Sorry. Forgot link.
Last thread of the night. Results will be posted tomorrow.
circumcision should be mandatory for non whites and illegal for whites
Listen man, no one will fucking buy this so fuck off back to Stormfront. Cool?
>Mom: Hey hun, should we leave that armpit attached to our son's dick, or nah?
>Dad: are you asking me if I want our son's dick smelling like shit and cultivating literal clumps of bacteria for the rest of his life
>Mom: well when you put it that way...
>t. someone that doesn't know how to clean himself
Also, have you ever smelled a woman's vagina, my man? Not exactly a fragrance people are lining up to buy.
It's a cutfag version of copeposting. They were mutilated at birth, like cattle, so they have to justify them being deprived of sexual pleasure by talking about muh dick cheese
We're not in 12th century, everyone has access to water and soap.
Male Genital Mutilation is trauma-based mind control and child abuse, if you support it then you'r a child abuser and should be put in jail.
>washing your penis is an anti-Semitic act
I remember arguing with a group of these faggots here in Canada and I was literally the only one against circumcision and the girls were also against me because their boyfriends were circumcised.
Fast forward like 2-5 years when both of my friends had baby boys. Neither of them had their sons circumcised. I rubbed it in their faces and they pretty much just said, "Yeah, well, we were following the doctor's advice and he said it was not necessary." I slapped my forehead, because I told them exactly that years ago.
Shouldn't it be
>Should child circumcision be legal?
>Male Circumcision
Are you implying there is any other kind?
Fuck no. If they want to engage in such a barbaric practice, they can go back to their desert shitholes.
it should be illegal at all ages, user. allowing tiny bits of judaism leads it to taking over your country.
i mean, just look at christianity and how it took over europe, destroying the native faith.
As an adult the idea of someone ripping off my foreskin sounds like torture so I can't imagine how it is for a baby. What a welcome to the world.
agree. it is sour grapes. i am proudly uncut as are both my sons. sex is amazing. i could not imagine what it would be like to not have a foreskin. it must be terrible for the men afflicated. i hope that one day we have foregen or something similar for the poor men whose parents were deceived by jewry.
mutilating implies making something look gross
heres a real life story from an ex who once almost had sex with a dog dick
she was at a bar with a guy she had been dating for a week. they hung out for a few hours and went back to his place. one thing led to another and shes pulling down his pants and sees his flesh tube, said she "rolled it back" and "it was slimy" and she gagged and left. said she "felt sick" lmao!
heres the moral of the story. kiss EVER having sex with a girl youre dating out the fuckin window unless you've showered beforehand. dog dicks know this but most cutfags dont. their dicks literally moisten and if they're out at a place like a bar, their dick is literally going to be slimy and gross and theres a good fuckin chance theyre going to get denied and embarrassed hard like that poor guy did
Whether you like it or not it is a part of western culture, and I don't see the practice going away any time soon.
Not in Europe it isn't, so no, not all Western culture. It's USA/Aus/Africa/Middle east
not a part of western culture, but a part of desert cultures. circumcision and abrahamic religions should go back from where they came.
american culture has always been corrupt. we do not have a pagan permaculture here so we are a people ripped from our evropean roots, and have bound ourselves to abrahamism. this is why things like circumcision have occurred.
No one in Europe is doing it Amerimutt.
>flesh tube
Ok rabbi
Either way it isn't going away so you can continue to argue against it here, but it doesn't really matter.
>Western culture
Nobody in Europe is circumcised, user. Unless it's a severe case of phimosis
>it isn't going away
>a girl didn't know that 2/3s of men are not circumcised and was too inexperienced to be kind and just left
Cool story bro.
Here's a story:
2/3s of humanity are uncircumcised and are not retarded and have children and perfectly normal sexual lives. The End
Also, you think men like the sight of flesh cunts?
it is not right to make women alter their genitals either. love your woman the way she is.
practice eating ham sandwiches
>mfw goyim willingly brand themselves as our slaves
I agree 100%.
I am just saying that the disgust factor can go both ways. In fact, there are more women that get labiaplasty than men that get circumcised for purely aesthetic reasons.
t. dude who lost his girl to unmutilated guy
how does it feel knowing every woman around you, besides gross hispanics, prefer the look of my cock over yours and not only that will reject you because of how it looks?
hold this L boyo, America is a cut nation
>this pointless slide thread again
I never understood why you people feel the need to post on a thread you don't like. You realize you can just hide these on your end, right?
>girl tells user a story about guy in her past
>croatnigger deduces this must have happened after she dated user
the absolute state of slavic intelligence
it can. but both are natural. some women have "meat flaps". so what? if it bothers you so much, you find someone else. same with any guy who meets a girl who prefers jew dick.
if you meet that kind of person, they are too materialistic to be any good for you. most women i've known do not care either way, this kike is heavily overstating himself.
youre coping so fucking hard rn
Honestly, it wouldn't bother me if I liked the girl and hell even if I didn't. It's just a trend right now that you are able to say that women prefer cut guys and the only retort I have is, "Well, if it were up to men, they'd only have girls with innies". But, in reality, most men would be fine with whatever their girl has, I think.
fun fact. circumcision in newborns typically costs around 400 bucks and many parents are aware of this and dont do it because they are poor
dog dicks are not only rejected by women.... their parents are also poorfags! LMAO!
and our dick wont work anymore when you're forty.
>Three biggest markets for ed meds are; JewSA, Israel, and worst Korea.
162 jews voted in the poll.
i know they won't, your dog dick is literally more prone to cancer..... LMAO!
Yeah, follow the (((doctor))) when civilized men circumcised their dicks for centuries
inb4 the ACS is "jewish"
"everybody i dont agree with is a jew!"
>the absolute state of the mentally ill
not like you virgins were going to even get the chance to be denied of sex because of the appearance of your dick in the first place
Cutfags can deny all they want, the Jews themselves admit why they do it.
It all started with the covenant between Abe and God. When God abolished these laws with Jesus the Jews got absolutely assblasted and turned it into a sexual deprivation ritual. It got so bad that the victims were trying to put their foreskin back on. Stretching the left over foreskin was a common practice just like today.
>literally quoting a jew as evidence for his case
holy fuck the mental gymnastics you must go through on a daily basis must be tiresome.
>lets believe the jews here buuutt..... theyre liars, thieves, amd swindlers here and here!! but not here.
take your fuckin meds kid
Europeans don't. Asians don't. It's mostly kikes and niggers that follow this practice, along with brainwashed whites in North America.
Tu sais que c'est pas nécessaire. Aussi, moins que 20% des Français sont circoncis, donc si tu est circoncis, tu est dans la minorité.
>Vast majority is saying not
You all are fucking abortions