#NeverRemember #WeAgain
Jow Forums why are you still antisemitic?
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I remember seeing that Tawhidi on Rubin Report.
Seems like an okay dude.
he's on some kill lists now
He is the muslim version of our liberal commies. You shouldn't trust these snakes.
He's gay.
Hmm I see, from now on we're going to support only Al Nusrah because they're not Zionist shills.
Because I've met them
Because I don't like my country to be controlled by Rothschild family
Nothing puts Jews at ease like a muslim in a trenchcoat at the front gates of Auschwitz...
The Koran almost literally tells people to kill all Jews on page two.
I don't know which religion this Imam practices but it certainly ain't Islam.
He's weird and arrogant. He grew up extremely conservative and is acting like he's going to be some reformer. You can google muslims visiting auschwitz and see a bunch of other imams going there and praying.
Best case: he gets traction and makes muslims more civilized
Worst case: muslims kill each other over imam who is too liberal
Because there is nothing wrong with hating jews.
I will never forget the 6 million. 6 million innocent people died in the hands of a bunch filthy people.
NEVER forget the 6 million......................in Holodomor
Link to quote?
Those are both best cases, Hans
The modern Jow Forums is a muslim shithole, the majority of anti-Semites here are for pushing their lie and propaganda, not for discussion.
Why does he look jewish?
i have to admit, when I hear someone come out against 'anti-semitism', i can't help that my first thought is 'oh, I see.. you're stupid'.
theres absolutely no excuse in (current year) to be blind to the actions of the jew on the world stage
he's a (((mossad))) agent.
>Fire up the fatwa
>#NeverRemember #WeAgain
Understand the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2.
Read through this thread, it's all there...
Use this info to redpill others. Redpilling normies is the ONLY battle that matters now. Redpill them and the rest will work itself out.
self proclaimed imam . everybody knows that. the media is taking it over without questioning it.
>implying all imams aren't self proclaimed ragheads.
he is there to trick you into thinking shitslam can be reformed and made compatible with the west.
I really love and respect this guy for what he's trying to do, but I wonder how he reconciles the teachings of the Qur'an and Ahadith with his message of peace?
"Imam of peace" just sounds contradictory and impossible to me, but hey, at least he's doing the right thing so whatever...
he's a jewish con you brainlet
he doesnt
its called taqiyya
>muslims are FUCKIN' BAAAAASED because they hate jews
Fuck all you faggots who ever believed this.