Joe "You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villian "Rogan"

Look at this sad excuse of addressing himself cucking out over the Jack Dorsey interview.

Here Joe tries to come off as the virtuous centrist when Twitter's policies affect anyone who doesn't fully follow the left wing agenda.

He had the CEO of a the company that is the biggest abuser of speech on his podcast and he let him off the hook.

Joe could have gone down as a transformational figure but he decided to keep sucking on the silicon valley cock so guests feel comfortable coming on.

Is the extra money worth it Joe? You're in your 50's smoking weed everyday with a roided out heart? You don't take the money with you.

Now joe isn't far from these late night hosts who all believe the same doctrine.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Joe didn’t do anything wrong, he asked the questions and jack dodged them like the slimy cuck that he is.

nulling bump

Just look at what the press does to people they dont agree with when they get an answer they dont like. There is no fucking reason cuck rogan couldnt keep trying to get some answers. Hes a bitch and he was probably scared to death of that giant faggot, seriously who the fuck thinks faggot joe is a godamn right winger.

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Newfags jesus

Except kiss his ass like a fanboy.

Stoner gorilla betrayed his volk

The app he promotes is owned by Jack, don't be too shocked he cucked out for sheckles

Just unsub, fuck him.

Why the fuck do you niggers shit up this board with posts about this guy? Who gives a shit about him?

Just stop talking about Joe
he's irrelevant now

'The Intellectual Dark Web'

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>dudes, I was gonna ask him about the things, but weed

That excuse of downvoting comments was dumb. If he left it at the first half of what he wrote he’d be ok.

if it took someone this long to unsubscribe from him, they should also be shot in the face.

Joe Rogan is not a journalist.

There is an implicit atmosphere on the podcast that he's not there to fucking grill anyone, and honestly, if he were to establish himself as someone who would do that after someone accepted his invitation in good faith, he would be scum and his show would be shit. Furthermore, nobody would trust him anymore and he wouldn't be able to get these kinds of people on his show anymore.

In other words, you're childish and retarded, and you don't understand the actual nuance of what goes into making a show like that. We don't live in a fucking fantasy world, people can't just do whatever the hell they want and be successful, they have to be weighed against what can be pulled off.

Joe Rogan is a voice for the demographic of men who aren't cucked enough to be basedims but are too cucked to actually be anything more than a recepticle for moderate ideas, like fans of Juden B Peterstein.

then don't have that fuck on. Joe basically interviewed the pr department on twitter.

Joe absolutely fucking grills republicans when they are on his show. Don't selectively enforce this mindset

he gets lots of viewers (mostly on the right) because he used to have guests who were center to right. now hes shilling to get a lucrative Netflix deal. acting like hes never heard of the steele dossier or saying "the Washington post cant lie!"? unbelievable

>Joe absolutely fucking grills republicans when they are on his show
this. imagine if he got Jamie to "bring that shit up" with Dorsey sitting there

That's actually a pretty reasoned and respectable response. He's a meat head comedian not Walter Cronkite


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Then why does he act that way toward republicans?

Joe Rogan or Jew Rogaine reminds me of one of those creatures from (((They Live))). Trying to keep the goyim from straying too far on the path of awareness. I saw a video of him of how he steers people away from (((9/11))).

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Y'all niggers expect too much out of Joe Rogan.
He's just a dude, man.

Who gives a fuck. I don't listen to that faggot regardless of who he's interviewing, but it was a reasoned response

dindu nuffin

Right. Just a dude with lots of influence. In others words a kike puppet.

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Joe tries to right by his convictions. Any man worth his integrity does the same. Problem is who is to decide what is anyones business in a public sphere where big data is being abused in a discriminatory fashion where fools in fancy clothes have become god like idols to the silver screen fiction that fuels entertainment addictions. We dont talk about fight club but nfl roots have some grassroot revellion and theres been a turd in the punchbowl laced with asteroid star space jams to drive the game into the hands of the gamblers spirit of gomorrah and all that jazz. Just a blue jays way of tellin it like I see it

he said the n-word

Machine learning is the cancer joe.
These motherfuckers do. Glowbois for the cia bottom feeding bootlicking worms. Bloody parasites

>Rogain on niggers 2018 (silent video)

Thumb Rogan even states he’s being non confrontational, which is the opposite of what he should of done

All of the people he supported and were friends with, should have been represented through Joe as Joe states he’s a loyal dude, but he’s not and he cucked and backstabbed his buddies, primarily Alex Jones. This is his attempt at damage control and it’s going to backfire. THEY WERE CAUGHT DELETING CONTENT and the interview is so mild. Joe has had years and years of controversy to discuss but instead did nothing

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No shit hes an entertainer. Hed make a great comedy central show over the daily but thats just my opinion

When I looked at the video the day it was out the highest comment was by Mark Dice.
So if Joe didn't delete it then why did he also block Mark Dice on instagram the same day?

