Why does this moron have so many followers?

As it currently stands Varg Vikernes has 223k subscribers on YouTube. His videos tend to get views well in the tens of thousands with a high like to dislike ratio, and hundreds of gushing sycophantic comments. Furthermore, he receives very little criticism beyond metal media occasionally saying "hurr durr he's racist" or Christians bashing him for being anti-Christian and pro-Pagan. Nobody really seems to question his ideas on face value.

How on earth did this happen? This old kook has done nothing but push crazy theories about Neanderthals and paganism with zero evidence whatsoever to back them up. He doesn't even qualify as a pseudohistorian or a pseudoscientist because he doesn't even put up a pretense of intellectual inquiry or rigor, he just comes out with ready made conclusions and his followers lap it up, no justification required.

BTW this isn't a thread intended to add to the asinine "Christians vs Pagans debate". What Varg espouses isn't "Paganism". Its a made up autistic attempt at rationalising what Pagan myths supposedly meant without any solid basis in anything known about ancient religions, in addition half-baked indeas about Neanderthals and civilization being bad.

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Maybe because he is not a moron?

Because he's putting everything he doesn't like in ((())) brackets and that's what REALLY counts.

He's a daddy figure for kids who've grown up with single moms. Nobody above the age of 16-18 will ever take him seriously. I think he's funny sometimes though.

Because it makes Christcucks like you mad.

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lmao what the fuck

Because there is many morons. He doesn't need intellectual inquiry or rigour. It would just make his fans laugh at him because he "sounds faggy".

He made some good tunes, not just some bum off the street

Maybe he's not literally unintelligent, but he certainly is extremely deluded.

He definitely thinks he's a lot smarter than he is, which tends to be the case with people who have a somewhat above average IQ and limited capacity for introspection and/or limited exposure to academia (he dropped out of college in his first year I believe)

His recent Mac garageband music is godawful and he's all but disowned Burzum and black metal. There's literally nothing redeeming left.


There is a rather large autist demographic today, he speaks to them and their liner, thin view of history. He's literally nothing more than a white nigger we wuzing every important group as Nordic in origin.

I don't see how any single thing he is promoting is a problem.

I'm not even a Christian, but if I was, having an easily disproved idiot like him be neopaganism's biggest online advocate would be like a gift from heaven.

>Nobody really seems to question his ideas on face value.

What makes you think that?He probably removes loads of comments and people that dont like him go to survive the jives channel etc. and make fun of him there.
Also its his own channel and he can upload whatever the fuck he wants.

You sure don't make a good job of looking like you're not pushing a narrative.
What does "all but disowned" even mean? Did he take down his BM music? No? What the fuck are you on about then?

Because he holds a particular perspective on life/opinions that are uncommon. There are few alternatives to Varg in What he presents.

And certainly he isn't a "moron", even if he's overly confident about some of his correctly and incorrectly perceived notions.

Hail Odin Sire > Filosofem desu

I'm sure the Africans, the South Americans and the Chinese are very interested in Christians disproving Varg.

>Hail Odin Sire
His post-prison stuff is garbage desu.

How about all his conclusions being unverified at best and demonstrably false at worst?

Modern Europeans are not mostly descended from Neanderthals, primitivism is basically the glorification of extreme inefficiency and lack of ingenuity, and there is zero evidence that European paganism from the stone age to classical antiquity was all just an elaborate metaphor for childbirth.

You sure sound confident in your assumptions, don't see how you have a problem with Varg.
I said I don't have a problem with what he promotes, i.e. europeans having traditional families off grid and away from the influences of the US embassy (read: the Jew).
If he uses some theories about Neanderthal mumbo jumbo to arrive to that conclusion - that is A-OK.


He's been shitting on black metal for years, and recently discontinued Burzum basically saying its never really what he wanted to do.

Wadu hek has more subs

Varg is based as fuck


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Disowned turned into discontinued, we are getting somewhere.
>saying its never really what he wanted to do
I find that hard to believe since no one was forcing him to do it when he did it. What other reason could there be except him wanting to?
As for him stopping making BM, that's his choice to make.

I see the proliferation of bullshit worldviews withing the pro-white movement at large as a good thing. Idk maybe I just care about the truth and intellectual honesty.

