Would any book fags like to recommend which one should I read first? not pictured is Spengler's Decline of the West. I'm leaning towards chronological order.
Also, taking suggestion for additions. I was thinking I'll get Schopenhauer, Carl Schmidt, and Leo Strauss next. I am aware of Hegel and Heidegger, but I'm not sure my brains big enough for those
Don't even read the Durant or Taleb books. >The Myth of the 20th Century
Zachary Edwards
I read a couple passages in the book of Judges the other day. All it was about was Jewish tribes teaming up, traveling around and ruthlessly slaughtering other Tribes. Also, read Daniel, the whole book is about him fasting until he hallucinates.
Stop reading now. The ultimate downfall of many dedicated learners is the pursuit of "finishing" a book.
PROTIP: VERY FEW BOOKS ARE WORTH FINISHING I read a shit ton and the law of diminishing returns applies hard in books. Unless you are researching a specific subject for a specific idea that you intend to write about, most books should be abandoned before the 3/5 point. You should then read someone else's opinion or another of their works or something.
To maximize learning you must stop finishing books.
Aaron Long
I know it's a joke but you're really not wrong in many cases.
Wyatt Morales
t. dead serious
I actually finished Jacques Ellul's Money & Power just today. It was only 170 small pages. Wasn't worth it. Should have stopped at page 125 or so.
Julian Hall
The Scotch first.
Okay, seriously. I'd have to know more about you. Some of these you can just pick up and read. Others are philosophy that have heavily recommended prior reading. I'm a big Guenon fag, so I'll recommend that first.
Noah Taylor
I read half of Hobbes leviathan and meme kampf, and a third of revolt against the modern world, and I pretty much got everything there is to out of them already. Prolly will finished them one day, particularly Revolt, but, like you said, I got all this other new shit now I can learn gain relatively more from.
Luke Barnes
yea, I picked up guenon. I am going to read this and spengler, first. Then neitzche. Yockey and Buchanon can wait.
Daniel Hill
>I read a shit ton and the law of diminishing returns applies hard in books. Unless you are researching a specific subject for a specific idea that you intend to write about, most books should be abandoned before the 3/5 point. You should then read someone else's opinion or another of their works or something. Actually, I only read non-fiction, for the most part, and I can see an argument for this. Especially for the kind of reading that most people here are doing. I pushed through Culture of Critique recently, and if I were to recommend it to a friend who hates reading, I'd tell them to just read Ch. 5 and Ch. 7 to learn about Jewish subversion in the social sciences and influence on immigration reform. Reading is time consuming for most people.
Colton Cruz
Yockey is actually a pretty decent starting point since he plagiarizes Spengler and Schmitt extensively, often verbatim. I don't mind; I assume it was an honest mistake. But the point is the book offers a nice synthesis of ideas and is highly readable.
I'd start with the Guenon though, of the books you have there.
Jack Scott
Read why we fight first its fairly simple and a good primer.
Xavier White
Good point. Is this like a long tail curve?
Mason Hernandez
Think back to any interview you've seen with a real or supposed member of the intellectual elite. Think Chomsky, Kissinger, Brzenski, etc. They are in front of a wall of books they couldn't possibly have read in their entirety. This is how you learn and become based. You surround yourself with ideas and references. You get the gist and then you save the book for further study when the time is right.
Kevin Johnson
Taleb's books have too much fluff and not enough content. All of his books could be shortened to 20 pages and still provide the same information.
Owen Taylor
Generally yes. However you have to use your intuition and experience to know when this general rule doesn't apply. Most books have 80% of the good stuff front loaded in the first 20% of pages. Then more technical discussion ensues. Depending on your goals and the book the remaining 80% diminishes at varying rates.
>20 pages This. Most "popular" books should be essays, but the fluff makes casual readers feel like they've learned more than they did. Also, it's easier to ramble on than to get to the point. Getting to the point is a skill a lot of authors don't have.
Logan Evans
GEB is probably the most annoying book I have ever read.
Jason Perez
Thx, really eye opening!
>Most "popular" books should be essays But then they could not sell a book.
Henry Garcia
Very true. kek It is definitely not easy subject matter,, but on top of that I don't think the author did anyone any favors in the way the book was presented. As usual, I did not finish it. It is one I want to go back to eventually as I have love mathematical/musical type stuff.
Isaiah Reyes
I just meant that the kike who wrote it thinks he's more clever than he is, but just comes across as obnoxious.
Oliver Brooks
barnes and nobel boy
Noah Gomez
Not to be edgy but Mein Kampf is essential. I don’t care about your opinion if you haven’t read it.
