Thoughts on Murdoch Murdoch?

Aome said that they used to put the comedy before the politics; now it's the politics with a side of comedy.

Others, that they are waiting for the AMA.

And some people that they symbolize the fact that Postmodernism destroying Postmodernism to make way for Romanticism 2.0


What are your thoghts on MM

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Other urls found in this thread:

basically rick and morty for cuckistanis instead of redditors, an absolute all around cringefest and if you watch this and aren't 14 years old you deserve to be gassed

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Some people who held that opinion and then went and watched it, changed their minds. Here, try this one, "Wanderer's Choice":


no, I'm not watching your fucking terrible meme show, stop shilling it memeflag

It's a fairly witty take on an argument ad nauseam world of progressive slogans through the lens of flawed and human characters with third way political beliefs that seem entirely reasonable in comparison.
A sort-of "we beat the Nazis for this?" as sighed by a 90 year old Marine vet and animated by a disillusioned 20-something trying to piece it all together.

>I'm not watching
>but I still think my opinion matters

>fairly witty
>uses wojacks as characters
>repeats Jow Forums memes as punchlines
it's just a fucking lazy way to capitalize on the "alt-right", this isn't any different than muh based patreon tradthots

>If you don't watch every episode of my favourite show you can't have an opinion on it
I'm not going to watch gay porn either, does not mean I'm not qualified to say it's fucking gay? Fuck off retard

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>gay porn
you know it's a terrible argument but make it anyway

what didn't you understand? you don't have to watch something to know it's not worth watching. I've seen clips of the show posted here and it's fucking terrible. Why am I going to watch something I don't like just so I can give you a review on it?


they made that request for questions a month ago

where is the videos assholes, also we need a definite answer to Dame Pesos' question

you should at least watch one whole episode

Here - low commitment. If you're white and feel besieged, cheap inspiration: skip the first 10 seconds or so.

Go make your own ethnostate.

I always liked this one:

dire shit tier cringy 'alt right' '''''humour'''''

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Feels inbound

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Find and rejoin your roots, user.

Why are canadians the worst posters?

i'm not a huge fan of it but if it makes the redditors and shills seethe then i support it 100%

fuck I was already depressed I didn't need that

It cracks me up. It reminds of of Aqua Teen Hunger Force-Meets-Jow Forums.

I dont get the visceral hatred some Jow Forumsacks have for it.

no one who didnt already hold the opinions being shilled would ever watch this, and it's not very entertaining so really what's the fucking point

they're retards/shills or just never watched it


How fucking long does it take you faggots to put out a shitty AMA with 6 gorillion questions about Murdoch Chan’s feet and what dildo shapes are allowed in the ethnostate? Unsubbed.

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false, some people who redpilled themselves accidentally while watching it for fun

cringey and boring

They may be working in it now, for all you know. But, they have a live to live, and as you say, they have 6 gorillion questions. They're probably wondering how to handle it. Anyway, they do about 1 / month - it's not 'due' (not that it ever is /due/) until next week.

> working ON it
> a LIFE to live
holy shit my brain.

It's good.
t. shitskin who hates redditors, niggers, jews and muzzies.

Someone said in yesterday's MM thread that they got JQ'd by MM. (How that could happen I don't know, with no citations or facts it'd be a cheap kind of conversion.) But MM converts people the way Jow Forums does - humor and disrespect while breaking former taboos. Add /great/ choices of music, and fair plotting, and it involves and appeals to the human animal more directly.

This thread is a shillfest full of Gaylords. MM is good and most people here like it. If you think it sucks, offer a better redpilled cartoon or tv show.

the show and its target demographic are manifest everything that's gone wrong with this board in the past few years. the "alt-right", the magapedes, the civcucks, larpers, reddit niggers, boomers, people who identify as right wing to be edgy, people who think this is a republican board, "some jews are ok", newfags who take memes literally, children whose political ideology is "triggering libtards", they've all ruined this place and that show exists solely to profit off of them and is has the added side effect of validating their existence.

consider helium therapy

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I stopped watching after they wept over shitskins in Syria. I hear some of the videos were babby's first redpill for a few people so I can't say I hate it.

Here's the post, in context:

What episode did that happen in? I think I’ve missed a few and that might be one of them.

get in here lads

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>all these words and not one correct
clearly you know nothing about the show

i still consider this one of the greatest videos on the internet.

Right after the airstrip bombing.

the only people who promote this show are obviously fucking underageb& newfags or boomers who think an animated version of their favourite memes is "redpilled", all of them are cancer and all of them need to fuck off. The show is a cringefest and so are you. go fap to murdoch chan and and cry over animated wojacks some more you absolute memelord

it truly is

I like them a lot
Better than anything on tv

I think most people that hate them are contrarians conditioned by this place to hate any popular cartoons

no amount of alcohol will make this anything less than a cringefest to watch. seriously, how old are you faggots?

>not wanting to get dragged into another war for (((our greatest ally)))
>crying over shitskins
Literal brainlet

nothing you say is even close to reality
it's much deeper than you're assuming

'All for Love'

>"some jews are ok"

>wahhhh MM isn't sufficiently serious about National sotializm!!11

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love MM but really wish MC would post feet

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This is probably the original AMA thread...
And this is yesterday's thread...

they like to think they're above it

Only one of those two things happened, user.

i'll admit that some of the MM episodes has some cringe moments. however, "metamorphosis" stands out.

