Even the ultra rich believe they should be paying way more taxes but you think its a bad idea

Even the ultra rich believe they should be paying way more taxes but you think its a bad idea

you do realize you are 1 degree away from being a literal cuck, right?

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I rather fight wars for Israel than have my money go to faggots that aren't citizens of my country.

billionares saying the should pay more taxes is good pr

then why aren't all billionaires saying it


Nothing is stopping him from paying more on his own. Fuck off commies.

because that alone will fix unfair taxation
fuck off rural brainlet

when ur a trillionair 10 billion isnt a lot

Why doesn’t he just write a check to the IRS then? They would love that, I’m sure.

weird how he had the best business and legal team destroying or absorbing most of his competition while his dad was the chairman of planned parenthood makes you wonder if microsoft is responsible for millionsof aborted babies

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>Even the ultra rich believe they should be paying way more taxes
Feel free then:

Attached: smugle.jpg (720x720, 94K)


fuck off kid

I don’t think anyone should be paying taxes and I think government should be abolished

I didn’t know that was a thing lol

Taxation itself is unfair. Fuck off statist

protip: anyone is allowed to pay as much tax as they want beyond their obligation. The treasury will absolutely accept extra money if you feel you owe more.

> says he should pay more
> doesn't

Virtue has been signalled.

make an argument.
I work hard for my money and then it gets taken from me by force. They say its to pay for services but it doesn't. It just goes towards paying interest on our debt. Whenever they want to fund something they just get loans.

>How did we get to this point?

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Buffet says it when he goes into folksy bullshit mode. Then his companies absolutely bloody screw lower class Americans as hard as they can.

If he thinks he should pay more why take all the deductions that he has over the years.

This is simply virtue signalling because it will never happen.

Tbf our system is fucked. If he started paying good wages shareholders would sue him. You legally cant do anything that “hurts” the company because you owe it to shareholders not to. Only way around it is owning a company yourself and having no shareholders to answer to

He would pay more if he stopped hiding money in his family "charity"

>Even the ultra rich believe they should be paying way more taxes
What he's doing is charity. It's all the more incredible due to it being of the man's own volition, not something enforced by the state, which simply gives the arms of the state, ie: pigs, more power ie: Weapons.
Fucking boot lickers man. You may as well have used a fucking commie memeflag you absolute disgrace.

Billionares want to tax other billionares so they can destroy competition.

Yeah nah he is faggot who transfered half of his wealth to self created charity(tax heaven) and is potraying him self as some kind of humanitarian.

The government takes checks

>I rather fight wars for Israel
Good. When the day of the rope comes, we'll tell you where to hide from Russian nukes.

If they agree they'll pay more and not flee, then yes do it you fucking mongs. Only caveat is that they'll just donate to government projects they secretly own.

explain how his companies "bloody screw over lower class Americans as hard as they can" you LARPing prepubescent britbong