/ptg/ PRESIDENT TRUMP GENERAL || Counting Down the Days Edition


>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

ARCHIVED LINKS pastebin.com/ynXV6CHT
DAILY SCHEDULE twitter.com/POTUS_Schedule
WH Public Pool: publicpool.kinja.com/

>Pres Trump on FtN 2/3/19
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania arrive in FL 2/1/19
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania depart DC 2/1/19
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania depart WH 2/1/19
>Pres Trump Meeting on Human Trafficking on Southern Border 2/1/19
>VP Pence @Venezuela Solidarity Event 2/1/19
>VP Pence Meeting w/Venezuelan Exiles 2/1/19
>StateDep Press Conf (SoS Pompeo) 2/1/19
>NECDir Kudlow on FBN 2/1/19
>NECDir Kudlow on Bloomberg 2/1/19
>HHSSec Azar on Bloomberg 2/1/19
>HHSSec Azar on PBSNewsHour 2/1/19
>HHSSec Azar on FBN 2/1/19
>KAC on F&F 2/1/19
>KAC inside WH 2/1/19
>This Week@State 2/1/19
>Pres Trump Meeting w/Chy-na VicePremier Liu 1/31/19
>TrumpTweet: Securing Our Border 1/31/19
>Pres Trump Meeting w/American Manufacturers 1/31/19
>VP Pence/DepAG Rosenstein/ActDEAAdm Dhillon @DEA 1/31/19

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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Other urls found in this thread:


MAGA, or else!

Always want to MAGA. Always Awoo.

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>Super Bowl in Atlanta
>Atlanta nigger gets deported back to the UK

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>LARPing trannies in the last thread

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>Sha Yaa Bin Abraham-Joseph
> british

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What's the score? Not watching it and it seems the hype is way down from the 2017 one

Some friends and I started a minecraft server to relive the fun we had in high school. I keep triggering the liberal ones by building patriotic things and the occasionally NatSoc flag on the walls of their bases.

Here's my current build. I'm trying to go for a Colonial America feel. Any ideas on what else I could include to show my patriotism in this low-quality virtual world? Any particular buildings or architects I should look up for inspiration? Have any of you ever done similar things in multiplayer vidya?

Does baron have his own white house minecraft server?

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I want the 3DIDF to leave.

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>there is someone in this thread RIGHT NOW that thinks Louis theroux is based

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The game hasn't started yet, but the festivities are an all day thing and included a Trump interview in the pregame coverage. Kickoff is in about two hours.



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doesn't start for several more burgers. The hype is going down because the people who don't actually like football and just like being a part of things are slowly starting to leave.

>reply to this post if you've ever been to a Super Bowl
>I went to that one where the power went off lmao

He’s not wrong

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Stop deporting niggers back to us.

You already sent back Piers Morgan, now this. If John Oliver comes back its fucking war

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Raise a family to honor your bloodline and the American way! Go nuclear on Marxism!

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You live here.
(Warning: spoopy. Also turn down your volume because the audio is kinda loud)

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>not using seus shader pack

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the best thing about this is that, in the original, there was a black man helping to row near the front, and in this we have sleepy Ben in the same position :)

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Your new supercarriers are sailing with the US Navy now, so literally you and what army?

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>Lincoln being friends with the Bushes

> 2D worst D

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Build a giant statue of Robert E Lee

can we send him to Canada or Australia then?

I take exception to that user. You fuckers sent Madonna to Portugal, that's the end of the oldest alliance

>Your new supercarriers are sailing with the US Navy now


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but I learn so much from him!

The SotU will be glorious.

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>Grand Central of illicit sex

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>4D best D

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thanks gookmoot. who got my awoo?


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trump needs to goad democrat debate moderators to bring up his tweets in middle of a debate

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woops wrong one

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Does this mean Awoo is the forbidden fruit?

>Lincoln: Niggers, am I right?


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who else /patriots/ in here
just for the chimpouts

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He has explicit Congressional and Constitutional authority to build border defenses out of the military budget.


Yellow fever fags get the gas
Footfags, Braapfags and furries get the available gas

I love this man!

> How do you know when to fire someone?

> When it's not happening.

