What version of the Bible should I read?
What version of the Bible should I read?
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Neither, Christcuck
Not a Christian :(
then the King James version, it was the most influential.
pretty much any version other than that shit is fine
NABRE obviously
Latin Vulgate -
Well now that's conflicting as all get out.
I have the Oxford annotated bible with the Apocrypha expanded edition. It's a secular bible and provides guides on modern approaches to bible study, how to read the bible with understanding, Heb poetry, literary forms and more. It is very well annotated.
well, what is your purpose for reading it? If it's to understand christians, the KJ version is the one most widely read. I don't like it, but I admit it's the most influential.
KJV - King James Version -
Its as close to the original text as your gonna get b4 you need to learn Hebrew
To be honest, I couldn't say. Perhaps I'm just looking for a different perspective on the problems that have plagued humanity for ever. Plus I imagine there's some wisdom to be gleaned from the Bible, regardless of one's religious beliefs.
King James.
>Latin Vulgate
>not Vetus Latina
kys kike shill
You don't read it, you just come up with off the wall ideas and assume their in there like all other religious people.
Reading any version is better than tossing a question out for schizophrenics to answer.
Challenge yourself to read the whole thing, and you’ll be more of a scholar than most self-proclaimed Christians.
Just dont do NIV, its a train wreck
>their in there
You disgust me.
Fair enough, I'll start with the kjv then
Thanks yall.
Whichever you decide to get, don't forget to buy the New Testament DLC as well
>canadians are mentally retarded
Color me shocked
What version did pic related read? Read that.
They all say the same thing.
are you an anglican? read something closer to the denomination you agree with rather than being lazy about it
the real one
they don't, reading protestant versions is like reading entirely different books sometimes
Luther's Bible in German & Gutenberg's Bible in Latin (Vulgate) are closer to original than KJV
>Reading any version
>For if the Gentiles have shared in the Jews’ spiritual blessings, they owe it to the Jews to share with them their material blessings. (Romans 15:27, New International Version)
None of them. Skydaddy and kike-on-a-stick ain't real.
t. Atheist
Oy vey. Tbh anything painting the jq in a positive light, I will simply ignore.
and the Jerusalem Bible is closer to the original than Luther's or the Vulgate. Unless you think Moses had horns.
Different incarnations of the texts can change your decision on if Christ had brothers and sisters from Joseph and Mary, or if Mary remained a virgin and only conceived through Devine means.
One can also believe that Adam and Eve were not the only two people on earth because after Cain murdered Able, Cain went off to join the Cananites. Strange to join an entire people when your family is the only one on the planet.
All of this is to say that small words and translations matter.
Read as many versions as you can and do research on the translations.
King James version KJV
>When Jerome undertook the revision of Latin translations of Old Testament texts in the late 4th century, he checked the Septuagint and Vetus Latina translations against the Hebrew texts that were then available. He broke with church tradition and translated most of the Old Testament of his Vulgate from Hebrew sources rather than from the Greek Septuagint.
king james for ultimate comfy
based retarded leaf poster
I just started with the old testament. Picked up a free copy of the English Standard Version. I too believe theres probably something of value to the text, however its quickly gone down hill. The old testament, while entertaining, is completely ridiculous. I have alot of questions a out the cleanliness of the altar. If you start it, let me know what you think.
Dead Scroll scrolls manuscripts
are also different from all modern Bible versions
(Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox, Jewish, etc.)
With hundreds of Apocriphal (non-canon) texts about Jesus & Judaism.
All written around 1st century AD.
Such as this ancient version of Book of Isaiah
>doesn’t seem to understand who Apostle Paul was and what he was trying to do.
>quotes a verse out of context to call another user promoting Christianity a Jewish sympathizer.
I have heard good things about the Institute for Scripture Research's Bible, "The Scriptures". They're based out of South Africa.
>Our vision is to faithfully proclaim יהוה and his word throughout the world by means of all our publications. Our primary means though is through the translating, printing and publishing of a literal translation of "The Scriptures" that is as accurate as we can make it.
>We have restored the name of the Father (יהוה) and his Messiah (יהושע) while also preserving the Hebraic mind-set of the original writers, to the best of our ability. In so doing we hope that it will shed further light on the understanding of the message of the Scriptures, thereby spiritually enriching the lives of its readers. Such a translation would be subject to on-going revision, as the ISR continues its quest to make it more and more accurate.
>Unique Features of The Scriptures
>The Scriptures is a literal translation of the Tanakh and the Messianic Scriptures.
>The Divine Name
>The divine Name (the tetragrammaton), יהוה, appears in Hebrew characters throughout the translation in the Tanakh (Torah, Nevi'im, Kethuvim) and also in the Messianic Scriptures. The name by which the Messiah was known, Y'hoshua / Yeshua, is restored in Hebrew as well and appears in the text as such, יהושׁע.
>Order of Books
>The books in the Tanakh are arranged according to the original order of the Hebrew Scriptures, the Torah, the Prophets and the Writings.
