Feminism is a viral bioweapon virus. A bio-terrorism outbreak. These "people" mutate and become Demons.
> How to spot the infection
Wanting to destroy the family and men, hatred of children, wanting(and doing) killing of babies along with abortion, sexual/gender confusion, increase rates of homosexuality, pedophilia, bestiality, necrophilia,transgender, various disturbing fetishes, cannibalism, wanting to destroy whites, social castes like social insects in large numbers, SIDS, miscarriages, fertility issues , stillborn's, wanting to attack and fuck the un-infected, obsession with things like snakes, sexual promiscuity(large numbers of partners), etc
> Categories relating to virus infection
Immune(People that cannot be infected by the virus)
Non-Infected(People that don't have the virus and can be infected)
Resistant(People that the virus has trouble infecting, but are not immune to being infected)
Hosts(People that have the virus)
Carriers(People that have the virus, but is dormant for long periods of time or even generations without showing any signs of infection. Some types of carriers can spread it)
Transmitters(People that are being used by the virus to spread it, but are not fully/completely infected)
Spreaders(People infected with the virus that spread the virus)
Infected(People infected by the virus)
HiveMind/Colony Castes(Similar to social insects. Queens, Drones, Workers, Soldiers, Majors, Super Majors, Kings, etc)
Mutation(physical changes to all body systems)
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