Does Joe really think the goyim are this fucking stupid?

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JIDF damage control post


" i dont want to be confrontational !!!"

fucking look how non confrontational joe is here.

Yeah they are definitely deleting or hiding comments you go there and u can't find comments older then a few hours but if you go to his other podcasts all the original comments with most likes show up.

And it seems like someone is doing it in a blanket fashion instead of deleting certain comments most likely because it's too hard to go through them so they just nuke them all but people just repost them all anyway.

Right wing snowflakes are in total melt down, what a bunch of faggots you are.

“Anybody and everybody I don’t like is a kike puppet.”
-social outcast that became a neo-nazi because of an anime image board.
You’re pathetic.

>Joe “lost all my credibility” rogan
I ised to think his fucking show was unscripted, fuck this shit he treated alex like shit them he kisses twitters asshole and expects us to sealow it whole, fuck him and jamie for deleting comments

learn to greentext christ

This is what peak cowardice looks like.
Rogan is a fucking fraud with no spine and no morals.
Jamie, see if you can find this guys ballls.

Your mistake has been that you expected something else.

twitter is a saudi company

What instance are you referring to? People on the left call him alt-right all the time because he disagrees with some of the things they say like the smiling kid. >You're using muh 4chinz wrong!11!

lmao what a fucking retard

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>meltdown mode.
I wouldn’t say that. I didn’t care to watch the Dorsey episode, but I think Joe has become willfully ignorant on important topics that he once had a good grasp on. A complete 180 from just a year ago when he talked about Seth Rich.

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Joe Rogan is pretty popular with gym crowd, fighter types, pussy chasers, and what not. Basically the lower IQ moderate NPC's

Yea he is trying to frame it as if the algorithms deleted the comments or some bullshit but the fact that he also blocked Mark Dice on Instagram proves this wasn't the case.
He's using the same tactics the leftists when they manually censor people on all of the other platforms.

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Listened to Jack Dorsey on Bill Simmons who is a boomer cuck so I didn’t expect him to challenge anything and he didn’t. But Jack Dorsey is a shithead CEO through and through, he has a level of polish that guys like Eric Schmidt and Zuckerberg never did. I’m not surprised Joe Rohan is getting called out, but at the same time I think a lot of people think if you just ask these guys “the right way” they’ll fold and you’ll get some satisfaction. It just doesn’t work that way, you don’t become a CEO by losing interviews to guys like Joe Rogan.

Rogan does not care about freedom of speech, what do you expect?

It took you guys this long to figure out this dude was full of shit? Idiots.

Damn I hadn't seen it but this makes rogan look fucking awful. This guy is going to lose his audience fast if the perception around him changes.

Such a clever response wasted. Al he had to do to really drive that apology train home was to say "I didnt realize how serious the problem was".

All that said, jack is an awful human being and why anyone uses his platform anymore is dumbfounding. Other than trump, whose very existence there is a troll.

>Shilling E-Celebs
When will you fucks learn

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Imagine being so pathetic you cling to every word Jor Rogan says. Not only that, but when he does an interview you didn't like you obsessively post about him on a board where the majority of the post are insecure whites declaring their superiority to one another.

I turned the interview off because it sucked. I listen to 1/15 joe rogan podcast max because his guest either suck or are very interesting. Get a fucking life. Joe is also a closet fag, should dig more into that.

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Ohhh, it's about the money

>'The Intellectual Dark Web'
There has never been a bigger LARP than the supposed intellectual dark web.

I think expecting Joe Rogan to be a journalist is a bit much. He's "dude weed lamo" personified, and for some unknown reason people listen to him.

Youtube does do that with Right-leaning speech though, so it's not out of the question that he might be telling the truth. About a year ago they copped on that people were becoming red-pilled in the comments sections.

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Reminder that Joe Rogan doesn't give a fuck about approval from retards on Jow Forums. Sperg posts like this are honestly cringe.

Fuck off, Joe

That episode with Di Paolo was infuriating. Basically Joe regurgitated a bunch of mainstream narratives about "Russian collusion" and Trump being the most egregious liar who has ever held public office and when he was asked to back up his assertions he had to have Jamie start Googling shit for him. Then he chastised Nick for committing a "whataboutism" while completely missing the point that was being made about the mainstream media influencing opinion around public figures. Joe totally missed the point.

unfortunately this.

He is a fucking pussy that bowed down to the twitter god for fear of himself being censored its disgusting.

I prefer being sacrificed to Ba'al.

Joe Rogan is a platform to advertise your product. No one is going on his show to debate. Everyone including Rogan is selling some product. Right wingers feed off debate so Joe entertains that request. I dont know what you expect of dude weed man. All his videos are boring as fuck at this point. An interview like this only brings Boring Joe more undeserved attention. Its like discussing Howard Stern at this point. If you dont get you are watching 1 long ad youre fucking stupid. Youre even stupider for taking the time and energy to listen to discuss it on this bored.

