Any works on fascist aesthetics and why it is so appealing? Not even a fascist, but im oddly drawn to it

Any works on fascist aesthetics and why it is so appealing? Not even a fascist, but im oddly drawn to it.

pic unrelated, i have no pics saved for this topic.

Attached: Rhino.gif (380x242, 3.83M)

amazing gif



>How nigger treat their children

pls Jow Forums give suggestions

>posts bait pic, totally unrelated.
>3.8 MB unoptimized gif.
kys faggot.

Well maybe post a related picture so i can use it in the future, cunt

I might be wrong but IIRC they got people that were involved in movie-making to design their aesthetic.

Everyone is drawn to it because it is a beacon of light and hope for good people. Of course you recognize virtuosity. Any 4 year old can.

I never learned racism in the home, I learned it from PoCs in the street. What I did learn in the home was a panicked interference with a completely natural admiration of nazism. I wonder how many parents have to sit down and explain to them that the inspiring figure in black and white on the television is supposed to be the bad guy. Clearly, he is not and for many people, I suspect this is one of the first instances of seeing with your own eyes that being an adult means living under a tyranny of lies.

Attached: 83550ad70cbd9d56fafac53e7ab6fbe5.jpg (727x800, 64K)

>warthogs are baby rhinos
Brexit can’t come soon enough

Attached: C0A6B3AE-89FD-47F7-9C35-F101FFE9433C.jpg (399x531, 75K)

Because it represent light and strenght.

Attached: Hates fascist dictator but no communist dictator.png (966x466, 117K)

That's a warthog, not a baby rhino. In fact, the rhino attacked the warthog because it was coming too close to its eggs.

Rhinos don’t lay eggs you dumb fuck

Actually they do, they're distantly related to the platypus.
t. Biologist

If a rhino says those eggs are its then it best to nod and agree, friend

Attached: 4FB6DA6B-2BAF-42BC-BC47-6F2594800F3D.jpg (500x519, 54K)

You might be clinically blind

>Actually they do, they're distantly related to the platypus.
No, rhinos are not monotremes. But thanks for making me laugh.


I just had to take the bait.

they do, actually