Covington Lawsuit Incoming

Leftists BTFO

List of those hit with Preservation Letters:

The Washington Post
The New York Times
Cable News Network, Inc. (CNN)
The Guardian
National Public Radio
Atlantic Media Inc.
Capitol Hill Publishing Corp.
Diocese of Covington
Diocese of Lexington
Archdiocese of Louisville
Diocese of Baltimore
Ana Cabrera
Sara Sidner
Erin Burnett
S.E. Cupp
Elliot C. McLaughlin
Amanda Watts
Emanuella Grinberg
Michelle Boorstein
Cleve R. Wootson Jr.
Antonio Olivo
Joe Heim
Michael E. Miller
Eli Rosenberg
Isaac Stanley-Becker
Kristine Phillips
Sarah Mervosh
Emily S. Rueb
Maggie Haberman
David Brooks
Shannon Doyne
Kurt Eichenwald
Andrea Mitchell
Savannah Guthrie
Joy Reid
Chuck Todd
Noah Berlatsky
Elisha Fieldstadt
Eun Kyung Kim
Bill Maher
Warner Media
Conde Nast
The Hill
The Atlantic
Ilhan Omar
Elizabeth Warren
Kathy Griffin
Alyssa Milano
Jim Carrey

Preservation Letter:


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Other urls found in this thread:

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This is the first step towards true justice that I’ve seen in a while. Based.

>"They know they crossed the line," McMurtry said. "Do they want 12 people in Kentucky to decide their fate? I don't think so."

Based and revengepilled.

Here, have some lube.

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include me in screen cap

Fucking hell, that's a lot of 'em. I see the lawyers are opting for a shotgun rather than a sniper rifle. Well, here's hoping they take out many.


This should open the eyes of normies who tend to hang on every word the media says.

>Kurt Eichenwald

Really? That would be grand.

I hope this bankrupts him and we get to witness his marriage fall apart and then his inevitable suicide.

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imagine the amount of tentacle hentai that manlet has seen

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I hope they really make it hurt and sue the shit out of each and every one of them

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BWAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! That was fucking HILARIOUS! Got any retarded bullshit to share, cunt?

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oh oh they'll put her on a no-fly list again

These retards still think the sandman walked up to the goblin and stared at him. You can literally show them a video of the drummer goblin walking up to the kid and beating the drum in his face, and still will say the kid walked up to the goblin. Their thoughts have no basis in reality.


It’s getting real Spider-Man 3 in this thread

Thread will be flooded with shills shortly.

This is legit.

Hemmer DeFrank Wessels, PLLC
250 Grandview Drive, Suite 500
Ft. Mitchell, KY 41017

Thread theme


Tim Pool what's up

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Best news in a long time

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FACT: It is almost impossible to sue the Left and have the Left lose, the Left runs the entire Court system from coast-to-coast, the Left runs the FBI as we have found out numerous times, the Left runs the Media, Big Internet Sites, and pretty much everything

Even if you do somehow back a Left-wing piece of garbage into a corner, they'll simply just open up a GoFundMe and make more money

That's what the FBI loser Peter Strzok did, he lost his FBI pension, and within days the Lib Sheep threw $500,000 his direction on GoFundMe, he ultimately came out as the winner

Jim Comey wrote a book, made $Millions

You CANNOT use the system to go after the Left, the Left runs the entire system.

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only rural rednecks and sub urban retards voted for trump.

All the city people voted for Hillary

tee hee
They're all Commies anyway
By their logic, they're just giving money to the oppressed
There's not reason why they should be opposed to paying up
*squirts water in your face*

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So you’re saying there’s a chance


My favorite part of this video, is it's just a kid smiling, but people judged it as if it was a bunch of frat boys teasing someone.

It's not about defending minorities to these people - it's about outrage. Anything other than improving themselves and putting in energy.

Lift and discipline yourselves

Stop blaming others

And be like Nick! SMILE!!!! :)

Oh fuck off. SC is conservative now. Little by little courts and gov are taken back.

