Well Jow Forums?
Well Jow Forums?
>inb4 wh*te cope posters
Who is responsible for the other 27 percent
So...this is the 4th time you're posting this?
They only interviewed 73 people.
And Whites are over half of the country, while blacks are like 15%. As for latinos idk why their number is so low. Maybe because Illegals can't get food stamps, but I wouldn't be suprised if they could.
>Gross numbers vs % of ppn
per capita
Is this for Madagascar, India, or China?
>while blacks are like 15%
>What is per-capita?
Black idiots on twitter might not understand PC, but the lying sacks of shit who write articles like that absolutely do. They choose to manipulate the truth.
Duh...the majority of the population is white. This is what % of people currently on food stamps are 'X' race. I would rather see.. Whats the % of whites on food stamps and whats the % of blacks on food stamps in relation to their overall population #.
what part of 13% of the population do you seem to not understand, queer nigger
The white single mother with 5 black kids and a couple of baby daddies in prison counts as 6 white people because only the race of the mother is counted.
>60% use 35%
>13% use 23%
>??% use 15%
That's 73%
Where's missing 27?
Americans can't into maths and statistics.
See how much they take per capita instead of getting manipulated by the media.
12 percent of the population using 23 percent of benefits
It's not. 35% of all FS holders are white. 23% are black.
It's not going off the whole population. Just those that get food stamps.
So blacks...that make up 13% of the entire population take 23% of all fs.
While whites take 35% but make up over 60% of the entire population.
Per capita is adjusted for population size.
Basically per capita means a level playing field, and assuming that level fields how does the numbers match up.
I’m a severe brainlet
Can someone explain per capita and the context of it here?
MSNBC. you think I buy into this jew shit?
>what is per capita?
>Whites are like 60% of the population
What... is happening in that pic?
Nothing you said makes sense nigger.
Yeah, why are white people under represented in SNAP benefit recipients?
>what is per capita
>As for latinos idk why their number is so low. Maybe because Illegals can't get food stamps, but I wouldn't be suprised if they could.
If they shit out a kid in the US they'll get a SSN and can apply for WIC and other handouts
That Asian seems very disproportionate, or does that include Middle East?
Jow Forums never acknowledges the white trash problem
Twitter was the worst thing to come from the internet
>t. wh*te cope poster
Probably. Asians are all about free gibs though, so of course they'll collect food stamps if they can.
I almost feel bad for the whites
pacific islanders is the main one, trust I live in hawaii
what proportion of each resp races are on food stamps?
looks like bullshit
All of them are living off of the backs of whites, so basically whites are supporting their own poor plus everybody else to boot. This is a cargo cult, make no mistake about it.
No one should get welfare. It's not good for you.
So Whites are under represented by about half while blacks are doubled over representation?
12% of the population takes up that many food stamps and benifets? Something needs to be done about that.
>politicsnation with al sharpton
the numbers arent even fucking right. what the fuck
you got a bowl of 100 candies, and 5 of them are poop in disguise. A second bowl has 10 candies, and only 4 of them are poop.
Which bowl would be safer to pic 1 random piece from?
Blacks constitute 13% of the population get 23%
whites represent 60% and take 30%
learn fucking per capita.
but whites have more money, so why shouldn't they be the ones that pay more taxes?
total population (2012)
b= 13%
w= 63%
if 63% w receive 35% fs
and 13% b receive 23% fs
witch population gets more fs ?
well lets see
w 35/63 vs b 23/13
w is like half of white population
b is almost 2 out of 3.
non whites shouldn't even be citizens fag
Hahaha wtf it doesn't even reach 100% hahahhahah
Where is the rest of the 100% lol
Now do Jews.
>missing the point
but let's continue your regression for the sake of your mind, why should the government burn cash instead of allowing individuals to invest in their own and their families' futures?