>It's much deeper than you're assuming
>animated alt-right wojack show is deep
>fucking DEEP
my fucking sides, you're an absolute brainlet aren't you? please, humour me, explain what's so deep about this fucking show you dumbass little kid. maybe the show is deep if you're fourteen years old and dress like picrelated

>missing the point entirely
every post in this thread confirms that you only people who enjoy this shit are either >80IQ or actual children

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>poor animation means they can't write
insanely retarded

They're enjoyable. I will always be motivated by Metamorphosis

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Yet you hang around this thread, apparently hoping to be convinced. It /is/ entertainment, but it covers a lot of ground. And, it processes the world for us, somewhat, with Jow Forums-ish attitude and spirit. He strives to end most shows on either a whitepill or a fight - it's frikken therapy.

Used to be good, now its just regurgitated garbage

>Why am I going to watch something just so I can give you a review on it?

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that's not what I said you pleb. If this is your idea of deep, you're an actual, serious retard. and please, show me an example of the exquisite literary architecture that is the writing of murdoch murdoch.

>it processes the world for us, somewhat, with Jow Forums-ish attitude and spirit.
>He strives to end most shows on either a whitepill or a fight - it's frikken therapy
>I need cartoons to tech me how to analyze reality
top NPC
>g-get out of muh thread if u don't like muh show!!
Jow Forums is not a hugbox

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Oh, it's Jow ForumsThe_Donald -- you /are/ a fan! :)

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>8 posts by this ID

imagine being this buttblasted by an autistic cartoon

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Do me next Leaf

> t. JF Gariepy, come to lash out at MM again, after his severe beatdown by Alternative Hypothesis

Because he's a fucking gay leaf.

>sees this
>o-Oh u must be reddit haha i knew it lol
yep, only retards like this show

>s-stop teling me not to be cancer!!1 no bully!!1 /Pol is a Kekistan board shadilay brother!!1

>that's not what I said
you clearly implied it
and btw I'm not the one who shared this clip, I told you to watch an entire episode or stfu about it

Does anyone know what the music is around 27:00?

Murdoch Murdoch is beautiful.
Murdoch Murdoch is based.

Thanks for sharing. I really enjoyed it.

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it got old

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>If you don't watch an entire episode of my favourite cancerous newfag meme compilation you don't get to say it's not worth watching
the absolute state of this board. I bet you have fashwave saved on your computer and a pepe avatar for youtube comments so you can trigger libtards

triple wrong lmao

>>o-Oh u must be reddit haha i knew it lol
No, Jow ForumsThe_Donald is a character in Murdoch Murdoch. He spouts civ nat lines, and makes rubber-duck squeaks while doing so. Looks like the character is based on your pic-related.

nobody who is older than 16 years old would write a reply like this

this, fellow shlomo discord /b/ro

Starter pasta:

Crowd pleaser: 'When My Brothers Finally Wake Up'

"Galaxy MM88":

"The Wanderer's Choice" (greatest artistically, imo):

If you're of the West, re: the problem: "Last Son of the West"

If you're redpilled, inspiration: "Metamorphosis"

If you're simply American (ie it's normie-friendly): "Ghosts of America"

or "Greatest Generation"

And many, many more - just type 'Murdoch Murdoch' in YouTube, and let YouTube suggest them to you.

There's a list, with cover images here:

And the canonical source is:

Have you guys seen Kyle? He told me they were recording the AMA today.

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>he doesn't

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Shut the fuck up, kike.

Back to work with you!
Or did you blanch at 3,000 questions and decide to just do an episode?

should I have said yes even though it was wrong?

Please stop making so many threads about us. Honestly we are e-celeb tier. The AMA will be out soon anyway.

An absolutely based and redpilled show that honestly feels comfy and relatable. I even bought one of their t-shirts. It's something about the Murdoch trio that's so genuine and believable. They're just two regular dudes and a chick who came to the same conclusion as all of us and decided to lighten up the mood by making some animations in these blackpilled times. Also, Metamorphisis is a work of art, as well as Hold Back the Night.

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>if you aren't a teenaged larping alt-lite fairy you're a jew
lurk moar. you know what's extra jewish? using rehashed memes from Jow Forums pasted over backgrounds and set to music you don't own the rights to to try and make donation shekels off of people while making the right wing look like a massive joke, i.e. murdoch murdoch

how do I get signed t shirts?

Hey! How about $5, $10 postcards as merch, so we can give and not have it be wasted in multiple t-shirts and overhead to viralstyle?

So you guys are done recording? Not passed out, after drinking through 3,000 questions?

the fact that you couldn't tell that post was satire says more than enough

you look frustrated. boi
can i have link anyway?

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Actually, there aren't enough MM threads.

>the fact that you couldn't tell that post was satire says more than enough
right back at you fucking moron

Larping faggot. The Murdochs are devoted christfags who would never work on The Lord’s day of rest.

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>n-no u!
>I was only pretending to take the b8

Nope. We got a lot of booze and pizza.
Nope we're gunna start in like an hour. I'm not sure how many we can get done tonight but we're gunna try our best.

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Hurry up cunts, also where the FUCK is my shitty mug?

>every post on Jow Forums is unironic
ok then

Thats because theyre (((pol))) users

>I am not a newfag
why don't you serve us all some perspective here and explain what your political ideology is, go ahead, I can't wait