FTA, how many Hollywood Jews are going to take a chance in a Kentucky courtroom? How many GoFundMe campaigns can they run? This isn'tjust one shitlib, this affects potentially hundreds of them, with potential civil AND criminal penalties, in about as unfavorable of a venue as possible.

>Kurt Eichenwald
>Elizabeth Warren
>Jim Carrey

This is great. Burn it all down!

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>Oh fuck off. SC is conservative now. Little by little courts and gov are taken back.

- 3rd World trash keeps invading
- now talking about 70%-90% tax rates
- now talking about post-birth abortions
- a Lib-Jew will be singing the halftime show in 2 hours

a "conservative" Supreme Court isn't helping us at all

These people should pay for how they smeared a bunch of minors. Hope these kids get the paycheck they deserve for having to go through all of this.

2019 - the year the MSM bites the bullet


Lots of bergs and steins in there

Hope they get at least a billion.

This wasn't like other libel suits. The whole country, heck even the world, started hating on them.

And I hope this sets up the precedent of the media getting sued for false stories. Maybe that will finally stop all their lying and we can get some sort of honest journalism again.

They did good.
I hope they get a pretty penny out of it.

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>That list
USA is fully infiltrated, but i hope the MSM aka MKUltra at this point fucking loses, they need to lose for the good of them and everyone else

Hope those vultures have picked out their tombstones, cuz the venom they've spewed against these kids was both kraven and sinister.


That’s a claymore

> Durr what is gawker?

Purge the daemon when?

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I can't wait for the carnage to start

Ahhhhhhh hahahaha.
This is the funniest thing ive read this year. Liberals going broke. Let the boo-hoo ing commence.

So glad they are doing this.
They won’t win, but it’s a statement that needs to be made.
They are standing their ground instead of bending over.

Killing celebrity priviledge one dumbass at a time. Or maybe a dozen. One can only hope.

Where's that turd Michael Moore's name? It seems to have been left off; aggregious oversight.

Who says they won't? The evidence is obvious. If they lose that's actually a bad thing.

The only people taking about those tax rates have zero chance of getting anywhere with them and in case you haven't noticed the leftists pushing post birth abortions essentially ruined their careers.

Nothing really new though from a prosecution/legal standpoint. It follows the 'just throw shit at them and see what sticks' kind of mentality. They may not be able to get everyone on everything, but eventually, something will stick and that's enough to hammer their asses.

Rich eating the rich who gives a fuck post when they’re all dead

>We will drag the false stars down to the muck they belong in


Unless they made threats, they can say that they were simply mistaken by false news reports. It's fairly difficult to prove in court that somebody knew something at a particular point; if there is even a chance they didn't know the kids were innocent, then they will get away with it.

The news agencies themselves are another story, as in they may or may not be able to get away with it. Obviously they will say that they only made those reports damning the kids and labeling them as "harassers" because they only had access to the edited video which didn't show Chief John Bonham approaching the kids. I have a feeling the lawyer knows what he is doing and is going after the agencies that demonstrated clear malice (ex: publishing articles about how the kids were still racist AFTER the truth was revealed, tweeting out images of the kids dressed for a basketball game as evidence they are racist, etc). Basically, if they persisted at trying to justify their hatred for the kids after the full video got released they lose their entire argument that they simply drew a rational conclusion to available evidence.

Some of those GoFundMe money drives are frauds.
Anybody could start one and subtract "admin" fees, expenses, etc.

In some ways, this doesn't matter. This will have a chilling effect on shitlib media and celebrities.

Obviously. But that's all int he law. Saying they'll lose a lawsuit simply because they're right, not left is ridiculous.

If the law works, this should show people not to kneejerk and call for blood.

What Jow Forums hasn't caught onto yet is that the entire post-birth abortion is a first step toward the state being able to say that you are guilty of wrong-think and, therefore, mentally unable to care for the child and, therefore, we will kill it. That is exactly what it is about. The legalisation of the murder of healthy, intact, white children (or any other "kind" of child they decide is wrong and unprogressive). It's fucking shit and so far beyond any of the lunatic fringe ravings I've ever seen on Jow Forums or anywhere else, for that matter. It's legalised genocide.


