Shave like a mensch. Dump your stupid cartdridge razors and stop supporting converged corporations like Gillette...

Shave like a mensch. Dump your stupid cartdridge razors and stop supporting converged corporations like Gillette. Instead you should get a safety razor like pic related.

>Blades cost almost nothing, literally pennies to replace a blade
>Soap and brush cost$30or so, last for at least a year
>If you use a shave cream from a tube you don't even need a brush
>Safety razors give a closer, more comfortable shave that cartridge monstrosities
>You can purchase these from centuries old, traditional shops, like Truefitt & Hill,
>Your skin will thank you, no more razor burn, ingrown hairs, etc.

The best part is that your money will be going either to small artisanal shops in the US, or to small British, German, or Japanese safety razor manufacturers that don't tolerate sjw bullshit.

Yes, it's even better to use a straight razor, but the learning curve on a straight is steep, and not all men have the time to use one.

Good, classic brands of safety razor include Merkur, Muhle, Feather, Van der Hagen, and many more. If you get into it as a hobby, there are tons of mom and pop shops in the US producing absolutely top-notch gear.

Attached: merkur_34c.jpg (450x450, 18K)

Other urls found in this thread:

just get the new Dorco 7 blade. I swear it's the best. I dumped Gillette after the ad. Not looking back after these.

I picked up a couple traditional straights from Germany

Gillette fucking created cartridge razor to milk money forever and with their new campaign they can go fuck themselves

>Truefitt & Hill
>nearly $300 for a safety razor
But why?

Looks like the other thread eviscerating Gillette and plugging safety and straight razors got bumped or possibly deleted at the behest of Proctor & Gamble. Fuck Gillette.

I've seen a massive reduction in cost at local drug stores up in Cuckanadafricastan as their brand has taken such a massive hit after their last attempt at bringing attention to "toxic masculinity. What a fuckin joke.

Go pick up a fine German made safety razor, some cheap blades, some shaving soap, and a brush on Amazon, and spend the next 2-3 years saving hundreds of dollars versus buying Gillette products.

Shopping list:

- Merkur safety razor
- Feather japanese razor blades
- Proraso shaving soap
- Any shaving brush

You can get all of this on Amazon.

been using them for years now and just got a straight edge as well, definitely no going back. I think everyone's first safety razor was Merkur lol

>safety razor

Attached: sawtooth.jpg (1500x1119, 95K)

Yeah, son't bother with their razor.

OP, stop shilling Truefitt, you'll only turn people away. The biggest English razor brand is Edwin Jagger, made in Sheffield.

>I've seen a massive reduction in cost at local drug stores
Same here. Gilette, Always, Braun and Pampers are all on sale. So is Dreft on another page

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