Democrat Governor of Virginia Ralph Northam caught with Black Face and KKK Uniform picture.
Niggers/Spics want him to resign and the Jews want to keep him.
Kek based Democrat!
Democrat Governor of Virginia Ralph Northam caught with Black Face and KKK Uniform picture.
Niggers/Spics want him to resign and the Jews want to keep him.
Kek based Democrat!
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How do you go from mocking the Negro, to being their great benefactor?
Power and wealth, sadly.
Priorities Folks!
Mitch McConnell is much more of a problem than this idiot.
He does promote killing black fetuses up until the moment they pop out of the roach motel...
hmmm.... maybe he is our/guy/?
>to resign
>link: -refuses-resign-190
Pic related
Remember goy, blackface is evil and if you ever do it you deserve to have your life ruined forever.
Northam is a spineless worm that does whatever the party tells him. He has no opinion or substance of his own other than his desire for money and power.
Northam wants to enslave the nigger but doesnt care how big and bloated and 1984 the govt has to become to do it
Based kikes!
I honestly don't know who to root for in this one.
I love how he apologized for this act then he claimed it isn't him even though his nickname and other pictures all point it clearly being him.
This is fucking great.
Democrats have always hated niggers. They just exploit them for a largely loyal voting bloc. See
Teh gibs
Will there be new elections, or does some sort of vice governor take over?
He is going to resign because of a stupid picture but he is totally fine with arguing for infanticide?
A truly twisted world aint it?
>CNN labels Virginia governor Republican
And CNN wonders why everybody calls them Fake News!
Democrats are the real racist
It would be the lieutenant governor, who's a negress.
And this is who will replace him if he does.
Justin Fairfax. The name conjures imagery of a White man whose ancestry goes back to the founding fathers. But nope, its a nigger. Also he lives in Fairfax County, VA and probably changed his name to get votes.
Jews want Northram to resign to get a Black man in office. Sneaky.
Isn't Virginia already cucked?
>over racism
Yet everyone has forgotten the baby killing like the good goy they are.
He's a Republican, you fascist.
Its actually one of the most contested states. There are alt-righters living here, but it took me going to the voting booth to see how many limousine liberals were voting for Hillary in 2016.
Isn't it such a coincidence that this yearbook photo was released so quickly after his abortion comments? The timing just could not be better!
The Dems like killing babys, that's their hobby.
But loosing Nigger votes is bad for them, especially since almost only non white vote Democrat.
What did he say?
Redpill me!
I like how he kept saying the republican was the racist with no proof, and it worked.
Well, we know now who watches CNN and nothing else. Cnn is the one that fucked up the governors party affiliation in an attempt to shunt the bad PR from Democrats to Republicans.
how did the democrats went from being based to being a bunch of pussies?
I guess that right wing Republican could never win in Virginia because that's where the CIA Niggers live.
He supports loosening restrictions on late-term abortions.
Trump is racist and anti-"woman".
I’ll wait for the pants recognition technology to determine if those are the same pants pictured
So he wants to kill babys, typical Satan worshipping Democrat.
Super late-term, like post-birth:
That press conference the other day was unironically hillarous. He kept trying to call it "face paint" then the reporters would correct him "BLACKFACE!" "Yes um err painted face" like trying to make it seem wholesome. It was fucked up.
It wasnt his first time either. He went to a Michael Jackson dance compition in blackface.
Literally everyone knows niggers are stupid. Even niggers know this. You can either mock them or exploit them because of this irrefutable fact. The demoshits learned that instead of mocking them you can exploit them for political power.
He's far to the left of Northram and wants to tear down Civil War monuments. Pray for Coonman to hang on.
They're the same thing.
STOP VROOMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's nuts. Everywhere I go in NOVA it's NRA stickers, Gadsdens, American and military flags flying high, but somehow solid blue at the same time.
Nothing is ever possible.
We musn't let the baby murder bill get memory holed!
>Interest: Pediatrics
nah he's gonna resign because fuck this stupid idiot
how the fuck does he think he can handle statecraft if he can't even hold to his own lies - as in he first apologized for the picture, then denied it even being him altogether
like dude there are fucking NEETs on Jow Forums who are more gangster than that and they don't even do politics, you suck so fucking bad at covering your tracks, and being an effective actor, and your job in general, that you do not deserve the lofty position of VA governor
you deserve to fuck off into squalor for being a fucking faggot who manipulates minorities thru the Democrat ticket and then goes around to mock them for being gullible or foolish, because they were tricked
that is so fucking gay, like fuck you
Fucking KEK
[fake news intensifies]
Maybe it's rigged bro?
