Its Sunday. Confess your sins user

Its Sunday. Confess your sins user.

Attached: 1548549528222.png (1229x1160, 58K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I shot green tipped ammo at the range today, even though they explicitly forbid it.

You are forgiven. The rest of Jow Forums will suffer eternal hellfire for not confessing.

I'm a sub contractor, I charge liberals and faggots a lot more than real people

I install ms-dos 5.0 on Library computers that are untended. Causing my local libraries to supervise all computer related activities.

Attached: 1540385999686.jpg (600x400, 89K)

I used to be a liberal

I don’t let chinks, niggers or spics in my private school for kids

considered masturbating to my girlfriend with her on camera. am not gonna do that anymore. i still have the tissue paper in my pocket. i am not gonna use it. forgive me.

He said "sins" user.