Does the world really get destroyed every 12,000 years?

do the poles switch? is that why the elites are keeping us distracted with media and chemtrails, so we do not prepare?

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You can't prepare. There aren't enough caves

No. There's no correlation between pole switches and anything else of significance. No major die-offs of species, no major geological events, literally nothing from the evidence we can actually see.
It might screw with our electronics somewhat, and could fry some satellites (I think the radiation belts might shift, exposing new regions of earth's orbit), but satellites are not a particularly critical part of our infrastructure right now. The worst part would be the loss of good GPS.

I've been researching this on and off for 20 years. I believe it has happened and will happen again. There's too much physical, archaeological, and mythical (religious and oral) traditions across the whole planet that reiterates the same story. Honestly surviving this (even in a deep bunker) is unlikely. The sun will micro nova setting off a chain of events that will undo all of civilization. It's not just the poles switching. Suspicious Observers has a really in depth series of videos on youtube if you wanna know more.

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bumping for interest.

i am considering building a bunker, complete with edison batteries that never wear out and a steam engine to produce electricity(it is much easier to make fuel and parts for a steam engine than a ICE engine of any kind) so i can survive and have a cache of modern tech while the rest of humanity are living in the stone age. i have also been working on putting edison batteries in an electric car so i could still drive. how much time do i have?

The issue with bunkers is the massive global earthquake that is supposed to accompany all of this. I agree though it is a good idea to have a skillset for a post catastrophe world (if it happens in our lifetime and is survived). I've read in a few esoteric books that Noah's Ark wasn't a boat, rather it was a small sliver of land that survived the catastrophe relatively unscathed. It's finding these safe zones that is the key. Where they are I don't know. I think the world war comes first before all this anyways. Then (or possibly right before the war) a strange star appears...or some sort of celestial event (possibly a comet). I'm just going by what I've read.

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As I see it the myth of the great flood was one of this events and i think that it happen regularly all 12000 year's because the Earth is slipping in the process of the Präzision more than normal and this lead to an drastic meltdown in a short amount of time , on north and south pole.

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Its not a pole switch that kills things off. Its the micronova that the pole shift is a warning of.

a reinforced bunker in an area with no seismic activity(midwest USA) might survive. im more concerned with preserving guns, vehicles, computers, etc. so i will have an advantage over the cavemen when hunting for food and resources. while the rest of humanity, save for the elites, have spears and stone hatchets i will have a humvee and machine guns. its ok if the bunker takes a beating as long as me and my stuff survive.

micronova? so an emp proof faraday cage for the electronics cache is an absolute must?

Good luck. Make sure it's all shielded from any EMP's. I expect something far greater in magnitude than the Carrington event.

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whats the best way to make a faraday cage? will putting all the computers, tvs, radios, etc. in yeti coolers and wrapping them in tinfoil work? or will the underground bunker itself provide enough shielding?

2000 years tops. The Bible chronology is full of shit. Jesus and the Romans were around closer to the Renaissance. All the degenerates and freaks will never escape this place. Based God!

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The one place that is somewhat safe is under the sea. That is where the fish head Catholic cult comes from. They hide from God's wrath.

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it sounds legit, if the government is scared and the cia studies bible stories you know its serious.

Egypt is the safe zone.

I have read a lot of Bibel Storys , myths from old cultures and from archeological evidences from pre ancient civilizations, and there is a pattern that repeat itself over and over again, but I could not figure it out what's the reason for this events

7/10 of humanity will not survive

Looks that way... alot of nuclear war preparation goes hand and hand for the Nova.

That's at least what i have figured out. The only unknown i have at the moment is how to shield from the loss of earths magnetic field.

Is a Faraday cage good enough, or do we need to be able to form and sustain a small magnetic field around ourselves to block out deep space radiation.

im going to be one of the few who do. what will the world look like after the danger has passed and i leave the bunker? how hard will it be to hunt food or find a woman to mate with?

