Do you think he has kept his promises? Has he achieved his goals?
Do you think he has kept his promises? Has he achieved his goals?
Nobody gives a fuck about the wall. Even if he starts building it, the next president will stop construction.
Trump has ended the Obamacarescam mandate, and appointed conservative SCOTUS judges. Nobody gives a fuck about anything else he does. He even lowered taxes. I’m a poorfag, I really enjoy my extra 20 bucks a week.
Is it just me or is Tucker becoming more NatSoc by the day?
Yeah losing the fucking congress was what did this, not Trump
That's on you guys, the grassroots activists, who totally failed the midterm elections. There were no memes, there was no energy, there was fucking nothing. You guys failed
I get more NEETbux now than before, so he is okay
>You guys failed
meanwhile in reality trump did nothing for 2 years when he had the most momentum and full control.
but hey at least he signed the new antisemitism laws in last month, good work donald
I don't think anyone would doubt this. I voted for Trump and will do so again.
Trump was a protest candidate. If that protest is silenced or ignored the country will literally cease to exist
Deep down, all Trump supporters know this. That's why they always deflect or just meme instead of arguing substance anytime anyone brings up his failures.
Tucker is a faggot
What did he do with full R control? Some shitty tax cuts and replacing Scalia and that other faggot. The only defensible position for putting up with him is not letting donkey fuckers have the ball.
It's on Trump for doing nothing for 2 years.
I am convinced he does not ever intend to build the wall but instead wants to use it as a carrot on a stick to keep people supporting him.
He will pretend he is a scorned anime hero who is 'trying to get the wall' till the end.
tucker carlson is an economically retarded mainstream conservative. i'd group him in with ann coulter and cernovich in being trash to dispense with.
Sadly, I think you're right. All the pills are black.
>meanwhile in reality trump did nothing for 2 years when he had the most momentum and full control
People said the same thing about Obama. Parties ever being in complete control is a meme. You always gave cucks like McCain and Lieberman to fuck it up for everyone else.
The GOP and Dems always do this kind of thing, they know there are certain 'single issue voters' out there so they play the game of kicking the can down the road on various things.
For example, the GOP likes to meme about abortion non stop but they will never do anything about it because it's a useful talking point, similarly, the Dems will meme about guns and so on without ever really putting into practice their hardline ideas, because it's useful.
I will say the Dems generally seem to have a lot more momentum in terms of pushing foreward a cohesive agenda, but ultimately both parties have certain issues to bring up every election cycle while knowing full well that they will never act on them.
He's paying us back for handing him the election. He knows exactly who the real 'Russian bots' were; The monastery of NEET.
Absolutely. (((They))) control the parties so that it's as you said, none of them ever defeat the other. But naturally the freedoms and rights of the people are slowly eroded one at a time anyway, all heading to the NWO's ultimate goals. No wonder it's called (((progressivism))).
we us the term carebear now grandpa.
The guy he appointed to the Supreme Court literally authored the Patriot Act. (Kavanaugh)
There's nothing conservative about him. Trump is a kike puppet just like the rest of them.