Personal Names
>The original Hebrew personal names of people and places are restored throughout the Scriptures, such as "Yirmeyahu" for Jeremiah, "Yeshayahu", for Isaiah and "Mosheh" for Moses and in the Messianic Scriptures, "Mattithyahu" for Matthew etc.
Book Names
Also, if you are a white person, you should at least consider Christian Identity.
For a free digital copy for Windows and iDevices: First, download this free Bible reading software:
, run it, and then from the menu choose Download ... Bibles ... TS2009 (from the "English" part of the list -- a little hard to find).
For Android users:
Currently I'm using NRSV and Douay Rheims so I can compare and contrast between a more modern English and an older English.
Duoy Rheims is the best English version you can find.
King James.
Do not listen to C*tholics, they ARE NOT CHRISTIANS.
KJV if anything
>worship of Mary, the "mother" supernatural figure that appears in Egyptian, Eastern and Amerindian pagan mythos that gets lifted and used by C*tholics for thousands of years
>praying the Rosary "the right way" involves praying to Mary (a human) tenfold more than any other figure
>refers to Mary as "the mother of God" which pushes the closet-Mason Modalist idea over what Scripture says
>kissing the foot of the P*pe, worshipping a human (again) more than Christ or the Father
>all based on man-made institution, very little basis in Scripture (call no man Father), even less interest in the Scripture from C*tholics
>"tradition" outweighs actual study of the Scripture
>literally want to listen to scripture in a language they can't understand, they want to avoid God's Word that bad
>hurr u can't use musical instruments, here let us cut ur son's balls off so we can have more pleasing sounds, goyi-ahhh i-i mean fellow C*tholic
>spend over a millennium calling themselves "Christian" but not allowed to read the Scripture, get killed for writing down what you hear in Church
>"God has a plan for you and cares about you, but you can't communicate with him except through this rich jewoid sinner"
>"have compassion, because every human sins and comes short of the Glory of God. Except the P*pe, and Mary."
>"Mary is more important than Jesus' apostles"
>"it was all good up until Francis!!!"
>not an actual catholic theology professor
>spreads lies anyway
Protcucks get the bullet too
I agree, fuck cryptopapist Protcucks.
Be careful of the Scofield Bible:
"...Two years after [Cyrus] Scofield’s reported conversion to Christianity in 1879, the Atchison Patriot was less than impressed. Describing the former Atchison resident as the “late lawyer, politician and shyster generally,” the article went on to recount a few of Scofield’s “many malicious acts.” These included a series of forgeries in St. Louis, for which he was sentenced to six months in jail...
The Scofield Reference Bible contains the text of the King James Authorized Version, it is not the traditional Protestant bible but Scofield’s annotated commentary that is problematic. More than any other factor, it is Scofield’s notes that have induced generations of American evangelicals to believe that God demands their uncritical support for the modern State of Israel..."
Stick with NT only, King James, then also read about the Desert Fathers, Philokhalia, and anything you can find on Theosis:
Young’s Literal Translation.
I started with NABRE, because that’s what I used throughout 4 years of HS theology, but afterwards, I wanted a more accurate translation, so I went to KJV, but that was kinda meh.
Now I use YLT and I haven’t gone back.
the kind that can be transliterated directly into your right hemisphere of your brain from non-ordinary energy fields thru the slow and steady development of your conscious faculties
anything not catholic. the mormon bible would do you better then those idiots version.
king james
Which ever one gets you to read the bible
Get a catholic version
No it isn’t
English Standard Version
It's the most literal translation
The only version that doesn't teach you to be a cu.ck: The Satanic Bible.
Lutheran. He was redpilled on the JQ and overall based.
KJV is great as a poetic English-language version, but it’s not the most accurate and for the NT, you’d be learning Greek anyway.
None, iuy shouldn't read jew garbage.
We're talking about English Bibles fag
Whatever translation you are comfortable with.
I like the KJV because it's errors are well documented and easy to see, plus it's just beautiful!
Hit up YT and watch Bible in 24 Hours by Chuck Missler. It's worth the time investment to have a good idea of how to study the bible, and have a basic understanding of its structure.
Remember though, it all speaks of Jesus.
He is the only Way.
Believe in His finished work, paying the price for sin on the cross.
If you care about your soul and don't want to read some blood sucking jewish desert nonsense look further east, read the Upanishads
if you want truth read the q'ran if you want edited truths read the modern bible islamism and christianism have the same god and angels
It's based on the KJV and NKJV, it's a little bit more modern, but stays true to the classical English that is so beloved in the KJV series. It really is the bible for new students study.
I personally recommend crossways ESV study Bible. It's essentially an entrance university course textbook attached to an ESV Bible. The commentary and exegesis on most verses makes it worth the money.
It's an invaluable resource. The articles expound and unpack the dense ideas surrounding God and Christ; their positions in the world. Reading the Bible sometimes raises more questions than it answers, especially older versions with less familiar phrasing.
It's advantageous to read multiple versions to get a more subtle grasp of the text. KJV, NKJV, RSV, Greek and/or Hebrew to English word for word translations, etc.