You need a lot of vitamin D3 and you have to live under the Earth for 4 year's, don't forget book's, toilet paper

theres gonna be a shit ton of heat produced from the mini nova so you need a bunker or a submarine, otherwise you will be cooked alive.

four years, holy shit! how the fuck can i produce electricity and food for that long? i can build a well inside the bunker but food and coal for the steam plant is a massive problem

>but satellites are not a particularly critical part of our infrastructure right now.

Think in this way, if you survive and mate your DNA will be part of the new Civilization and you can be one of the founding fathers in the myth of this new society and maybe you can build a more just world for your descendants

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yes, the 12k anniversary is 34 days away

no, this will be the first time
so kek hath said, so let it be done

Food: insects seaweed etc think creative
Electric: tricky I don't have a perfect solution , if you have enough metal of different sorts etc.. you can create your own batteries (you know what i mean)


this. also i dont have to worry about being a chad, i can rape her with my ak 47 pointed at her head and keep her in my bunker.

And when you sleep she will kill you , genius

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im going with NiFe batteries since they dont wear out, ever. theyre expensive but worth it. steam is ideal because it doesnt need complex lubricants which will be impossible to replicate and the parts are easy to build. you can lubricate its bearings and cylinder walls with veggie oil or pig fat which is what they actually used to do in the 1800s. coal doesnt go bad like gasoline so i can keep several tons in a bunker for as long as i need.

Schizos are out in full force today. World isn't ending in our lifetime..unfortunately.

not if she is properly restrained.

shut up cianigger

Thanks mate, I have to read a lot about surviving im just an auditodact , i have for 5 minutes realized that this is real.

It can take year's before she kill you , I think it would be better when you try to be as human as possible, you must think in long term solutions, waht happen when you are sick?

Can't you just wrap the electronics in tinfoil?

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a hard reset sounds good

The last hard reset 12,500 years ago was due to a large asteroid. Nothing to do with natural resets on earth -- those typically happen around every 6000 years due to shifting tectonic plates.

youre welcome. i reccommend buying a manual lathe and milling machine so you can make this stuff. theres a reason why (((they))) discourage the trades.
whatever works i suppose.
yes, i think putting them in coolers and wrapping those in tinfoil is the best way to go, but i could be wrong. it absolutely has to be done right because computers wont be built again for thousands of years.
the poles are already stirring, so it could happen within our lifetime.
i agree.

What do you think how much time we have? My personal estimatens are between 5 and 10 year's (and in between WW3)

Quickest is your microwave (though not very grounded). A chicken wire box connected to a long rod buried deep into the ground is also an option. Copper is ideal but I'm sure other stuff will work fine. I'm pretty sure there are youtube videos that go into it better.

i have no idea, could be tomorrow, could be 200 years from now. but from seeing how crazy the world is today i would assume it will happen in a generation or two. i would prepare anyway for obvious reasons.

That is the "impactor" theory (Hancock etc...) and while it has happened the cyclical 12,500 year event is a separate incident and has been shown to have occurred at least 6 times already.

I've been thinking about getting some old reliable milspec computer, a few SSD's (they are more reliable then regular HDD iirc) and filling it up with lots of good shit and then just hiding it.

Could be good for kick starting civilisation again but they will also break down again.

aluminium have plenty of conductivity. I think wrapping your cellphone in tinfoil would work desu. Its easily tested anyway, just wrap some old in it and nuke it in the microwave for a few sec and see if it survives (outside obviously)

1980s computers are my reccomendation. a lot of them have no moving parts and use very little power. they are also built very well so they can last. look up pic related, the grid compass 1109. theyre extremely rare and pricey but they will last forever if you can find one and properly shield it with a faraday cage. it has bubble memory so there are no moving parts to worry about. nearly any 1980s computer is good though. the early portables/luggables are nice since they are self contained and easy to store and transport.

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also, yes having one modern rugged toughbook filled with entertainment is a good idea, those 4 years will be boring as shit.

>does the world really get destroyed every 12,000 years?
If you mean the human-built world, not the Earth itself... I hope so. We need to be put in our place.

