Just by sighting a marriage contract a man becomes obligated to support a woman for the rest of her life at the threat...

just by sighting a marriage contract a man becomes obligated to support a woman for the rest of her life at the threat of violence by the government

but there is no responsibility to a child for when a woman gets pregnant & now they can even kill it up to the date of the child birth

>is this just pandering to women for votes or some satanic ritual

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basically, yeah

if women want an abortion so badly we should give it to them but attach a sterilization clause

>That pic
Blood boiling. Cunts need the electric chair. I can't imagine aborting my child.
t. Pro-life woman

Show bobs

No timestamp

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>No timestamp
You know the rules.

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you should be happy, it's your biological competition and one less mentally ill welfare leech to come

At the end of every civilization, women get too much equality and destroy it, again. It's just another cycle.

Figure 50 more years max before women are put back in their place again.

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Same. I can't imagine the mental state you have to be in to have all your motherly instincts shut down and to support infanticide.

You'll survive

Considering you’re from the south, it was likely a nigger baby anyways. Nothing of value was lost.

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Feminists. Real women know their place

Can you atleast give me a cup size. For research ofcourse

That whole "threat to the mothers life" bullshit argument for late term abortion is so ridiculous. A baby can survive outside the womb at 22 weeks now, sometimes even earlier. If the mom is dying its faster to perform a c-section than an abortion.

God is going to judge New York. They brought it upon themselves.

What kind of piercings are those?

I have no problem with this.

I was pro-choice probably up until I got pregnant, kid was clearly alive at my first ultrasound at 7 weeks. Fuck women who can do that to their own babies. Actual monsters


God is a Jewish skyfairy created in the first century. That’s like saying spongebob is going to kill all niggers.

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Vampire fangs

>I’m a femanon, I love being a girl wahahahah
Fuck off roastie

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I don't care about dead humans why should i care about dead fetuses?

Same with men who abandon their families, right?

I never said I was a woman, I said I got pregnant. Don't assume my gender

>abandoning your family members is the same as murdering your family members
top kek roastie logic everybody

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Democracy consumes itself, as the politician is a slave to the agent that votes for them. Women are weak, mentally, and have no concept of honor or duty to nation. They hold no ideological principles for the sake of posterity. They're easily manipulated, and have no interests but their own self. They do not comprehend consequence, and are too arrogant to place value in wisdom.

This is the winter of western civilization. Pandering to the weak and feminine hordes, inferiors, as the republic is further eroded into nothing more but an internationalist oligarchy.

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If you don't care about white babies dying, you deserve the chair

Virgin incel

It's pretty damn close to be honest. Society suffers under the burden of all these broken families. A man who wont stay and raise his kids is less than worthless.

>getting married

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Every time a man has sex he is legally consenting to 18 years of child support. Meanwhile a pregnant women has zero obligation to the well-being of the fetus. Feminists will say "but pregnancy is hard blah blah blah" when literally every woman would choose carrying a child to term for 9 months vs 18 years of child support payments

On the surface, it’s extreme pandering for votes. Near the bottom of the rabbit hole it is about doing what the otherworldly entities the elite are in contact with are telling them to do.

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>>>is this just pandering to women for votes or some satanic ritual
yes, it is...

Is the fetus wearing thongs?

Flip flops?

my body my choice.
my money my choice.

Hahahah nice. Writing that one down

holy shit, i know you.

Lol mk

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At least you're honest about it nigger.
These roasties beat around the bush and use all the flowery new speak they can to obfuscate the fact that they just want to kill their babies if they deem it inconvenient to themselves.

Feminism is a viral bioweapon virus. A bio-terrorism outbreak. These "people" mutate and become Demons.

> How to spot the infection

Wanting to destroy the family and men, hatred of children, wanting(and doing) killing of babies along with abortion, sexual/gender confusion, increase rates of homosexuality, pedophilia, bestiality, necrophilia,transgender, various disturbing fetishes, cannibalism, wanting to destroy whites, social castes like social insects in large numbers, SIDS, miscarriages, fertility issues , stillborn's, wanting to attack and fuck the un-infected, obsession with things like snakes, sexual promiscuity(large numbers of partners), etc

> Categories relating to virus infection

Immune(People that cannot be infected by the virus)

Non-Infected(People that don't have the virus and can be infected)

Resistant(People that the virus has trouble infecting, but are not immune to being infected)

Hosts(People that have the virus)

Carriers(People that have the virus, but is dormant for long periods of time or even generations without showing any signs of infection. Some types of carriers can spread it)

Transmitters(People that are being used by the virus to spread it, but are not fully/completely infected)

Spreaders(People infected with the virus that spread the virus)

Infected(People infected by the virus)

HiveMind/Colony Castes(Similar to social insects. Queens, Drones, Workers, Soldiers, Majors, Super Majors, Kings, etc)

Mutation(physical changes to all body systems)

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You know why that picture is bait? Aborted babies don't come out whole and pristine like that, the doctor pulls it out pieces at a time with pincers - a foot, a leg, a hand, an arm, a nose, a head, etc.
A completed abortion with all contents in the tray would look like a cosmic horror scene.

>ex girlfriend gets a first term abortion without telling me
I used to think I didn't care and I dodged a bullet, but after really sitting down and thinking about about it. After a few months you come to a conclusion. My ex girlfriend killed my son/daughter.

It actually kills you emotionally inside. This has been 5 years already, and it still hurts you. you realize that someone just killed your offspring without you being able to do anything about it.

Abortion isn't for everyone, and even if one party opposes it, it should be stopped. But right now women have all say. I see all these single moms around and wonder where their dad is. Women really do have horrible judgement.

I'd actually say yes to this, fuck deadbeat fathers. Sterilizing those alone would drop the nonwhite birthrate to below replacement levels, and clean up a lot of white trash.

Sorry to hear about that user. I'm sure that whore will get what's coming to her. Here's to hoping you're blessed with a child who you'll actually get the opportunity to raise.

i want to care about fetuses getting aborted but can't. i mean i definitely prefer nigger babies dying over white babies but overall i don't care all that much. i've actually been actively trying to watch cute baby videos to try to care but i'm having a rough time.

Yeah, that's one way to solve the well fare problem.

Think about it this way, you don't care. Maybe you are looking from the wrong angle. Is it on purpose? Why? Who does it serve?

Praying for your child. I hope you get a family one day.

I'm trying to care because I have pretty good genes, am 100% white and I'm nearing my 30's, career is just starting to get going to make enough money for a family.
I can't help but feel me not caring is sourced from decades of jewish media intervention so I'm trying to learn to care.
I always read these threads to see where pro-life people are coming from but have not found an angle I can relate to.

Same here, desu.
It's simple, if you end a heart beat, you're ending a life.
6 week ultrasound had a little heart beat.

14 week ultrasound and baby was flipping, reclining with it's hands behind it's back,and tried to suckle the ultrasound probe. Very clearly alive.
Now I'm militant pro life. Facts and ideology over ignorant, smug rhetoric.

because murder is wrong and against the law. Especially murdering someone completely innocent of anything. If women are aborting a baby for no health reason they should be charged. They cant use the excuse that its their body because if it were they would die and not the baby. That baby belongs to God and life.

unless you are XX you are not getting pregnant. now fuck off i dont care about your bobs.
make sure your kid is better person than you are.

You should be able to kill your child until its legally an adult. What if its weak or small? What if its slow or has bad personality traits? There my genes and I only want the best versions of them. You literally cannot justify evolutionary degeneration except with B-but muh morals.

Children change your life.