This is the End Faggots

Armageddon just started.

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Good fuck this faggot earth

Is this a motherfucking JoJo reference?

isn't this how planet of the apes gets started?

I predicted this 15 years ago.

How fucking crazy would 28 Months Later be if this was the Plot Line

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Fake and gay


>0 - 20 - 40 -60 - 80 - 100
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - I - - -

I thought Mohammedans didn't have dogs

no source. links or it didn't happen.

>sea inn hen

Well shit folks, this actually could be it

Guess who gets to live until Ragnarok, bitches

>actually saving this image to your hdd

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Fed ex me some plz

Lol no.

That's Karma motherfuckers, Scandinavia sends their regards BOOM

Fake & gay; but it's not like it's impossible:
It's been airborne transmitted to lab workers.

Okay what the actual fuck? You needed rabies shots to go to ethiopia? Malaria shit like that I understand but fucking rabies!

Bacteriologist not a virologist, but id guess rabies vaccines work by glycoprotein immune responce, if rabies was hypthetically airborne it may enter via a different cellular mechanism than normal, thus the regular vaccine may not work.

I'm in the research journals now looking at Rhabdoviridae airborne transmission to see what the research says, im only aware of 4 cases in humans ever being recorded of potential airborne Rhabdovirus infection.

I think that was aerosolized inhalation of infected brain matter of bats of a Rhabdovirus. Not really a legit case of airborne rabies type infection.

I'm not a virologist though. I'm looking at similar viruses to see if its a hypothetically plausable infection mechanism for similar viruses.

Cats are way more based

fake and gay
>1 post by this ID
every time

Alright lads, were are we making Fortress Jow Forums in the wastelands of the world?

>Slow zombies, no problem bro
>Rage zombies, let's get a acid moat

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I m courious


The vaccine has a very short halflife. If its been more than a few months...Its not active anymore.

The if there was any evidence showing that a similar virus could ever become airborne.


Airborne rabies is too deadly to actually kill the world though. The victims will die before they spread it.

This is some serious shit though. Way more deadly than Ebola chan.

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99.99% Mortatlity. You get Rabies...You die. Period. No treatment, no cure.
In all of known history only two people have ever contracted rabies, and lived. 2...Just...2

and they lived after being put in a coma and have residual neurological damage.

But they lived...And were the only ones...Whats your point? Or just couldnt keep your dumbass self from making a worthless comment?

Fake unfortunately.

>There are epidemiologists in Morocco
>t. CNN

And the cure has such a low success rate that it has been abandoned.

Rabies-sensei fanart in 3..2..

Former french colonies have decent academics, so yeah there are many competent epidemiologists in marocco.

North Africa and the middle-east are in a perpetual state of Armageddon

chem/pol/ should go in Marocco, collect bodies, and create a version for humans. Then deliver it in Arabia, and Sub Saharian Africa.

Jokes aside I would be VERY disappointed if Russia, China etc...were not in the spot fighting to have some sample of this shit.

There will be a shit ton of diseases in Africa and Europe. To an extent the details will get you caught up when you should focus on what is ahead of you.


since when does bbc call muslims dogs?

I hope rabies-chan culls all of the camel jockeys for all the years they spent mistreating doggos

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that sounds like a great movie plot.

Rabies meets Ebola

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>dogs in Morocco

Fuck off, OP. Muslims hate dogs.

>airborne rabies
a literal zombie apocalypse

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Publish story about airborne rabies and dead dogs.

Show photo of a cat.

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Fake and gay. A hybrid ebola-rabies has been available to the glow-in-the-dark-niggers for years. Why do you think the kikes made '28 days later and Contagion etc' When the jews move we need to move faster with a full nuclear shoah. I have faith that the sub commanders will launch, even if the mainland silos are compromised

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That's a good way to restart life on the surface, kill 99.99% of them.
>7.5 billion people before outbreak
>only 750,000 left after outbreak, and that's not counting the ones who die from non-rabies causes during the pandemic.

