Jewish plan to Superpower

>fund wars to destabilise region
>use cunts like soros to trick europe into accepting the refugees
>spark rise in nationalism across europe, slowly paint the muslims as mortal enemy of civilization
>as soon as opinion on muslims hits certain low, start taking over middle east and possibly north africa now that its void of young men to fight back
>organise mass extermination of their mortal arab enemy across greater israel and europe

they were on our side all along guys

Attached: 2-8.jpg (500x350, 47K)

God's Plan

We have an equally ambitous plan to end this plan.

You expect them to stop there instead of becoming a regional imperial power?

>have average IQ of 80
>claim to have grand plan for world domination

pick one

Yeah,maps made in Victoria II are a great plan for world domination Abdul

Attached: 1526862699000.jpg (751x993, 493K)

Why is the southern border of this "Greater ISrael" cut off along an artificial straight line like geometrical U.S. state?
Why doesn't the southern border go along some kind of natural divide, like most borders do? (rivers, mountain range, bunch of lakes, etc)

This is very slow, why not declare war on Lebanon annex it then continue with the rest of the middle east instead?

>>claim to have grand plan for world domination
We got the kikes carrying out our master plan, it serves many purposes, the end result is the holy war.