations already have your DNA dude. Even if not yours, then definitely your family members. And it would be extremely easy to get someone’s that they didn’t already have.

Most people in the US are born in hospitals. The FBI can easily link your DNA to your social security number before you’re even old enough to talk based on this visit alone.

Its still not a germanic haplogroup. Nothing even close to Germanics existed when I2 became a thing.

which is why redpilled parents will their children never allow to be born in the hospital

user gets it

I'm sorry you're a subhuman.


Whiter then anyone here

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And I can tell you're a nigger that's not as white as me.

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why does it say French&German? as if they were the same. one is celtic one is germanic. totally different races. this site sucks

IDK. I know for a fact my ancestors are from France

as expected

Attached: me04_portugal_23_an4nb55-03vc02.png (949x800, 152K)

> 0.6% Italian

Sorry it looks like you're a nigger. Dont post here again

98 Irish here 1 percent Scottish. Beat that fuckers
Celtic as fuck

Even then, a medical license, military, or government job will require a lot of your info and at minimum some recorded fingerprints.
You might as well go live in the woods if you're that paranoid.

> Irish
> Pure

You make this too easy, McKinley

Don't mind me, just praying for your painfully slow death from lung cancer as usual.

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but you sound like any other nigger in the US and eat fried chicken.

Looks like one of your ancestors got Roman'd.

Impressive that you escaped the scandi rape squads.

>0.6% italian

Attached: Jgn6.jpg (400x344, 32K)

Show your flag you piece of midwest inbred shit.

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Now taking applications to call me a nigger

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Pretty much the same here. We don't look the way I'd expect Irish to look and every other white person here claims it. But cockels and mussels and cirrhosis alive-O! Almost totally Irish! Except the heavy helping of neanderthal. Although that might be the same thing depending on who you ask. Sorry for doubting you, Dad.

Well that foot is impossible to fap too

Lift weights pusst

because i'm a boy and also italian and italians aren't white.

Am I white enough Jow Forums?

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Mmm bet you have quite a large twink cock

>these are the people who call you a nigger

Attached: 2b2.gif (480x228, 263K)

its 5 inches

good on u
my family(9th gen American) came to America because they hated their government; ironically, my 'family' decided to act. just. like. their fucking government that they hated -- they don't deserve to be remembered & i disown them, & my surname; trash gets discarded

Attached: AncestryDNA.png (1830x852, 196K)

Over 200,000 came in 1849 alone.

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You are all mutts.

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Sending my dna to a corporation? Yeah I'll get right on that.



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Am I pure OP

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Now watch as r/ireland try to claim we're all african....

Ethnostate enforces the one drop rule. Sorry user