Anybody else not watching the super bowl...

Anybody else not watching the super bowl ? Personally i believe we praise these niggers too much to throw around a pig skin and play a child’s game, on top of all that praise and money they seem to still claim discrimination and racism. Personally i say fuck that nigger game and fuck all those niggers

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We watch a real sport up here.

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Why do we glorify these stupid coons for throwing a fucking pig skin around ?

I'm not sure why there's an audience at all. If I was conservative American I would have walked away ages ago. They need to feel the pain in the numbers or they'll never learn. Adam Levine will kneel and sjw larp around at half time and probably piss most of the audience off which will be fun.

Unironically this. Hockey is the last bastion is whiteness.

>either you hate football and everything it stands for or your infatuated with big black powerful men
classic false dichotomy

I don't have cable.

>Anybody else not watching the super bowl ?
Hadn't even crossed my mind. Didn't even realize it was on this weekend until last night. Jew media is completely dead to me.

I'm not. its rigged and the commercials suck

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Bout time people start to show Hockey the love it so richly deserves.

Attached: Exterminate The Rat Brad Marchand.jpg (800x450, 76K)