Shave like a mensch. Dump your stupid cartdridge razors and stop supporting converged corporations like Gillette...

Shave like a mensch. Dump your stupid cartdridge razors and stop supporting converged corporations like Gillette. Instead you should get a safety razor like pic related.

>Blades cost almost nothing, literally pennies to replace a blade
>Soap and brush cost$30or so, last for at least a year
>If you use a shave cream from a tube you don't even need a brush
>Safety razors give a closer, more comfortable shave that cartridge monstrosities
>You can purchase these from centuries old, traditional shops, like Truefitt & Hill,
>Your skin will thank you, no more razor burn, ingrown hairs, etc.

The best part is that your money will be going either to small artisanal shops in the US, or to small British, German, or Japanese safety razor manufacturers that don't tolerate sjw bullshit.

Yes, it's even better to use a straight razor, but the learning curve on a straight is steep, and not all men have the time to use one.

Good, classic brands of safety razor include Merkur, Muhle, Feather, Van der Hagen, and many more. If you get into it as a hobby, there are tons of mom and pop shops in the US producing absolutely top-notch gear.

Attached: merkur_34c.jpg (450x450, 18K)

Other urls found in this thread:

just get the new Dorco 7 blade. I swear it's the best. I dumped Gillette after the ad. Not looking back after these.

I picked up a couple traditional straights from Germany

Gillette fucking created cartridge razor to milk money forever and with their new campaign they can go fuck themselves

>Truefitt & Hill
>nearly $300 for a safety razor
But why?

Looks like the other thread eviscerating Gillette and plugging safety and straight razors got bumped or possibly deleted at the behest of Proctor & Gamble. Fuck Gillette.

I've seen a massive reduction in cost at local drug stores up in Cuckanadafricastan as their brand has taken such a massive hit after their last attempt at bringing attention to "toxic masculinity. What a fuckin joke.

Go pick up a fine German made safety razor, some cheap blades, some shaving soap, and a brush on Amazon, and spend the next 2-3 years saving hundreds of dollars versus buying Gillette products.

Shopping list:

- Merkur safety razor
- Feather japanese razor blades
- Proraso shaving soap
- Any shaving brush

You can get all of this on Amazon.

been using them for years now and just got a straight edge as well, definitely no going back. I think everyone's first safety razor was Merkur lol

>safety razor

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Yeah, son't bother with their razor.

OP, stop shilling Truefitt, you'll only turn people away. The biggest English razor brand is Edwin Jagger, made in Sheffield.

>I've seen a massive reduction in cost at local drug stores
Same here. Gilette, Always, Braun and Pampers are all on sale. So is Dreft on another page

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The joke is on you, the first safety razor was from gilette too. They sold lots of kits to amerimutts shipped to europe in ww1.
Look for khaki set gillette.

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Dorco is quality

Shit I forgot EJ they are great

>shaving at all
What absolute faggots. Grow a beard, save your money.

why feather, they are more than 2x the price of astra blades. are they much better?


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Beards are the cause of the decline of the caucasoid race.

Sharpest blade in existence

Word of caution for those of you with sensitive skin — even after taking the time to learn how to do it properly, these safety razors still cause a lot of issues for my face. Even when I’ve gone to high end barbers and had them shave me with a straight razor, and even after telling them my skin is sensitive, my skin would get all red & fucked up from it. So yeah, as much as I wish I could use these because they’re so cheap + I still own several really nice ones, they just don’t do it for me. After the Gillette bullshit I just placed a big bulk order directly from Dorco USA — they’re cheaper and just as good as Jewlette.

>The biggest English razor brand is Edwin Jagger, made in Sheffield.
EJ make a fine razor. Recommend. If any other UK anons want to move away from Gillette but don't fancy a safety razor then try King of Shaves. It's a full on UK company so you're supporting the UK economy. However, try an Edwin Jagger shave. It will be (slightly) tough the first week or two but after that you will never look back.

Astra blades are Gillette, repeat, do NOT buy Astra blades.
Feather is too sharp imho, paired with semmiaggressive razor it will make carnage out of beginners face.

yes this is the best option because you are not depending on buying spare blades. imagine there is war and not enough blades. what would you use.

Astra are manufactured by Gillette. Personna are a good non-Gillette brand in the same price range.

You'll quickly find that when shaving with DE razors, blade price is almost a non-issue. I use feathers because they're simply the sharpest around, and so long as your technique is right, sharper blades shave smoother.

>he fell for the shaving meme
Jews and Arabs don't shave, why should you?

I use one. Great shave. I also recycle the blades to nigger proof the top if my back fence.

A real man uses a knife

I use electric razors for this reason, and also keep a short trimmed goatee to save my face and look evil. Real men can grow facial hair.

Genuinely curious how you do that

you guys are a bunch of hipsters, i just use schick

Back in the day, hippies were known for their beards. People didn’t want to look like hippies, so business made men shave

Nice, this thread again. Bumping with good non-gillette blades. But to be fair, as long as you don't buy their cartridge razors and shitty skincare products, you're already making an improvement.

