Why do americans hate this country so much?
I get called a nigger here everyday just for having heritage from it. Fuck all of you midwest inbreds.
Why do americans hate this country so much?
I get called a nigger here everyday just for having heritage from it. Fuck all of you midwest inbreds.
Italians don't like you, either. To them you'll always be a muh heritage Amerimutt. Stop bragging about being Italian and embrace being American.
"Italians" from N*w J*rsey and N** Y*** aren't people.
fuck off tony
>Stop bragging about being Italian
I'm doing the opposite, you fucking idiot. If I wasn't italian I probably be wouldn't mistaken for a spic 10 times by now.
>I get called a nigger here everyday just for having heritage from it.
>things that didn't happen
gas yourself OP
Kek. Just make sure white women know you're Italian. I heard they like swarthy Euros.