Since the Arctic Circle is mostly water whenever the North Pole is there the water levels go down -- but whenever changes away from that every 10,000-14,000 years the sea levels rise drastically from the melted ice.

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Well for a large amount of electronics you would also want to truly ground it. Whence the long rod (about a meter long) buried deep into the ground. It provides a pulse path for the EMP to go to ground. Just connect your metal box or whatever container you have to a wire that is also connected to the metal rod (ideally copper).

lol reminds me of John Titor now.

Seems like the best place to move to in preparation of a great flood would be South America. Of which before was the home of the Mayans (makes sense)

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Woops nevermind read that wrong


the sea levels will fall. the mininova would boil off a large amount of water from the ocean.

The global finance system will start to meltdown this year that is more than safe, China and Russia gearing up for an new world domination, that's the reason while they poison our society with everything they have, also the jews know the time is up in the west that's why this fucker do there best to help the next domination, USA and Russia will have a standoff that's for sure, an transition of power was never peaceful.

And as i see it the sun behave very stange in the last year's (theme 11 year cycle and sunspots)

Also this strange behavior from the government's in Europe and America under Obama can't be just explained for economic reasons.

Tick tock tick tock

that happens a lot, what will trigger the sun microwaving the earth? how much time do i really have to build a bunker large enough to keep me safe from that?

I really don't know. The thing is in the more esoteric books I've read they talk of the double catastrophe. The Northern Hemisphere is tried in fire while the Southern is tried in water. This catastrophe cycle supposedly alternates between the hemispheres each time. Whereas during the last cycle the Northern Hemisphere was tried in water this time it will be tried in fire. Pic related is one such occult/ esoteric French sculpture that illustrates this catastrophe. At the top is the Globe, the Northern Hemisphere is inundated with fiery bolts while the Southern Hemisphere is surrounded with waves.

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A supposed "time traveler" that came back on a mission to find odd parts for some 80's era computer that they needed to fix in the future.

>Edgar casey future map

I think the big happening will happen in 2 or 3 year's

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Well the reason Greenland is not populated is due to the large amount of trapped gas. Perhaps a chain reaction with would do something. Another possibility is the tectonic plates moving for the switching of North Poles erupts Yellowstone destroying a lot of the Northern hemisphere.

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Geomagnetic reversals happen on average every 250K years. We're long over due as the last one was about 750K years ago.

BTW. The earth's magnetic field has declined measurably over the last century and the poles have been moving at an alarming rate.

The last one was 750K years ago. We know almost nothing about them. We don't even know how long they last. They might last a century. We could be without a magnetosphere for generations, which means everyone dies of cancer at an early age.

There's a theory about a galactic wave that comes around every 12k years but honestly it's anyone's guess as to what triggers the sun spazzing out. Either way I think these catastraphe's are a part of the reason why sun worship was all the rage at one point in time.

The 17, 18, 19, and 20 numbered tarot cards I think hold a clue as to the timing. They also correlate to Revelations and incidentally the 16th tarot card was the tower...which we have already passed assuming there is occult significance.

I think Greenland will become the new equator if a crustal displacement happens. Pretty sure any place that can erupt will erupt. The global earthquake seems to be a reoccurring theme in all least according to everything I have read.

Microwave oven is good if you're trying to shield from microwaves. Significantly shorter wavelengths and the microwave isn't going to be much good. X-rays will go right through that.

Would Antarctica be the best place to be with 2nd best being Africa you think

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I really wish I knew. I've looked at this for a long time but I honestly could never crack that part of the mystery. Antarctica isn't very seismically active but there are so many other variables in all this (assuming it happens).


There is a possibility that there is a large planet(or thing, w/e) that’s in a very elliptical orbit that swings by the inner solar system every 10+ thousand years. The proximity to earth causes tidal shifting that causes earthquakes, and disrupts the asteroid belt sending many into the inner solar system.

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Somebody can provide some data about the 12,000 year cycle? Any evidence?