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>that stomach
Her pants are above her bellybutton, she's fat as fuck with her gut flopping over her belt line if she didn't do that..

holy shit I'm not very good at that stuff but ill probably try
My computer sucks so I don't know if that stuff would work. Also, it's a realms and im not the admin so I don't know if I even can. Like I mentioned, we all played minecraft back when it was not even released yet. I remember being excited when the Nether came out. There's so much random stuff now that we all keep discovering new things every time we get on. There's seaweed and dolphins and Grand Canyon biomes! If you know how to add cool textures or shaders, I'd be open to try some out.

>You will never experience a United States Governor literally Moonwalk out of his press conference about racist accusations against him

Just fuck my shit up senpai

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Not just for the chimpouts. Brady is the QB I cheered for as a kid and he's still going.

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2020 will be a fucking circus. The public will start to finally understand who the Democrats are. It won’t be pretty.

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The attack that changed the fate of the universe

Florida Man is really slacking lately

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>as a kid
god damn when i was a kid dan marino was still a thing


He didn’t actually moonwalk did he?

Rare, I dig it.


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Please don't namefag for no reason thank you!

that would have single handedly proved simulation theory

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I'm an aspiring author

Nebraska Family may be the new Florida Man...

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I don't know who's taqiyaing who anymore

I need to fluff 300 words into my essay before the niggerball starts....fml

I caught the end of the Marino and Bledsoe era for a few years but I didn't know all that much about the game then.

It's clientside. It's as easy as downloading the mod .jar file and opening it once, nowadays. On your original question, needs more water and a bigger garden/ranch.

checked but I disagree. Unlike the GOP primaries, the Dems in 2020 won't go after each other. They all will have their list of allowed topics to debate. It will all be a sham since we already know they cheat behind the scenes. It will literally be all of them patting each othe ron the back and instead of attacking each other will just try to emphasize their own strengths and uniqueness as a candidate. Basically, the entire primary will be "enough of her damn emails!" but times 4 kaioken.

His wife stepped in and told him not to. He was going to.

No, but his wife had to stop him. Too bad. It could have been the perfect meme.

Incest shouldn't be a crime

Please don't namefag for no reason thank you!


He was SO CLOSE to doing it user. His damn wife stepped in and stopped him last second.

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Brady is a cuck and shouldn't even be playing. Deflategate was only a few years ago.

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>tfw ywn shoot the shit, have some beers, and play pool with Dick Nixon and TR
That really sucks man, that's like the ultimate bros night out

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>200 word essay due tomorrow
>haven't started yet

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>I don't know who's taqiyaing who anymore

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Which countries did they study?

90s anons know

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Kek, he has a very good reason user.

His wife said that they were "inappropriate circumstances" and he went onto the next question.

>can’t finish that 2 paragraph essay

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>Left in Europe wants to import millions of muslims who stone them in their home countries
>wew why do gays more and more turn to the right

Marino was the shit. too bad he never got the ring. I was a packers/steelers fan, steelers only because I loved the bus. during those days, bettis and sanders were the best running backs, but sanders was better a juking, i liked bettis because he never juked really, he'd just run your ass over. I was sold. Also back then Favre was a titan, no matter how hard he got hit, he got back up and threw a fuck you pass.

imam of peace is a parody account

deflategate was a witch hunt and you know it. I don't even like the Pats but you have to know that was bullshit.

He moonwalked his statements back.

word count minimums are retarded, desu. I have said all that I need to say, but I need another 300 to reach the minimum, so now I gotta talk smack for a couple of paragraphs in the middle somewhere. It's really annoying

I hope Dan Marino dies of gonorrhea and rots in hell.
I'll look into it, thanks for the rec! I want to get that mod/texture pack that makes realistic skies. I like the juxtaposition.
What if I build a big ol' NASA rocket as a testament to BASED US science? That'd be neat ^^ I'm thinking of naming a villager "Commie" or something like that then hanging him from a pole lmao

Deflategate and spygate were literally just league punishments for being too successful and white. The Patriots cause immense amounts of shitskin asspain by undercutting the Noseberg Felon League's cuck narratives about race relationships.

>imam of peace is a parody account

You sure?


Am I gonna get it? I don't know. Is RBG dead? Yes.

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