This post was brought to you by: onnit, square space, pocket pussy, some cell phone service and a gorilla faced kettle bell.

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The only thing anyone wants to hear from Jack is his screams as he is being tortured for him stomping on the 1st amendment and choosing who gets to be heard.

If hes telling the truth then why did he also block Mark Dice on Instagram?
He had the highest voted comment defending Alex Jones before it was deleted.

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Joe Rogan used to exclusively question the narrative i.e. his show Conspiracy Theory w/ Joe Rogan. It's what attracted his audiences, along with his martial arts background, destroying men((cia)), fear factor, comedy, being friends with Alex Jones and the feeling you got that you could shoot the shit with this guy about anything because he's so open. Now he's an establishment shill, a traitor and a verified cuck. Disgusting fall from grace.

You need to do better.

Your show was a fucking disgrace fuck off Joe look at that ration and get back to us when you man up.

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this video kills me ever single time

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I bet we will see the "likes" slowly increase over time.
They will buy them 500 at a time to slowly inflate the numbers over time.

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Joe Rogan did whatever he had to to gain his audience that is now for sale. Thats how capitalism works. Companies like Twitter, Google and FB establish a monopoly to then sell their free service to highest bidder who wants to influence the earned audience. You want companies to invest billions of dollars to create platforms to allow you publish your ideas at no cost? Sounds like you prefer state run media I guess. Whoever has the biggest megaphone gets heard. Its how it works. Anyone taking the time and effort to say something has an agenda. Whats with all the idealism here?

seemed honest and reasonable to me. Respect.

god damn...

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No your presupposition is wrong. Capitalism works by producing content people want/need and taking advantage of it. Nobody wants or needs Joe Rogan's two-faced cuckworship - and it shows.

alt right BTFO

I dont need or want to take part in social media. Im addicted to it like everyone else who is plugged in. I can admit it though. Capitalism and all isms have the same goal, to attain/keep power. Some use military force and are more transparent while others rely on financial investment. Case and point is how capitalsm was forced upon people happy sitting in the jungle minding their own business as they already have everything the need from mother nature. try to be more objective,

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And secondly the revenue streams these "companies" enjoy stem from the pool of data they gather off the users. So the platforms are NOT free to use. We don't get paychecks (we should be entitled to some monetary compensation) and in turn we gain a platform to speak to people all across the world. Now they are shutting down users they disagree with, having stolen their intellectual property and weaponized their own personal data against them. They are ruining people's lives in some cold civil war. You are the one seeking a technological father figure to control your waking life. Shill

Addiction is a need. If capitalism isn't forced on these jungle dwellers socialism will be, and that leads to mass death. Grow up kid.

Joe is so pitiful. It's pathetic. Yes he was cool on fear factor and he can kick hard. He is a bow Hunter
But he has the back bone of a salamander. He is so fucking pathetic. I literally cannot stand to listen to this faggot anymore.

He's part of the problem.
He's a stupid stoner.

>I want you folks

Anytime you here this word your shill detector radar should go way off the charts.. Also..isn't Rogains wife Jewish?

Only problem I see is you sound like a bitch.
Is the problem that you fear joe rogan could make you his bitch, bitch

Not think its like stories but people make shit whatever they want it to be.
Like you said he does some cool shit. And is a fag in other aspects.
Who isn't tho?

>he didn't ask why people can advocate violence against white people and not get banned for it

So then the original criticism that Joe is nothing more than a standard talk show host is true then.

>I got molested

No one told you to upload content or ideas you chose to.
Dont need to undermine me and you need to grow up. I think socialism is at least a little more transparent. They take power from the population through force and establish order. You are living under the same condition as evident by your dissatisfaction only you have a web of bullshit to sort through. Better to kill your actual enemies and take power than kill people in other countries to fund keeping your growing population in control If the right or left just killed everyone and took power you would get to where you are tryin to get a lot faster. Youre just playing a slow game and making the entire world suffer alon with you. Stop typing on the computer and fight for what you believe in. Just my 2 cents after being around the whole mental exercise.

Liars deserve rope.

The bigger their audience, the more torture they deserve prior to death.

His show is shit you are a fag and seriously who the fuck cares about joe manlet rogaine? His only purpose is to serve as an example. He’s done his job.

>I didn't go after him hard enough
you didn't go after him at all...

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The 1st amendment prevents tyrants from dictating speech or enforcing speech patterns. Your claim of "oh its free market" to enforce speech banning is jewish and tyrannical. Plus you claim to be a socialist because you want to kill the people who are more successful than you. Claiming I should follow suit. What you fail to realize is that the people who you hate are better than you and in turn will slaughter you. I don't seek to slay humans as far as I can compete. I am free from the fear that eats at your soul. You are a fucking marked man. Ask God for forgiveness, love and protection. Get away from the sources of fear and loathing in your life.