It'll be payback for that republican that shouted it during the SOTU and it'll make all the news about her for a week afterwards (burying Trump's speech in the news cycle).
I'm fucking calling it right now. You can screencap this.
It'll be payback for that republican that shouted it during the SOTU and it'll make all the news about her for a week afterwards (burying Trump's speech in the news cycle).
I'm fucking calling it right now. You can screencap this.
I'd still colonize her,
Trump should order the Secret Service to fire upon the Democrats.
what the fuck is it with Canadians wanting to fuck animals
Trump won’t do anything because he’s a massive cuck. He betrayed all of his immigration promises for Israel.
She's not an animal, she's a beautiful Latina.
dude that's a horse
Yeah she seems like a submissive head down ass up kinda bitch, I wouldn't mind some skull pussy from her
why are all her mugshots of her making a face like a chimp?
>import a wide assortment of chinks and other subhuman shitskins
>why are canadians subhuman??