Blue Checkmarks are already freaking out about Tulsi 2020
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WHAT did she do?
Based Glen
Pic related
She's too moderate in libtard's eyes
Fucking scumbags
she's not black enough and (((they))) don't own her
Our nation was founded on the principle that our government should be of the people, by the people, and for the people. Where all people are treated equally and with respect in these United States of America. But today that vision seems like a far off dream. Where hatred and divisiveness have cast a dark shadow across our country. We’re being torn apart by powerful, self-serving politicians and greedy corporations. People fomenting hatred, bigotry, and fear. Inciting conflict between us because of the color of our skin, the way that we worship, or the political party that we might belong to. This corruption of spirit is driven by greed and selfishness and is eroding the very fabric of our society and democracy itself. This is not who we are, America. The very best of our nation is exemplified by our nation’s veterans, who embody what it means to put service above self. Who sacrificed their own personal interests out of a greater love for our people and our country. Because love is not just a feeling. It’s a powerful force. A force that drives us to act. To put service above self. And our men and women in uniform, generation after generation, motivated by love for one another and for our country, have been willing to sacrifice everything. For us. They don’t just raise their hand and volunteer to serve, only to fight for one religion and not another, to fight for people of one race but not another, people of one political party but not another. No. When we raise our right hand and volunteer to serve, we set aside our own interests, to serve our country, to fight for all Americans. We serve as one, indivisible, united, unbreakable. United by this bond of love for each other and love for our country. It is this principle of service above self that is at the heart of every soldier, at the heart of every service member. And it is in this spirit, that today, I announce my candidacy for President of the United States of America.
I will bring this soldier’s principles to the White House, restoring the values of dignity, honor, and respect to the presidency. And above all else, love for our people and love for our country. So I ask you to join me. Join me in putting this, this spirit, this spirit of service above self at the forefront, and to stand up against the forces of greed and corruption. Now the road ahead will not be easy. The battles will be tough. The obstacles great. But I know that when we stand united by our love for our people and for our country, there is no obstacle we cannot overcome. There is no battle that we cannot win. John F. Kennedy once said, “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country”. We must heed this call to action today. At a time in our history where it is so badly needed. We must stand up. We must fight for the soul of our country. Stand up against bought and sold politicians who kowtow to special interests, selling their votes to the highest bidder. Where instead of draining the swamp, our president has turned it into a cesspool of corruption. We must stand up against big pharma and insurance companies, who extort those who are sick, who put their profits above the health and wellbeing of our people. We have to fight to make sure that every single American gets the quality healthcare that they need, through Medicare for All. We must stand up against the big wall street banks who gamble with our money and our future. Stand up against overreaching intelligence agencies and big tech companies who take away our civil liberties, privacy, and freedoms in the name of national security and corporate greed. We must stand up against those who pollute our land, our water, and our air.
We must stand up against private prisons, who are profiting off the back of those who are caught up in a broken criminal justice system. A system who puts people in prison for smoking marijuana. While allowing corporations like Purdue Pharma who are responsible for the opioid related deaths of thousands of people who walk away scott free with their coffers full. This so-called criminal justice system which favors the rich and powerful and punish the poor cannot stand. We must join hands and stand up against those who perpetuate bigotry, hatred, and violence against our brothers and sisters because of their race religion or sexual orientation, We must stand up, stand up against this administration that claims to believe in america first, but who sells our troops, our weapons, and our interests to whichever foreign country is the highest bidder. We must stand up against those who dishonor our troops, treating them as political pawns, and mercenaries for hire in wars around the world. We must stand up, stand up against powerful politicians from both parties, who sit in their ivory towers, thinking up new wars to wage, new places for people to die. Wasting trillions of our taxpayer dollars, hundreds of thousand of lives, undermining our economy, our security and destroying our middle class.
These are the same people who think the reason Star Wars movies suck now is because of Russia.
Since you guys don't have voter ID, can't reps just vote in the dems primaries?
Who's jewing who now? I kinda lost the plot.
I do this
Opposes pointless wars in the Middle East. And according to le current year warmonger democrats, if you don't support terrorists fighting against Assad, then you must be a Russian patsy
>this is why Aero's discord tranny brigade has been astroturfing Jow Forums with AOC, Harris and Tulsi threads for weeks
>First (((poll))) released for IA Dem Caucus showing Biden blowing out the rest of the field effortlessly
It's already too goddamn obvious. I'd be legitimately curious who paid Aero to organize a bunch of free shitposters to astroturf Jow Forums so that the media could start crying 'MUH RUSSIA" already against any Democratic candidate that might be a threat to (((Biden))).
It also amuses me because of the 3 they've been shilling, Gabbard is by far the closest thing to a centrist of the entire field. They're terrified of their internal Overton Window being dragged back towards the center. They're fully embracing the lunatic fringe.
All this information tells me one thing when it's all compiled and considered: Civil war is now unfortunately an inevitability. It is not an if, it's a when and a who fires first.
>experts who track websites
literally just some fags who report on the sentiments on Jow Forums
reality is some people here just like Tulsi cause she's not as much of a libcuck as most of the Dems and has/had some right-leaning beliefs in the past
These are the same people wholesale ignoring the Uranium One scandal by Hillary's people. AKA a legitimate Russia scandal.
pure evil
These fags are running scared.
Vote Tulsi in primaries. Shake it up
I don't know how the left can live with this much paranoia and rage.
I don't think that our government would elect woman for the POTUS position. Our leaders are too traditional and conservative for that.