Yeah I doubt it would work but if it's all you got and you wanna quickly throw your cellphone in it then who knows.

Well I'd say for the good of human species we make a base in Antarctica with a lot of 140+ IQ scientists to be doing random bs studies. That and attempting a sustainable space colony. More than likely Antarctic scientists may be the ones to repopulate the Earth. That and/or Africa as Africans have existed for at least 40,000 years

here's some info.

Guess we will see. I doubt I'll make it. Will be a cool death I guess.

>but satellites are not a particularly critical part of our infrastructure right now. The worst part would be the loss of good GPS.
So pretty much our entire commercial network? From planes to ships all depend on gps

>Nibiru confirmed

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it doesnt get destroyed. the glacial period is about 50-100k years on average. interglacial cycles are between 10-13k years on average

we have been in the interglacial cycle for 12000 years. its over, winter is coming

The "micronova" is a made up term to describe something that isn't really a nova but also doesn't have a proper name. The theory is that the sun ejects mass at periodic intervals without destroying itself like in a nova. So you get all of the fun of a massive solar flare in all directions with accompanying magnetic interface plus lumps of mass that could impact the earth. The earth catastrophe theory continues with a pole shift and the earth's crust abruptly being displaced. Ie, the crust slides around freely. However, momentum will keep the oceans and winds rotating as before effectively causing insane flooding and wind speeds.

You can't afford a shovel?

Bumping for an answer, because I'm a brainlet too.

Why not a pre 2002 tough book or an IBM 770 series?

Really strange you would bring this up just 1 year before this one ends.

Yes, it does. It's cyclical but in the end it's meaningless.

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birds evolved from dinosaurs right?
and birds use magnetic field as navigation?
well gee i wonder why all those dinosaurs ended up in tar pits
i think that every time there is a pole switch there is a mass extinction event

It has been increasing rapidly too. Esa are now not releasing the numbers.

If you think about it. It might not be a planet but a ship. It's the test of sentience everyone on Earth keeps failing over and over. Namely being able to colonize space before their minds are scrambled and enviro changed beyond management for them to pull it off. Ever few so years it swings by like reaper come to oversee the harvest then hack the top off.

If the Adam and Eve book predicts an ending of the world due to shifting poles in the released 57 pages... then what is contained in the ~200 unreleased pages. Probably places to go in case this occurs and they're building a secret society to preserve technology, etc.

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Why do you think that?

I'm just going to leave this here
tl:dr: CIA classified a book about how the world will face a massive catastrophe, and declassified a heavily redacted version

tl:dr: earth has been through some weird cycles
tl:dr: Sphinx is over 10k years old and academics are completely unwilling to consider anything that goes against their own consensus

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There's a video of a guy who supposedly has a signed copy of the full book. Here ya go.

I haven't watched it as I find that guy pretty annoying. I'll try to power through it someday though.

Conscious polarity on Earth flips from evil to good, it does so every so often from one to the other

Back in the old days people just warped to an adjacent dimension for a short period of time then popped back here when the storm was over risking all sort of cancerous malignancies. It's how Atlantis survived by some accounts and why homo sapiens sapiens didn't get wiped out along their evolutionary path. The olden tech-mages simply took the whole city and pulled it into a pocket dimension by collapsing gravity to so it would rebound back like a paper plane blown by the wind.

I doubt today we'll have something as fancy but surely some people will survive somehow? Mountains aren't really secure as is the underground itself but it's worth a shot.

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One of the secret locations was Mt. Rainier.
Only a few years after the CIA got their hands on the book a massive big government facility was suddenly built there.

i had a ibm thinkpad 770e, that thing was the shit, but i wouldnt recommend them for your only computer for the rest of your life after the 6000 year flip, those computers are slow as fuck and it can be annoying, plus storage space is an issue and computers from that era hate playing video. get a brand new tough book, a few 4 tb ssds, a usb enclosure and load them up with movies, books, survival information, blueprints, anything you could possibly need. 80s computers are just less likely to break and will last longer under normal use than their modern counterparts.