Also he actively encourages people to waste their energy trying to scrape a living "self-sufficiently" because of a dumb Apocalypse theory that the current "system" will just collapse of its own accord soon, instead of focusing on meaningful activism, and all of this ultimately boils down to his nonsensical primitivism.

I said "all but disavowed" which would make sense if you'd read the article. He basically said that Burzum was not a good thing so he called it quits, which is for all intents and purposes a disavowal.

What is the truth of the origins of the Europeans? You seem to care for the truth that no one knows, but at the same time you somehow know Varg is wrong. It;s not really interesting to read your baseless assumptions to be honest.
Self-sufficiency is a good think on its own. Rest of that sentence is pure conjecture, as usual. I can't be bothered to get into explaining to you that an "Apocalypse" is not an impossible thing or that our current system is not immune to collapse. Because that would be really dumb.
I get that you don't like him and disagree with him, but there is nothing special about you or your opinions.

Where is the 'time'?
> "Burzum was not a good thing"

No he fucking isn't. He always has the shittest takes imaginable and often takes explicitly anti-white stances, like saying whites should give the Americas and Australia back to the natives because "nationalism for all peoples" and shitting on most (no scratch that, literally all) white people and white civilization because of "muh blond haired Neanderthals were the only trve Europeans"

Dude, twerking videos get 45 million views on KikeTube. Who cares that he found 200k cultists?

Exactly what is the problem with self-sufficiency? It's the superior mode of living (not because of muh impending doomsday), but because:
1. It saves you money
2. It separates you from the toxic culture of materialism and does not fund destructive corporations and their whims
3. It's good environmental practice
4. It's better for your overall health
5. It adds an extra artificial layer of "hardship" (really, it's not very difficult to live self-sufficiently, especially now, but it does require a bit more conservation and critical thinking) and takes you away from excessive material comforts.

You know what the greatest barrier is to a high reproduction rate? Excessive comfort (especially provided by material industrial culture). We've seen this in Rome and we see it now. Providing artificial hardships allows people to shed off lazy practices, and fosters an appropriate mindset for fruitfulness.
Additionally, as I've just stated, it's better for your health (not constantly absorbing microplastics, chemical-lade foods, etc.) and that of the environment. And it's better for your mind (decluttering clears the mind and allows for your children not to grow up heavily dependent on vain materialism).

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I am catholic christian but my sister is awkwardly paganistic.
So i follow him on jewtube, but not only for this because he is setting the state before it happens thats why i really follow him.

Prepare for MadMax.

>shitting on most (no scratch that, literally all) white people and white civilization because of "muh blond haired Neanderthals were the only trve Europeans"
He made like 10 videos debunking this, you're really reaching now.

the sycophancy and zealotry of his fan-base is bizarre. Were talking about people who demanded survive the jive, on VARGS comment section, that surivethejive must delete any comments criticizing varg on his own channel;

he's probably the less retarded youtuber in the world, even if being a youtuber still makes him a retard. anyway we can pretty much forgive him anything since he created Burzum.

Pagans loves this guy, most of those 220k are pagans.


Because of stupid people how click, share and comment on his video's.
But there is a easy solution to that don't watch him and block his channel

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For fucks sake, just because something isn't yet known for sure doesn't excuse pseudohistorical or pseudoscientific god of the gaps type reasoning.

And in terms of effort and reward, trying to scrape a living in your back yard whilst eschewing all political activism sounds retarded with regards to the goals of the pro-white movement. But then preserving western civilization isn't what he wants, he wants to see it all burn to the ground so we cant go back to the stone age, based on his retarded idea that civilization "make people weak" or some such shit.

No, civilization is just the product of human ingenuity and problem solving, and deliberately eschewing it only makes it inevitable that you will be out-competed and destroyed by a more advanced people, just like how the American Indians and Australian Aborigines were practically defenseless against Europeans.

Because he's a based black man

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i like how they're just staring at the giant fucking israeli flag, it's a bunch of good goyim

In a relatively fringe political scene, that unfortunately makes him an influential figure.

Because there's 2 audiences.

1.) Idiots who believe what he says because it makes sense to their tiny brain meats.

2.) People like Jow Forums who watch him for hilarity and memes.

Based varg BTFOs the kikes just by existing. He cannot be stopped!

Nobody's saying you can't work hard within civilization. The same amount of effort which would gain you a large surplus of resources without trying to do everything from scratch yourself would only get you far enough to just about scrape by living self-sufficiently. The reason people form societies and civilizations is because its more fucking efficient and conducive to survival.

