Race mixing is up there with cute animals and sunsets as peoples favorite thing in life. Why?
Why do people love race mixing so much?
Jealous whiteboi
Nah, they're just a vocal minority.
They hate themselves so much that they want to glut themselves for the rest of their lives on the punishment that is raising an identity-less child.
Its an extension of “look at me”.
Fucking niggers is the female version of when men do stunts while drunk in front of friends for attention.
kgb psyop
the same reason people are like ohh she's so cute to pictures of deformed retards instinctively they know it's disgusting (i hope) but they want to virtue signal that despite their disgust reaction they can not only tolerate but can celebrate that they approve of it because they're such good nice people that want everyone to feel included and to be happy
Most relationships are people dating within their own race.