How much longer does she have?

How much longer does she have?

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Negative eight days

she's been room temperature for two months

RBG more like RIP

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Ruth Ginsburg has been dead since Friday Dec 21st 2018 killed by the memes


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O fug

There is no evidence that she's alive. They'll probably announce her death to distract from the culmination of a serious covert action.

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-23 days and counting

she's already on ice m8

she's dead, dude


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Does this confirm that she's now in hell?

Decades, easily.

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She's already dead.

Dragged into green hell by an army of frogs

Depending on what preservatives they stuff her with and with proper atmospheric conditions, she could retain her general body mass for centuries, or even a whole 1000 years.

Does anyone notice how A) ginz and general mattis look like twins?
B) disappeared about the same time?
C) their views were the same on many issues including transgenders serving in the Marine Corps.

Technically they can keep her "alive" for years, hooked up to a breathing machine, heart monitors, IV drips, and feeder tubes etc. She doesn't have to have any brain activity either.

They will announce her death after Trump finishes his term(s).

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#RuthProof pls.

Is there anything that says that a SC justice has to show up for work every X days?
When's the last time she was seen in public?

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Gen. Her honor Mattisberg.

If she's been dead this long, then Trump is complicit in covering it up. There's no way he doesn't know.


Or just knows it’s a better move to wait.

I would only fuck her for thousands of dollars

Omg she is in hell, checked

more than (You)

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I worry that he's giving the left TOO much rope to hang themselves with and they might be smart enough to use it for something else.

-3 days

Ded Dec 21

Your the Champion of Abortion Rights only to end up as a Forced Life Support Case ...

>I would only fuck her for thousands of dollars

I want her to stop using shampoo and body wash for a couple of weeks, though still showering with warm water, so she smells clean but natural. Also, no shaving of the body hair. Then I want her to sit on my face. I want to feel her hairy folds grind over my face until her scent overcomes me as I pass out with a smelly, shiny snail trail from my chin to my forehead. I want her extra, extra smelly but in a clean and natural way. I’ll bet her pussy will smell terrific. Really, really terrific.

look at these trips..... Mother of god

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Negative 32 days.

shes been dead and show your flag, kike.


Are they going to try to put in a double? They set the stage by curing cancer last week, but do they have the balls to go for it. Whoever it is doesn't even have to know the law or constitution becsuse RBG never followed that anyway.

She a Zombie

She's been dead for years.


Satan is telling the truth for once. Trust me it would be worse if he was lying.

She's already dead. I call my local stations every day, asking why the majors aren't demanding an explanation.

She's already dead
(((they))) will announce her death during the superb owl when no one cares.