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bump for justice.

haha this is good

>free-speech bastions are based
>unless you're a fucking KIKE

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Although this is true. Someone has to make the point to stand up against it. Even if they lose doing so, they are going to fight for justice.

Niggers have more abortions than anyone else. Abortion is black genocide.

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So when will there be a fight between Sandmann and Hogg, now?

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Good. This is all good.

>ou CANNOT use the system to go after the Left, the Left runs the entire system.
ran the system, ftfy

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jesus this guy is gonna be so fucking rich if he wins this case

You can still sue when media outlets and public figures make false defamatory comments like they obviously did in this case. The offenders lose all the time.

That's only the first wave as far as I understand. Lower profile people will be targeted afterwards

They probably had tons of lawyers coming to them because there is so much money to be made. Leftist celebrities and media outlets picking on a random 16yo kid while telling blatant lies contradicted by video evidence. It's a lawyer's paradise.

>Maybe that will finally stop all their lying and we can get some sort of honest journalism again.
An optimist, I see.

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>Unless they made threats, they can say that they were simply mistaken by false news reports.
That's the thing. The most popular of these assholes called for violence and promoted doxxing and threats by their digital lynch mobs.

the day this happened i saw that guy specifically on twitter shilling around. it was hilarious but he was definitely the first to the scene to so (((generously))) offer up his free services. all in all i'm happy someone's doing it

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Bump for justice. Tear the kikes down by their thrones.

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>Kurt Eichenwald

Imagine all the hentai they find. They find any loli and he is fucked.

Kathy Griffin, especially, I want to see ruined. She didn't learn from her little stunt with the Trump head and just went all out on calling for lynchmobs as a sort of last cling to fame. I want her life destroyed.

>(((Wheeler Walker Jr.))) (a.k.a Benjamin Isaac Hoffman) not named

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Its pretty cut and dry. They were warned to retract their libelous statements. They refused. Even after evidence to the countrary was presented. This is really is not a situation where they can claim ingnorance or say they made a mistake credibly.

>B..b..but he’s a recon ranger.
He wouldn’t be very good at it he’s a choke artist. Good job he was lying.
He must have wanted people to think he sneaks up on the enemy all unseen and stealthy like in westerns. What an absolute scum. He fixed fridges and never went near any war.


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Forward this to the lawyer. How woke is that lawyer btw? I hope he's not just a grubby Jew.

Jesus Christ, the courts do not work quickly. It's going to be five years at least before you see the fruits of a conservative courts labors.

Calm down. It's only going to get better from here. RBG will be in the ground in less than 6 months.

You won't see the results as much as your offspring will.

Rest assured though it will get better.

I am aware. This "law", though, is a first step toward "evening rhe playing field", if you will. They want to be able to declare a mother unfit mentally and then use that as an excuse to execute their child. Why? Because unlike Blacks and Hispanics, Whites really aren't aborting enough for them. They want Whites in decline. I have to think they will want some Asians in decline, too. What easier way than a law that say ls if you're mentally unfit? And that is the next step; to take the mother out of the equation and to let the state decide. That's fucking horrifying.

egregious oversight

i'd like to see David Brooks do penance in public, especially since he's been lecturing America and Trump about "virtue" for the last five years and wrote a book about it. Let him prove his religion by repenting of his slander in public

>I want her life destroyed.
#metoo user

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>RBG will be in the ground in less than 6 months.
She's been long dead user. Twitter's algorithms are running overtime to filter out any tweets asking about where she is.

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Perhaps Meghan Markle will send them all one of her bananas? The ex-prostitute (criminal) is sending these out to other sex workers to brighten up their cock filled lives. (You couldn’t make this up).
What an honour to get a banana from the princess of whores. I think they all deserve one of Meghans (used?) bananas each.

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>>Kurt Eichenwald

I foresee seizures of more than one kind in his future..

Social Justice Done Right.

The lower level (((lawyers))) smelled blood in the water.

The happening will persist indefinately until future notice

>When you retain legal counsel, please have that person call me with any questions. Thank you very much.


>Todd V. McMurtry

A man who cannot help but destroy himself. A true Greek comedy disguised as a tragedy. Top lel.