Whites: 77% of population
Blacks: 12% of population
>go to my notepad
234,302,000 of the population is white
50,180,000 of the population is black
16,884,000 whites on SNAP
10,794,000 blacks on SNAP
22% of blacks on SNAP
7.2% of whites on SNAP
Numbers from USDA.gov
there are other races. they call them non hispanics, non blacks to tell who is mixed or not pure.
>not taking into considerations a lot of Hispanics list themselves as white in every census...
Thank you!
the intersection between "people who think blacks are welfare leeches" and "rich jews should pay more in taxes" is about 12 NazBol people, and half of them are cops. I appreciate the effort though
The best thing about this is how many blacks/spics are counted as "Caucasian" when they turn criminal or become welfare recipients overinflating white percentages.
I dunno, i think this one has a point
In both cases, the same number of crimes are committed but often times it's reported as if it's an extreme amount
I mean, the media does the same thing with the races reversed all the time
>These 2 white kids beat up a black kid
>No mention of 2 black kids beating up the white kid
Crime is crime
working with spics, some that were illegal as well, most either work multiple jobs to buy the necessities or are too scared to be anywhere that could lead them to get deported. the illegal spics I worked with fucked off back to their country because they werre better of their than here.
Why should nonwhites be able to vote when they don’t pay taxes?
>over 60% of the population
>about 13% of the population
So what happens when whites become a minority in the USA and the free gibs run out? Zimbabwe anyone?
Ill take "what's per capita" for $500, Alex.
Is the great food stamp crisis still on track or have they gotten emergency funding when Trump kicked the can to the 15th? I'm under the impression that only federal workers got any relief buy getting back pay and paychecks until the 15th.
Has the USDA gotten more funding until the 15th for food stamps or is the EBT crisis still a thing?
Well /leftypol/?
how can 13% of the population use 23% of the healthcare?
See the "Cloward-Piven" strategy for establishing communism.
Are niggers rioting?
There's your answer.
actually i think more taxes to rich people is wrong since rich people bring jobs to the table, tend to produce innovation and wealth. being black and a leech sometimes happens, but it happens to any other race, Jow Forums knows this. if you are on welfare and also have some sort of fucked up morals you are not going to look for a job and masturbate and smoke pot instead. Instead of welfare the state should be making it easy for everyone to find jobs, making it easy to start a business and cut taxes from new companies. this way a black man can profit from a small business selling hot dogs or pot. or even starting a porn studio;
Mouthwash niggers
I've heard of that.
ok ... ok just one thing.
So blacks are 11% of USA. why are you complaining ? are you fucking retarded ? brazil is like 50% blacks and more 20% mixed. stop blaming blacks for stuff, try to help them to get education.
>So what happens when whites become a minority in the USA and the free gibs run out
what year is that projected to happen? Either the US will have better social services by then, or it will continue on the current capitalist path: defund public programs, only the rich have access to health services, basic goods will be bought on credit and the majority of the population will be in never-ending poverty and debt slavery.
The one wid out da niggas yo!
they have to want to help themselves, same as everybody else
There was no crisis, just fear mongering
Illegals get it by having fake ID and thus don't "count"
Plus who knows what percent of spics say they are white (or are actually legit totally descendants of Europeans) seeing as it's a bullshit term anyway
How are we going to have better social services without whites around to pay into the system and keep the lights on?
things are happening
per capita be racist and sheeit
Thats not how population statistics work my dude.
Take random 100 000 black dudes and their crime stats % would be close to the one of all the black population. Thats the whole point of per capita so you can compare populations with different sizes.
How did you miss my point so completely
US domestic policy would need to be more left-wing and solve the economic inequalities that exist in black and hispanic communities. So that by the time whites are a minority there is a solid middle class of non-white union or white-collar workers. But again this is only hypothetical since I dont know what year whites are supposedly becoming a minority.
It’s easy to see how Americans were convinced to destroy the middle east for Israel by GW bush jr
wrong quote