>implying Jow Forums doesn't react the same way to (((them)))
the vocal left and the mainstream leftwing media have gone retarded extreme left, AOC-tier socialist left at this point
someone like Tulsi is nowhere near extreme enough to satiate their fanaticism, they want a white-hating, man-hating, socialist marxist, gay-loving candidate to be the face of the party
As I understand it, if you vote for a party in the primaries, you must vote them for the general or not vote at all.
>the vocal left and the mainstream leftwing media have gone retarded extreme left, AOC-tier socialist left at this point
but those are all good things
i like that she sticks to her guns, at least as far as fuck war. she flipped like everyone else on the gay marriage issue.
Yeah. The media isn't "the left" the media is the neoliberal establishment.
shame every single other thing she stands for is shit-tier leftism
You can vote for anyone you want in the general. Party registration is only for the primary.
I know one liberal who told me they switched parties to vote for Trump in the primary. kek
Russia hacked the screenplay!
>shame every single other thing she stands for is shit-tier leftism
Hey kike. We're gonna genocide zionists like you this year and then nobody has to deal with your forced "left vs right" meme anymore. Thank God.
what? i never heard that. but, it's different in every state. in arizona, my state, you cannot vote in the dem primary unless you are registered dem. same for rep. if you are registered independant (which is what i did when i first registered to vote) you're pretty much fucked as far as who you can vote for in the primaries.
even though drug bills that legalize everything are the queen's dream I like her pot bill better than Warren's, introduced by a Virginia Republican, non nonsense conservative bill
this bill really makes Warren's bill look like a joke
>Tulsi Gabbard is a mouthpiece for the Qatar foundation. She should be brought up on FARA Charges.
How non-inclusive and islamophobic of Jacob Wohl! What is he, a Trump supporter?
Lets push them over the edge, shall we?
What they are doing to themselves is much worse than we could ever come up with. They are having a moral panic bigger than I ever thought possible. The left is consuming itself with rage and purity tests. Just sit back and enjoy.
Even though she's a dumb Dem, she seems to love her own country in the same way Trump does, i.e., get out of other countries and removing pointless wars.
The wars that Israel loves.
Friendship with trump ended
Tulsi is my best friend now ;)
She’s a Muslim, she doesn’t love this country. She’s assumed a position of power to impose her ideologically driven dogma (ie the Quran) on the American people. She also just happens to hate Israel/Jews so that makes her appealing to short sighted fools
Jews have declared war on Tulsi , we must defend her!
She isn't Muslim, though. Indians have been dealing with the scourge of radical Islam for much longer than the US
Tulsi will endorse Trump. Screencap this.
Any mildly reasonable dem candidate will be painted as russian agents.
lol this the new era of political warfare, blame support on muh russia and now it is taboo to show support
Her kickoff had a combined total over a million viewers on multiple platforms through her own social media and several small news affiliates around the country. This with very little support from MSM and an entire month of smears.
They are not going to take her out without a glorious charge into battle.
Kek. No kike. You insolent faggot. Journalists write articles blaming people who support their enemies on the Internet as Russians.
Glen unironically/ourguy/
Alex Goldstein doesn't like opposition to interventionism. Typical Jew.
The extremely weird ideological purity that progressives and neolibs are trying to force on the democratic party is exactly what is going to lose them 2020
Imagine how the libtards and Jews would freak out if Trump makes Gabbard VP or Secretary of Defense. (After disowning Princes Ivanka and her faggoty Husband Kushner, of course.)
Wait i'm sorry OP, I don't understand.
I thought it was Russian collusion with trump, but they're supporting democrats?
Is the future of politics? Anyone who doesn't explicitly belong to the elites will be smeared as "insert x country spy" with baseless claims that, once refuted, will be ignored and new ones will be made against them?
What's her stance on:
-gay marriage
-second amendment
Hey faggot, whatever her positions are, every single Democrat other than her has 10x worse more tyrannical positions. She's isolationist, a veteran, and anti war. She called out the Military Industrial Complex and the trillions we spend on war. The same groups that push for wars in the ME are the ones that want to destroy the constitution at home.
I can't believe people still see Assad as a bad guy, he's literally a goddamn hero
>I can't believe people still see Assad as a bad guy, he's literally a goddamn hero
It's literally only the zionist media. With censorship online you literally only see the zionist echochamber.
Ah ok so it's another "we need to vote blue in 2020!" shill thread. Good luck with it.
>Ah ok so it's another "we need to vote blue in 2020!" shill thread. Good luck with it.
>shill thread
Nobody here is telling anyone how to vote moron. Obviously you're incapable of understanding this.
Jow Forums is satire you retard
Tulsi 'Gas the kikes' Gabbard is by far the best Democrat out there, she might not be perfect
(gun laws etc.) but thats because she must also appeal to the average Democuck voter.
She is anti (((war))), (((globalism))), pro assad, she definitly knows about the kikes just wont say it as anyone with half a brain cell would.
>Hurr durr this is reverse psychology
>The deep state wants to help the one dem that blew the whistle on Syria being a load of Israel BS and doesn't have Judaeo-Christian values. That totally makes sense.
Why is Edgy666 so fucking stupid?
Styx is a controlled oppositon shill for over a year now. Ask yourself the last time he's made a video on an issue that goes beyond the daily bread and circus. An issue that affects all Americans, like wars or the deep state.
She is. Also Indians don’t deal with Muslims. They kill them and move on
How are the democrats supposed to win ANY election at all this way?
This constant dismantlement of their own is so damaging, it feels like Trump 2.0 is already set in stone.
The "democratic party" is really just the "oligarchic party". They have never allowed a non-controlled candidate into the candidacy.