Matthew Torres
Check out 'By Way of Deception' and 'The Samson Option' to understand why there is a strong anti-Israel sentiment here, especially among us burgers. If you like science fiction, check out 'Accelerando' by Charles Stross.
Ian Jones
>Stanislaw Lem
Unironically a badass writer.
Kevin Russell
>I just meant that the kike who wrote it thinks he's more clever than he is, but just comes across as obnoxious. But goy, he won the Pulitzer Prize! And was widely praised by the media at large!
Jackson Garcia
Also, it's essential that you, as a user of technology, become better able to defend yourself and get more knowledge, if you haven't already. I recommend 'Computer Security Fundamentals', it's still up as a torrent in a big pack of computer security ebooks. Pretty much try to learn what you can about security.
Landon Cooper
>Stop reading now. The ultimate downfall of many dedicated learners is the pursuit of "finishing" a book. >PROTIP: VERY FEW BOOKS ARE WORTH FINISHING >I read a shit ton and the law of diminishing returns applies hard in books. Unless you are researching a specific subject for a specific idea that you intend to write about, most books should be abandoned before the 3/5 point. You should then read someone else's opinion or another of their works or something. >To maximize learning you must stop finishing books.
>They are in front of a wall of books they couldn't possibly have read in their entirety.
are u fucking retarded? noam chomsky, etc HAVE read walls of books. its not fucking hard. I have read thousands of books, hundreds a year. reading is very easy to do, especially if you opt for speed reading and/or listening to audio books at increased speed.
you sound like the kind of faggot who reads the wikipedia about a book and acts like he read the whole thing. if you think people like kissinger and noam chomsky just read the cliffnotes u r a dumb ass. fuck off and learn2read.
Andrew Hernandez
I know this is bait and I’m still angry
Logan Gutierrez
>I know this is bait and I’m still angry u r just jelly u cant afford $800+ dollaridoos of intellectually supreme literature
Justin Nguyen
>$800+ dollaridoos of intellectually supreme literature
lel. I own over 3000 meatspace books. Many of them are antiquarian and out of print. But I'm anachronistic like that. Do you have any idea how much effort is required to move and store that kind of library? I've been collecting books for over two decades. You know what I realized? A fucking terabyte hard drive is way lighter. Easier on the back as well.
Hudson Edwards
I've literally got that wall of books, probably 2,000 books at this point. I read every day. Only reading 50 pages is a very light day for me. I'm telling you how it is. If you think they read those books in their entirety, it means you are a brainlet. >just read the cliffnotes I didn't say that. I said they didn't read them in their entirety. Excuse me if I don't listen to your opinion on reading...you can't even be bothered to actually read my short posts. >Many of them are antiquarian and out of print. This is the way to go. It is nearly impossible for a new text to add as much to your general knowledge as old books. The mind explodes as you basically time travel the entire time. Not to mention that the average book of 100+ years ago reads at a college+ level, while even academic texts these days tend to read at around a 12th grade level.
PROTIP #2: If you are reading old books, you need an old dictionary.
>$800+ Is that how much you had to pay someone to haul it away?
Zachary Martin
Yet you are the one aware of this guy...hmmm...
Isaac Martinez
>PROTIP #2: If you are reading old books, you need an old dictionary.
Actually, I found the need for friends suddenly whenever I decided to move :*)
Also, I'm sure you know about Archive.org but project Gutenburg is prolly the coolest thing since literally the printing press.
Sebastian Martin
>Is that how much you had to pay someone to haul it away?
Oh come now, the Expanded Universe isn't that cancerous. It's certainly not high art but it's better than approximately half of published science fiction. Note: there is a joke in there.
Logan Long
>I've literally got that wall of books, probably 2,000 books at this point. I read every day. Only reading 50 pages is a very light day for me.
50 pages a night, jesus christ you fucking loser at that rate you'll never finish any b ook, no wonder u think books are 'too long and too hard'
>I'm telling you how it is. If you think they read those books in their entirety, it means you are a brainlet.
no u
i can read 300-400 pages in a sitting and listen to 4-5+ hours of audio books a day.
i bet u havent even read the bible.
Jason Cooper
I was actually reading Ezekiel just today as I'm into prophecy lately. >very light day I don't see how you can get much from those 300-400 pages when you can't even read single sentences.
I work from home and have for a decade. I learn (admittedly passively through audio for the most part) from before 7am until after 9pm every day. You on the other hand are a LARPer. It would be quite hard to read a lot and then type in the manner that you do. Incorrect as well as sparse punctuation combined with no capitalization. I'd have to actually stop myself and slowly type to be that shitty.