Furthermore, it actually is extremely hard to be truly self-sufficient, even Varg is far from completely self-sufficient.

>the stone age
Do you actually watch his videos? He is an iron-age-boo.
Civilization 'making people weak' is basic evolution and not retarded at all. In a civilized society you are more successful when you are smart as opposed to strong. In modern society you are more successful if you are really good at making google queries as opposed remembering things. This is basic bitch biology, come on now.

>You either believe him fully like a cultist or just watch him to make fun of him!
Brainlet detected.

If your political scene can get ruined by fucking Varg, maybe there's some selfcriticism and introspection to do, user

I'm pretty sure he says the Neanderthals back in the paleolithic era were the ideal, and everything has been going downhill from there. He frequently says agriculture is bad, etc.

> Civilization 'making people weak' is basic evolution and not retarded at all. In a civilized society you are more successful when you are smart as opposed to strong.

So? We are the most intelligent species, our minds are by far our only significant asset to survival. Physical strength in humans doesn't even come close to providing the survival advantages intelligence does. Even the strongest, fastest, and most agile human possible is severely limited compared to any other competing species without his superior intellect.

> In modern society you are more successful if you are really good at making google queries as opposed remembering things

That's not strictly true but having the critical thinking skills to make the right inquiries has always been more useful than just remembering things by rote. An autistic savant with an extraordinary rote memory is still never going to compete with a critical thinker of even moderate intelligence.

Yeah, he's funny. He's having sexy white children, looking forward to moving to France this year. I hear there are beautiful girls just 16 years old who are ready to be wives for believers

>The same amount of effort which would gain you a large surplus of resources
Besides the fact that you completely dodge my other statements, this is untrue. Self-sufficiency is actually a more effective solution in regards to gathering NECESSARY resources. That's not to say trade or participation in the system is bad (it's not), and there are many modern conveniences we can utilize that still allow for a blend of self sufficiency with convenience (for example, it doesn't mean you have to hand-wash everything). However if you're referring to acquiring resources in general, then that's the point; not to focus on the accumulation of material goods. That being said, self-sufficiency also doesn't require complete removal from the system. For example, it's perfectly okay to work in your town or work at home and make a profit online so that you can afford genuine necessities.

He IS advocating for a better life.

That doesn't sound so much like self-sufficiency than just being less materialistic desu. You're still living interdependently with modern civilization, which Varg endlessly decries the very existence of.

He's a typical nord self applauder that larpagans circle jerk to

That's not necessarily the point. It depends on the extent of self-sufficiency, as we are all dependent on each other to produce one thing or the other (we can't all be shoemakers. Or for example, if our crops don't make it, there are others that have grown different crops who we can buy from.
And Varg never says that this is necessarily bad either, as he feels no shame in buying seeds or books from others, among other things.
The point is to be a self-sufficient as POSSIBLE, and keep building to greater self-sufficiency by continuously learning and practicing new skills.
There are thousands of ways one can cut down reliance on others and material goods in our modern world.

Varg has the same IQ as the temperature of toilet water - it shows.

The best thing about Varg is he triggers Amerimutt so deeply.. If you follow his definition of white, America is only maybe 10%

Obvious tranny beast with stick-on facial hair. May God and his army of angels slaughter every last one of you evil lying bastards. You will never escape this realm.

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t. Mentally decrepit Bonger

They are all mostly living off the hype of Skyrim. Wait until TES 6 drops. It will be pozzed and all the neo-pagans will stop shilling here.

he receives a lot of criticism. He deletes it as fast as it is posted.
When you have the mindset of, "If they give me a hard time, I must be right," you will always fail. Everyone everywhere receives shit for their statements. Does it make em right, too?
He and his fatherless closet faggot followers live in a bubble.

>When your only exposure to Scandinavian culture/Norse Mythology is Skyrim so you assume that must also be true for all else
Fellow Amerimutt, why????

This is unironically true, desu. The only thing these people know about Norse Mythology is what they pick up in shitty rpgs. You are severely over estimating the average Pol user.

Don't get me wrong, Jow Forums is filled with heaps and piles of morons, but I still find that hard to believe.

a true norwegian hero

Varg is a feminist cuck.

and a real human bean

His black metal albums sucks ass

he is quite arrogant, so people assume he knows shit when he really doesn't