What will the final score be tonight?

Patriots 33 Rams 17

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I like the way you think

Rams 14 Patriots 88

Pats: 109
Rams: 3

my belly +5 pounds

Oh wow that would be incredible

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27 pats 21 rams


Does anybody ever notice that the Super Bowl takes place around the winter midpoint every year?

It happens on Imbolc.

The Super Bowl is a giant pagan festival


Attached: imbolc9.jpg (408x600, 97K)

Stop being a faggot and watching sports ball.

go fall through a lake leaf faggot

RAMS 21 to Pats 0. Hollywood has big money on beating the Pats ;_; The moment the RAMS win, the LGBTQ community and every leftist will be celebrating in the streets. The Oscar winning film will be out this summer, and then the NFL will allow trans to play in the game. I really hope the Pats make it through this one...

I’d have a fucking panic attack, because then I’d be entirely sure DOTR is coming

Everyone forgets the third possibility:

(((ISIS))) or (((Al Qaeda))) attack the Super Bowl, and then the game is stopped.
Nobody wins

Pats 21 Rams 17

I don't play niggerball. Why support the Pats?

Q did not predict this

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rasm 34
p*ts 28




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Not on these guys’ watch

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Because they’re winners and good role models for our youth (minus Reche Caldwell and Dontae Stallworth and Aaron Hernandez, but no team is perfect)

By the power vested in these singles!!!



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Patriots will win

They will be told to stand down and let it happen....

Just what happened on 9/11

>owned by a kike
>brady called trump divisive
>pic related

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nobody's gonna check this dudes SATANGET?

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Pats 14, Rams 10

Day of the rope is coming. The traitors who allowed that to happen will hang

Patriots 23434 Rams 3243245

Hey you guys, wana come round mine and grab some bottles of bud, we can watch the game and play poker.

Patriots did this for a game or two then it was back to the business of winning football games

I wonder what my old co-worker is thinking right now..
He is a major patriots fan and fucking loves Tom Brady. Heard a rumor he had his girl wear Tom Brady cloths and shit in a kinky roll play

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Any truth to the rumors of there being an incident in Atlanta tonight?

Dangerous times we live in.

how many hours until the show? gonna take a quick nap beforehand

Philly fan here.
The rams said they wouldn't be going to the white house if they win. Rams represent degeneracy, spics, wetbacks, LA etc. Rams are the bigger team. We're all patriots tonight. Give Brady your energy.

Forgot to mention, he hates trump

Yo bro wana watch the game.

Chad and Kody coming

Q predicted this

Attached: Q2.jpg (2000x1125, 187K)

29 to 27

Can we meme Brady into a new symbol of hate?

Attached: pepe-ok-sign.jpg (570x487, 45K)

Watch an alt-super bowl show such as George Bruno on YouTube instead of supporting players and team owners who hate you.

2 hours and 20 minutes

>he doesn't know

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Liberal shithole vs. Liberal shithole

We lose either way. New england I guess, because they don't have tranny cheerleaders.

cool thanks
see you guys on /sp/

Bob Kraft is >>our jew and Belichick is a football autist. I respect and root for them

There's always an incident in Vine City near the stadium every night.

your a cross poster as well?
y-you t-too

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What would that look like?

>watching niggerball

You could do it with Brett Favre because he endorsed the Goyim Defense League.

I don't know how to make Tom Brady into meme of hate

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Top Kek, that would be Kek speaking

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I am streaming it in the UK tonight.
Since I won't be watching on BBC, is it seriously going to be adverts every two seconds or am I wrong?

Anheuser-Busch 23
Mercedes-Benz 9
Hyundai 7
Walt Disney 0

Rams are going to win because the whole thing is rigged. NFL needs LA to win to justify their billion dollar investment into a new market. Cap this post and show it to your bookie.

God damn it, you’re gay

>Watching nigger ball
You're pathetic.

Beautiful beautiful flying war beastie's

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Praise aryan throwing guy

What’s Kevin doin? I haven’t seen em since that night we drank coors light

Anywhere i can bet online for dis

Brady will get a hole in one later tonight.

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