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Are you a dumb dumb? Go back to Libya, Abdul. You are making Italy look bad.

Why not just not shave at all?

Shaving took over long before hippies, you zoomer retard.
But real men with jawlines grow facial hair and look better for it.

Been eyeing an Edward Jagger safety razor after the Gillette shitshow. Do you happen to know if they're any good?

Order a sample pack of different razors, because what works with one razor might not be all that great in another. Feather are good blades, but I personally don't think they're worth the premium over other blades. This user mentioned Personna. Two of their blades are made in Israel (if that's an issue for you). If you want the USA made ones you're looking for Personna Super "lab blues", and Personna Super "Medical Prep" blades.

Yes EJ is great

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The Edwin Jagger DE89 is a good razor. It's quite mild, so you won't kill yourself with it.

What about good strait razors?

I've been buying the cheap Lidl razor blades for years. They last pretty long and cost a fraction of brand razors.


>not going full omega and ripping your face off to eliminate the need for shaving entirely

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Most of them are called something or other DE and then some are de and two numbers. Do you know what the difference is?

>doesn't list balls and asshole
Why don't they tell us what we want to know?

no, everyone was cleanshaven for decades before the hippies. the hippies growing beards was their "rebellion".

Do closed combs with cheap blades shave close enough?
I'm eyeing a muhle 106 and 100 bic chrome platinum for 40 bucks.

Attached: Bic-Chrome-Platinum[1].jpg (1440x1080, 364K)

Great blade.

I shave my head with a Dorco. Good stuff.

You've to admit that asianmasculinity tier blog is funny.

I have 20 Gillette cartridges and only use a cartridge a month. I'm not getting rid of them over a damn ad. Haven't seen it and I bet it's terrible, but I still want to use my damn razor.

thanks for tip, didn't know astra was made by jewlette

kek, every single one of those products i ever looked at would always have in the fine print "not recommended for genital or anal regions"

Electric razor masterrace here. Fuck your 19th century straight suicide blades, 20th century suicide blades for safety-first faggots, and late modern suicide-blades-in-a-box.

That is just gorgeous. where do you get one?

Just use fire like a true Immortal. Kill your father and eat his body

DE just means "double edge". If you really want to know the difference between Edwin Jagger models, youtube is full of shaving review channels. Most Jagger models are identical but for the handle shape.

Edwin Jagger razor heads are the most copied heads in the industry. Can't go wrong with them.

Lol just make sure it is not Braun.

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i still got a couple left, and i'm not going to throw them away, but i noticed a significant drop off in quality. i've been using mach 3 since i basically started shaving, and one cartridge could last me a month or two. lately, i'm lucky if a cartridge lasts more than 3 shaves. as expensive as they are, i was thinking about other options before the gilette ad telling me to go fuck myself even came out.

Just made the switch 3 months ago. My Willheim II inspired moustasche looks much more defined with a closer shave. I buy imported German cold treated razorblades and change them every other shave. Get a good priming oil before you apply your shaving cream and finish with a non alcoholic aftershave. And as always, clean all used brushes and razors after use.

As said, the heads are the same – just go for a handle you like.
I haven't tried those blades, but you'll have no problems getting a close shave with a closed-comb razor.

I've been using the mach 3 for as long as I've shaved, never had any issue.

>stop supporting converged corporations like Gillette
Are you nuts? I've been shaving with disposable for 8 years now and because of all the hype, just went out and bought my first Gillette Fusion. It was so smooth and wonderful I cried. I'm never going back to shitty razors again.

>Lol just make sure it is not Braun.
My dad swears by Norelco.


Fuck you ravioli nigger. Jesus and samta clause have beards, and god too!

Only faggots shave. Prove me wrong. Pro tip, you cant.

>straight razor
If you shave with anything other than an angry pitbull, you're probably a $oyboy.

I'll pass on the Nick's and cuts. Fuck Gillette I'll just be a Schick user.

I bought one last night.

>100 blades
Planing on having the box as a family heirloom?

>be me
>read these threads
>ordered pic related
>tried it
>this badger hair feels so good on my face
>much closer shave
>feel in complete control while shaving
>best shave i've ever had
>will never go back to disposable unless i'm travelling
>even then, would strongly consider bringing shave kit
>thank each and every user who suggested getting a safety razor in these threads
>open to trying straight razor now
>i love you niggers

Attached: shave like your grandpa starter kit.png (991x672, 132K)

I use an old Spyderco Military that I 0 ground to shave with.

Works better than straight razors and equals the multi-blade disposable ones.

It doesn't work that well as a utility knife anymore outside of soft foods, but that's ok.

What are good shave soap brands?
>classicshaving brand is actual trash but at least I can use the bowl it came in as a lather bowl
>Olivina is ok

Also what is some good aftershave balm to use after using pinaud aftershave splash


I shave with safety razor + noxzema shave cream. Is the shave soap + lather worth it?


