>be on subway train minding your own business
>suddenly faggots rush in
>they start sucking and ass fucking each other
>the smell of sweat, dick, and ass fills your train while the passengers are left disgusted and bewildered at such degeneracy
>they later get caught and taken to court
>judge only lets them off with a small fine and a warning not to assfuck in public again
>you now live the rest of your life worrying when the next bunch of faggots are going to have an orgy in front of you
Be on subway train minding your own business
Eww that's the picadilly line isn't it. I take that one to work.
>t. incel bigot
its 2019, this is part of american culture now, you better deal
It's a good thing sharia law will be implemented soon
i'd find an alternative route m80
>British teens boys can't stop kissing each other
This is why everyone hates fags.
How can a couple have an orgy?
Your life seems more exciting than mine, in a way.
This is unironically why we need Sharia law in Britain, I say that as a muslim
>not posting link to the vid
>suddenly faggots rush in
this is literally a lewis black bit that he crafted to sound outrageous and make republicans sound silly.
what a homophobic judge
how else are children supposed to learn about gay lifestyles?
where is the ACLU in this?
you are such an intolerant bigot. who are you to question their love?
It's more likely than you think.
There is a reason the handrails always smell of ass on the tube.
B-but the gay community promised this would never happen
Anyone has a video clip? Sounds hot desu
link to vid before the left memory hole it so we can't meme it against them?
these faggots will all end up working for NGOs and political parties, so we need it
Actually a great description of what it's like to post on Jow Forums
Good question
Fuck off, leaf nigger
OH NO NO NO (inhales)
fuck off bigots, at least they are white.
If they ejaculate within my perceived personal space, that's a violation of the NAP and I am thus forced to act to defend myself.
having heard the "please mind the gap" voice a lot in my day, this doesn't surprise me at all, London is lost.
By raping others on the train.
Direct to Cockfosters if you know what I mean
You're gonna have progress and you're gona love it.
You picked the wrong train.
How long before sentencing these degenerates becomes something that crowds protest over?
Maybe Britain does need more Muslims.
>well as long as they do it in their own bedroom
Why the fuck would anyone need to carry 20 liters of petrol on them? If you run out of petrol 5 liters is easily enough to get to the nearest petrol station unless you are a fat american in an oversized truck.
>tank tops
>in February
This is either old news or fake news.
Sounds funny to me
you must decontaminate. you know what to do user.
...like the vast majority of gay couples do?
>every panic the bible thumpers had is coming true
It's like McCarthyism again
Welcome aboard this dicknwilly line service direct to Arse-nal
It's a race between them getting enough allies or Muslim demographics implementing sharia law
You live in a kingdom the size of my finger nail.
It’s just love. It’s not like they’re shoving it down your throat.
Maybe you guys should beat them, you know? Take justice into your own hands :)
>W-why would anyone need gasoline! Ban everything that is unnecessary!
Were the subway doors closed? Who cares what they do behind closed doors?
united states of ass
There is nothing stopping you from storing 20L in a jerry can, its a UN certified storage device
Certain groups, people within but also as a whole try to push boundaries.
Jews and other allies of degeneracy have impaired western societies previous natural ability to self correct.
Outside forces conspire to harm this society and no help can be gained from another society without causing more harm than good.
It's time for the western world to fracture and mutate in order to repel what has been damaged.
It's time to radicalize. Gas the kikes.
That's a london tube, picadilly line judging by the navy handrails
fuck I laughed
Gerry is another word for Germans. You are an insult to the crown.
That's probably punishment enough desu. They were just young and thought they could literally get away with anything. They couldn't.
>yfw your husband catches the subway gay. subgay.
Why should you let any government tell you what amount of any resource you can own, or how you want to properly store it? Gasoline spoils faster the smaller quantities you keep it in.
Ironically, you should probably burn that government down with the gasoline you aren't allowed to store in larger quantities.
Its a long way to picadilly Its a long way to go
united kox and great buttox
>It's not just offensive its an offence!
(interracial lesbains)
>have public sex on the subway
>get slap on the wrist
>put a bacon sandwich in front of a mosque
>get jailed and suicided
The UK is a fucking joke.
>Why should you let any government tell you what amount of any resource you can own, or how you want to properly store it?
Because civil servants have an IQ substantially higher than the layman
That was a very BULGAR comment, sir! :^)
Well it happens every time you enter a room, that’s for sure.
You have been:
[ x ] rekt
[ ] not rekt
that's what my boyfriend says about me
>Th-there's nothing stopping you I swear
why do muslims lie and cheat like jews?
Prove it.
Similar thing, same words. Notice the digital recognition on the angry mans face. Dark times
not for nothing, but all faggots need to die a slow death.
>there's nothing wrong with hom-
why does this always happen to me :/
Imagine how effective your police would be at stopping rape gangs if they stopped arresting people for "hate crimes," writing fines and levies for "anti-social behavior," or checking to make sure you are not carrying too much petrol?
circumcision sure is digusting
we bulGayrians know all about united states of anus
You are safe under us, subject 263916
we know idiot, you were in the news
what diseases could you catch that way?
I hope I'll never have to see a nigger face on the screen when I visit an ATM
Why are cities so degenerate? What is it about high concentrations of people that bring out the worst in humans? Disgusting.
Gasoline is useful for things besides powering cars. You generally wouldn't take offroad recreation vehicles, farm equipment, construction equipment, generators, or gas-powered tools to a station to fill up. 20L has been the standard military size gas can for most of the world since WWII since it's a good size for a person to carry two full cans, and the form factor of of the jerry can is efficient for storage and transport.
cities are where all human trash can survive because they know not how to work in the fields
someone should the vid to their employers
I prefer the blue ones because they're cheaper because they're meant for kerosene and the autists get SO MAD when I fell them with gasoline instead.
only faggots believe anything a journalist writes.
>what is a hate crime?
>literally anything we say it is
Fuck, it's finally happened. A stand-up comedy and did a bit about how gays should be left alone because they're not going out sucking each other off in front of people. I can't believe I've lived to see this day.
Actually, fuck that, I can believe it, but I'm just going to pretend it didn't happen.
To defeat the jew you must become the jew
the photo is definitely piccadilly line, but the article said the deed took place on a northern line platform at waterloo
>tfw I commute on the northern line
some months ago drunken trannies beat up some rando who looked at them funny again on a nortern line platform, on the very stop I use for work
All that is is just a long-winded form of what the journalist said. Cope more.
funny because jews defeat the muds everytime
I think jews can be trusted if they are your friends but if you have a muslim friend then you can't trust him as same. Muslims are more prone to back stab or kill you.
>gays should be left alone
>it's not like they're going out and sucking each other off in public in front of you!
>*waits out applause break*
>slowly pulls out poster sheet with blown up article
>"weeeeell... Aaaactually...."