It's literally the home state of the CIA NIGGERS!
y-you too Adolf
It's all the nigs from El Salvador they keep importing to DC. Also, you should probably nuke Richmond for good measure.
Too bad his wife stepped in, he was about to moonwalk during the press conference. He checked the stage for space. Back up son, gimme room, gimme room, so i can boom-shaka-laka-boom.
After the baby is born, we can have a discussion about whether to kill it or not.
Not well weathered I see. Oh well....
Also anyone can do it, even hobos with coat hangers are legal.
haha, ok now he's btfo
>to resign
>story says refuses to resign
>you're retarded
Isn't this basically the Democrats saying that if you've gone full 1488 there is no point in changing so you might as well just remain racist?
I have a feeling that this isn't the best way to go about making racist people not be racist.
al jolson was an icon
is this real?
Couldn't be a bigger fan.
isn't it the reason he was voted in the first place?
“Societies never know it, but the war of an artist with his society is a lover’s war, and he does, at his best, what lovers do, which is to reveal the beloved to himself and, with that revelation, to make freedom real.”
James Baldwin
Great quote I stumbled on btw.
Just let the Democucks twist in the wind for a few weeks. They gave their darkies slaves enough power and numbers to extract concessions from whites, now the darkies have come for Northam. He is getting what all white traitors so richly deserve. Living to see his darkie pets turn on him.
No, hes a democrat who kept claiming that Ed Gillespie (R) and Trump were the racists. At least now we know who was driving the truck in the ad, amirite?
>Democrat Governor of Virginia Ralph Northam caught with Black Face and KKK Uniform picture.
top kkkek
We're not gonna ignore the fact that this fake catholic allowed late term abortion in Virginia
What was his nickname ?
Basically this
Coonman I think...not very original
LOL you can even seee the same hair on his right side.
But he said hes not in that picture so i believe him, FUCK WHITE PEOPLE AND FUCK DRUMPPPPPPPPPPPPFFFFFF.
Remember that people like Northam are only against "white supremacy," to the extent that it would block their access to darkie slaves. Otherwise such people are all too happy to play slave master. His apology the other day amounted to "I'm sorry darkies. I didn't know you would ever find out about me making fun of you. Please forgive me and go back to work. I-I'm not stepping down. I-I swear."
>he's gotta nice beta 58 there
Not on guns....for now
Honestly, the only way Virginia will get a Republican governor again is if Northam stays in office.
It is not looking good for Northam. Not looking good at all.
why would I EVER want to paint my face black
I would never want to be black, or pretend to be one, that is lowest of the low
it doesn't matter what happens, virginians get fucked either way
>Kek based Democrat!
>resign over muh racism
>views on post birth abortion memoryholed to oblivion
So the left gets to say "racism bad" like they always do and avoid having to explain their new progressive stance on abortion to a national audience? How is this a victory again?
Virginia's never getting a Republican governor again. The Deep State living in Northern Virginia now dictates where the state goes for President and Governor, and demographics are catching up to the legislature.
Fucking right
Those are the rules that the Democrats demand everyone else play by. So when one of their own steps in a pile of shit, they have to call for his resignation or they destroy all credibility with the low information voters. In this case they are worried about Northam costing them the black vote. They believe they can pacify the black by getting the black Leutinent Governor to take Northam's place. That way, the rest of the whtie slave masters in the Democratic party can keep their positions and not have to surrender them to darkies.
Is that Jimmy Kimmel on the left there?
CNN just tells the stories it WANTS TO BE TRUE.
>This sucks for Democrats, wouldn't it be great if he was a Republican. Hell, I'll just say he's a Republican.
You act as if this is painful for them in some way. What do you think is ethically more difficult for them to do - call a white guy racist or advocate for killing already born babies?
They just pivoted away from a killing blow and turned it into a moral victory by keeping muh racism fresh on peoples minds - their comfort zone - while keeping their minds off of post birth abortion