The Free Market™

The Free Market™

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>posted from my iPhone

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>Free Market put your bills up
wut? Government involvement put your bills up. There is no such thing as insurance, you should just pay for your service and materials, not for everyone else's. That's capitalism. We need to get government out of healthcare.

honestly i cant understand this shit. If you are working in the usa with most plants your max out of pocket is like 8k including what you pay monthly. Given that are salaries are way higher than the rest of the world, if you dont live like a materialistic whore, you can easily have 8k in the bank incase you almost die. Otherwise you might spend 2 or 3k a year on healthcare if you are healthy. literally every year you are healthy you gain huge amounts of cash compared to the shitty europoors.

If you dont have a job there is free healthcare just like europoors.

The people that suffer the most in the usa are dumb fucks who live paycheck to paycheck because they spend 200 or 300 of there income on cigarettes and alchohol. or buy a brand new car when they cant actually afford the payments. or some other non necessary things.

very few people in america get fucked by medical bills unless they are absolutely irresponsible.

Iphone commies are the most hilarious faggots of all time, well spotted user, probably a fucking tranny too , lol

I yiked

Who the fuck goes to the hospital for a black eye

the US healthcare system isn't free market, it's very regulated by lobbyists and corrupt politicians in order to gouge prices
look at switzerland if you want to see free market healthcare (hint, it's the best in the world)

Did you mean to start a lefty cringe thread OP?

fucking wrekt!

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