I have one of those but lost it.

I just took the razor blade and shaved, holding it with my hand and using water.

Interesting experience.

Thanks a lot, mate!

Hey faggot I said I bought a straight earlier on so I don’t even buy new razors suck my dick faggot

Wow, rude.

I can't comment on the soap yet, still waiting on the soap to ship in and been using my usual nivea shaving cream. I suspect the the fancier soaps are a meme, but am going off the suggestion of another user and thought I'd try one and see.

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I saw this macro on Jow Forums like 2 years ago and bought the shit, never switched back since.


Some argue the act of working the brush on your face brings out the hairs a bit more for a closer shave. It also makes for a longer routine, if thats your thing. Other than that, a puck of soap will last you a good while, Im talking a year if not more.

That's the point, user. 100 blades for $10 compared to $34 for 12 Gillette Fusion blades.

Some (white)men are indeed stupid when they act like Niggers after reading Jordan Peterson and Sargon of Akkad.
Like going to the store to purchase Nike and Gillette products just to destroy them.
Its okay to still wear your Nike socks and use your Gillette products that you already own.

Don't be like Niggers and go to store and buy these products just to destroy them while putting in on social media that what retards do.
You don't see normal people do that just don't buy new ones use the currents you have.

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Fuck your niggerrich products. Buy a merkur non-slant for the first razor. Use some razorock or Phoenix artisan accroutements soap and aftershave. Cremo works as well as soap with less hassle. Mix some witchhazel in with the aftershave.

One thing is for certain, most shaving gear you buy in stores is overpriced garbage unless you're in a specialty store that deals with just shaving and then you'll be looking at good shit that's overpriced.

Go to west coast shaving dot com or italian barber dot com. Prices are decent with a large selection of good stuff.

But trust me. Go with a decent 50 or 60 dollar razor, some soap or cremo that costs maybe 15 bucks, an omega boar brush, and some good aftershave (not storebought from any big name store), and a sample pack of blades that includes personna, feather, astra, etc.

These razors are not like the shitty cartridges you're used to where you have to smash the blade against your face to get a good shave. Think just a little and let the tool do the work.

I can get out of the shower and be shaven in a minute or two but i don't mess with lathering soap in a bowl or whatever else most do.

For reference I'm mostly german with some irish and grow a good beard with medium coarse hair. Takes about two weeks to get a decent beard that doesn't look like I've just been lazy.

You'll probably nick yourself every once in awhile but they're never bad and the quality of shave and costs saved more than make up for the rare inconvenience of stopping a nick from bleeding.

If you want to boycott a hypercorporation like procter and gamble you will have to basically forgo ALL hygiene products you use because they are basically everywhere

Gillette is on sale around me too.

They're more time consuming that cartridge razors. And the results are... equal at best on my skin.

I buy all my shaving gear at The Dollar Tree, which imports it all from China. Gillette is not touching my money.

I use this stuff on my taint and butthole. It works great but your farts always sound wet and are 2x louder the first couple of weeks of a having a hairless bum. Also your ass shreds toilet paper when hairless. Its worth it though. No more swamp ass or dingleberries and the butthole burn from applying it isnt that bad.

One thing worth pointing out to anyone buying a puck of shaving soap – find out of you have hard or soft water! I've read of people switching to this style of shaving having trouble getting a good lather from a puck when they have hard water.

Re: brushes. Consider a synthetic as your first brush. Yaqi, if you're ok going the chink route (check their aliexpress store) or get a Razorock synthetic if it's more convenient to purchase.

Razorock do some nice stuff. D.R Harris, and Taylor of Old Bond Street are good, and I'd imagine they'd be available somewhere over in North America. If you want to support one of your own you should try Stirling Soap Co.
Mitchell's Wool Fat is good. Proraso is decent and (usually) quite cheap. For anyone in the UK the good old Palmolive Shave Stick can be bought from ASDA and Tesco for around 50p; it performs great for the price.

This is some copypasta level reply.

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How about you just fuck off? Its been what, a month now? We don't need this shit spammed daily. Stop shilling your shit. No doubt you got a few sales here and there from reactionaries but enough is enough. Start the next thread with 'don't buy p&g razors, just use any other fucking brand' and prove to everyone you aren't just another safety razor salesman. Filtered as fuck. I won't be seeing you again faggot.

Don't be afraid m8. Straight razors aren't actually all that dangerous. It does take a bit a bit of practice. I have been using this baby for 8 years now, and I have even shaved a friend in a pinch. But I must say, those safety razors are A E S T H E T I C A F

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Tossed my Gillette fusion razor into the trash yesterday after investing in a safety razor by Merkur. Wasted money on gillette for ten years. Feels good man. Now experimenting with different blades. I shave my head everyday.

Nice tie-dye colored razor, you hippie communist faggot. Does it match your dildo?