He is without a doubt connected to Pizzagate. He went to Oprah ( youtube.com/watch?v=bzoMiwZYyxk ) and had several powerful political and famous friends. Here in Brazil, the media is trying to cover up the story, since they are the ones whom publicized him and kept showing the man on television again and again.
To boot, Sabrina Bettencourt, one of the women who accused "Banana Jesus" of running 'baby farms' has (((committed suicide))) today.
Here is a mine in just outside of the same town that Teixeira lived in and was arrested in:
Pedreira Goias
This company is headquartered in Anapolis, Goias which is less than 40km from Abidinias, the town Teixeira lived in. Also, this company has a quarry located just outside of Abidinias.