>You get Rabies...You die. Period
Not really, you can get 20+ gut needles to prevent it. As long as you don't wait until you are frothing at the mouth it is curable. You have about a week to get treatment, after that, yeah you are fucked

>get rabies
>onseat of symptoms
>unavoidable death

No, once you actually contract the disease. You die. Infected does not mean suffering from. It has a long incubation period, in which time you effectively do not have rabies..Its dormant.
This is why there arent more deaths. Because of the vaccine. Its also why people dont get the vaccine until the threat is there. Its very painful, and only lasts for a short time.

Damn 20 Moroccans lost their lives. So sad.

It's not the Earth's fault you twat.

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Diesel electric submarine captain here. No nukes on board, shitty pacifist country won't even give us nuclear powered subs. Cannot comply with directives as given, please redirect.

Also this is what dying of rabies consists of

Nah I didn't need it at all, but my project manager was being a faggot so I intentionally failed to correct him when he pushed the entire list of CDC recommebded travel vaccines at me. Got something like $3.5k of vaccines when maybe $800 would have sufficed. The most important win for me was getting this superpower when dealing with feral raccoons now.

>No, once you actually contract the disease
Which is way I specified 'within a week', one of my dogs killed a rabid fox a few years back. We knew it was rabid because the parks department got involved and tested it. 500$ in vet fees later my dog was fine. You just need to catch it early. But yeah if the virus takes hold, it's shotgun time.

well everyone in Australia is fucked rabies is practically non existent here

Dunno (and I was going there as a parasitologist lol)

Some people at the Ministre de la defense told me that, it is hypothetical possible to make one of your Shortfin barracuda a nuclear barracuda.

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I actually imagine you lot will be fine, aren't marsupials immune to it?

What the fuck is a smart successful person like you doing on this site? Get the fuck out before its too late

You're welcome.

You're forgetting bites during the madness phase

Dogs can sense evil in people. Obviously, Muslims would have an interest in not wanting them around.

Moroccans starving to death after stray dogs die?

what the fuck am I looking at?

Most humans are tranny abominations sired by the devil. God and his angels will slaughter every last one of them once the real humans are gone. This has happened so many times! No escape for them.

.IT...DOESNT....LAST....FOREVER....YOU.....DUMASS. A few months tops. I would not recommending you test it out. Dont believe me? Go get a Blood Titer. It will test why immunities you have.

Fun fact. I got the Hep B as a kid...Then later in the army. Needed proof for school. (medical)

Got a Titer...No Immuniities to Hep B..IN fact, I had no immunities to the dozens of things I have been vaccinated for. Nothing but the things I had as kid..Measles..chickent pox. Immune to both. Oh and Small Pox. The vaccine is different for small pox.

Vaccines dont work very often. Over half my class thought too were immune to things they got vaxxed for ...Nope...

Why are you so sensitive? That was a perfectly worthwhile comment.

No it wasnt...It was shitpost that added nothing to the conversation. This isnt your community colleges discussion question Bullshit
"Oh wow! Great comment I agree!"


They hate them but they’re fucking everywhere I’ve had to kill probable 50 digging in our trash at the cop

>t. Frenchman
pic related

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It added plenty fuckhead. It's worth knowing that even those who survived were permanently damaged by the disease. What's up your ass?

Keep on living in cliché world

Pussy ass...Feels faggot...You a woman?

Kill yourself and your children

This is worse than losing 2000 Moroccoans to it.

Why do you type like a faggot and sperg out at everyone that replies to you? How old are you?

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Tits or GTFO

Imagine living in a country with rabies, luckily Australia doesn't have rabies

airborne rabbi kills 20, the ends of time are here brothers

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It's a source edit

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Where are Balts?

Yeah they have their own strain that gets a different name but does the same
Original, didn't mean to post that image

>I predicted this
Great we have Q rip offs using other letters now.

>airborne raibies
We left4Racoon now

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A healthy Deer can reck any dog on that list

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you predicted this.