Zachary Parker
>I work from home and have for a decade. I learn (admittedly passively through audio for the most part) from before 7am until after 9pm every day. >You on the other hand are a LARPer. It would be quite hard to read a lot and then type in the manner that you do. Incorrect as well as sparse punctuation combined with no capitalization. I'd have to actually stop myself and slowly type to be that shitty.
lol cuz punctuation, capitalization, and typos fucking matter on Jow Forums and a person's Jow Forums shitposts count as a metric for measuring their objective intelligence.
>I was actually reading Ezekiel just today as I'm into prophecy lately.
so no, u havent even read the fucking most popular and important book in the world and are telling others how to read. top fucking keks ya loser. i've read everything you've posted here, i just see thru yer bullshit matey. i bet u read like the first couple chapters of a book a week or some bullshit and think yer a smarty.
Lucas Walker
>lol cuz punctuation, capitalization, and typos fucking matter on Jow Forums and a person's Jow Forums shitposts count as a metric for measuring their objective intelligence. Yes actually. You are doing EXTRA work to sound like a moron? Because if you were intelligent and used to acting like it, it would be more work to type as you are. As I said, I'd have to stop and think to be that shitty.
Just read Nietzsche and skip the rightwing meme philosophers like Yockey. If you want to know more about NS, you can just read the actual books behind it, like Schmidt or Feder.
Buchanan's book is okay.
Jason Williams
I was in a house with this pevel of fanboy trash. >look at book shelf >realize what I’m looking at >spin around and put hand on mouth >look again >look away and put hand on eyes >don’t say anything about it He was visibly upset by this.
Pretty sure you are a retard that pretends to be intelligent to make himself feel better. "The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy" by John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt "The Holocaust Industry" by Norman Finkelstein
Colton Howard
>Buying inferior shitty Nu-canon Star Wars books You boast like this is something to be proud of.
Hudson Perez
>Pretty sure you are a retard that pretends to be intelligent to make himself feel better.
no u
Brayden Brown
>no u Fucking "no u". Damn retard, go act like a jackass on some forum for Sonic or some shit.
Daniel Roberts
KJV New Testament before it's too late. You could die tomorrow.
Henry Howard
>Fucking "no u". Damn retard, go act like a jackass on some forum for Sonic or some shit. >no u
The Cuture of Critique The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit Tragedy and Hope Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolutuion
Blake Martin
Add The Prince to your list. Thank me later
Joseph Perry
Ship of Fools by Tucker Carlson
Joshua Torres
The best version is the one that Evola wrote the forward for. This version is only in Italian and is rare.
Arma la tua anima
Blake Jenkins
Also > Nassim Talib Bin that book written by a fraud.
Grayson Green
>Spengler's Decline of the West start there
Christopher Miller
Leviathan, by Thomas Hobbes.
Sebastian Parker
The massive collection of books link most likely has every book you're looking for. All Evola, Guenon, etc pretty everything pol will tell you to read.
Lucas Stewart
What publisher is it from?
Xavier Gonzalez
Ain't clicking that shit, nigger.
Nice try tho. I'm sure one or two retards will get caught. And I won't save them.
James Robinson
I'm betting they'll all be unread by the end of the year, and collecting dust bunnies eight years from now.
Easton Brooks
t. Retard
Colton Johnson
Lmao good job outting yourself as a newfag.
I'm not sure. I just know he translated a bunch of Spencer and other works during El douche reign.
Ryan Hall
t. projecting retarded mutt who cannot read
Christopher Watson
Yeah, found it. For anyone interested the publisher is Longanesi. It’s probably going to be pretty hard to find in the US. I couldn’t even find it on the Italian amazon store.
>hurr durr just click first ask questions later goyim don't you realize that nothing bad ever happens on 4chins ever
Brayden Bell
The Black Swan is a gay book. Nothing to gain from reading it
Aiden Myers
Gud book mien fren. Berry repilled and based :DDD
Michael Hill
Read The Turner Diaries
Samuel Baker
How about you stop drinking the liquid Jew? No amount of books will hid the fact that you're literally poisoning yourself with Jewish controlled & propagandized alcohol you degenerate nigger.
Look into the /lit/ philosophy project for the philosophy texts and start with a book that gives you an overview of Western Philosophy. The rest I dunno, it just looks like you're in it for the memes and nothing serious. What is it you want to get out of reading?
Elijah Russell
>being this new Lurk moar, faggot. The fact itself you have never seen those links before is sad.