It’s over
It’s over
Lesbo island has been there for thousands of years.
>No men
>Plan for their futures
The only future they have is dying alone and getting eaten by their cats.
I have no doubt in my mind that if it came to it and nations were divided up by gender, then men will invade the women side and rape them all. We would go back to the days where we treated women like property.
Also this.
They arent even that pretty. t Literally lives in Lesbos
segregation is okay, but only for people more equal than others
men own and fund the community which runs at a loss
sometimes I think a global EMP would really be exactly what this country needs
So why do women want men in their bathrooms?
has anyone ever met a woman that was a plumber?
I don't think I've ever met a single one.
How without men to make baby?
I believe the island of Lesbos was once revered for their blowjobs
Oral poetry is not the same as oral.
just so you know, this town they're speaking of is an african mudhut village of around 50 adult women and 100 children, and they're protected by the military who don't go into the village
What about oral ceramics?
When will they learn?
It literally is.
Destroy every cell tower and render all smartphone tech useless for at least a few months and the country will recover.
Why not put all women on an island with all the black men and nuke the island because fuck this gay earth.
Sounds like you'd masturbate to it
omg so progressive
Based Lesbian
well I guess they were wild back then. Everyone and their father tease the girls here about being lesbians when they act close with other girls
Oh yea day and night.
has anyone ever met an electrician that was a woman?
what about a land waste manager?
do women even know what these things are?
>men banned
>safe space
Women are easily defeated by the simplest of things, good luck to that little community
i believe cleopatra was described multiple times as a gifted orator when in the presence of powerful men
How much you want to bet men operate most of this all female paradise.
How? no men are allowed
They are protected by men in the military. They merely live in a segregated community
looks great
Plumber, garbage man, roofer, exterminator....
Protected by the all woman military, r-right, user?
Guaranteed that men built, guard, and maintain it.
>plan for (((their))) futures.
Sounds about right
imagine the smell
Seriously? Source?
what did he mean by this??