What will Jow Forums say when Israel eradicates cancer?
Israeli scientists discover cure for cancer
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>false hope #1,488
I don't think they discovered it, they probably stole the information from others.
Fake and gay. Jesus could cure cancer 2000 years ago but the kikes murdered him.
Better serve humanity with it as opposed to monopolizing the cure to enslave cancer victims
If you don't share this wonder Christ will kill you in your sleep and steal the cure away from its manufactures to give to humanity for free
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lmao jews helping
Two posts now, Leaf.
Which type of cancer again?
is this cancer of the body or cancer of the civilization, cause the cure for the 2nd one is just the elimination of isreal and jews in general
It's already been cured faggot, they are just gonna let the jews take credit for it.
> cure for cancer
which one of the millions? lmao
will be a very expensive cure, i guess.
Its a trick, with Jews its always a trick. This "Cure" once injected in cancer patients will mutate into airborne spreadable super cancer designed to genocide all the whites
All cancer is fundamentally the same. The only difference is what type of cells are affected.
It's entirely possible that a potential cure could be applicable to all "types" of cancer.
they didnt
> The only difference is what type of cells are affected
well that does affect on the cure method whole lot of lmao
>jews find a cure for cancer
They fixtured out how to kill themselves?
I predict nearly all future scientific advances/breakthroughs will 'come out of israel'... its the only thing that could possibly save them from the dotr, and keep in mind they have the most advanced intelligence network in the world, that routinely steals cutting edge tech from western nations with ease.. much like Einstein and his work as a patent clerk
I heard that they are already mass producing the cure.
Curing cancer would be fucking devastating for every developed country. Dementia would ruin us all.
I don't think you know how this works user...
Could releasing this now be PR work as the world gets sick of them using the same old excuses for their shitty behaviour and the groups that traditionally hold them in contempt rise in power?
You kidding? Cancer is what hurts developed countries the most. You can have perfectly educated, intelligent people of western countries that contribute to society in meaningful ways and yet still they die to cancer, robbing away what they could have done with all that lost time.
Not to mention we have higher rates of cancer, and it costs our countries to treat all these cases.
>All cancer is fundamentally the same.
Cancer as in the condition of unchecked cell multiplication, yes. Assuming the type of cell affected by cancer makes no difference is stupid. Anyways, there is 3 universal cures for cancer already. 1)Killing cancerous cells, 2)Removing cancerous cells, 3)Repairing cancerous cells. The first 2 have a high failure rate and 3 may not even be possible
If you can figure out how to use gene editing to repair every single cancerous cell in a body or create nanomachines to systematically hunt down and destroy cancerous cells in a body then we're good to go, other than that, there's not much hope. There isn't going to be some magical dude weed pill that cures all 100+ types of cancer over night.
You know rabbi, you could stop creating these threads now.
We've all seen and dismissed it already in the last few days.
They'll say it's a Zionist plot.
>why is it so expensive and a treatment but not a cure?
What will Jow Forums say when Israel eradicates cancer
They're going to nuke themselves?
>have cancer patient
>kill him
>patient no longer has cancer
based paranoia poster
Fake news. Cancer has already been cured. Fuck isreal.