Male Circumcision

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Last thread of the night. Results will be posted tomorrow.

Attached: MaleCircumcision.png (826x320, 19K)

circumcision should be mandatory for non whites and illegal for whites

Listen man, no one will fucking buy this so fuck off back to Stormfront. Cool?

>Mom: Hey hun, should we leave that armpit attached to our son's dick, or nah?

>Dad: are you asking me if I want our son's dick smelling like shit and cultivating literal clumps of bacteria for the rest of his life

>Mom: well when you put it that way...

>t. someone that doesn't know how to clean himself

Also, have you ever smelled a woman's vagina, my man? Not exactly a fragrance people are lining up to buy.

It's a cutfag version of copeposting. They were mutilated at birth, like cattle, so they have to justify them being deprived of sexual pleasure by talking about muh dick cheese

We're not in 12th century, everyone has access to water and soap.

Male Genital Mutilation is trauma-based mind control and child abuse, if you support it then you'r a child abuser and should be put in jail.

>washing your penis is an anti-Semitic act

I remember arguing with a group of these faggots here in Canada and I was literally the only one against circumcision and the girls were also against me because their boyfriends were circumcised.

Fast forward like 2-5 years when both of my friends had baby boys. Neither of them had their sons circumcised. I rubbed it in their faces and they pretty much just said, "Yeah, well, we were following the doctor's advice and he said it was not necessary." I slapped my forehead, because I told them exactly that years ago.

Attached: JewsWinAgain2.png (593x592, 533K)

Shouldn't it be
>Should child circumcision be legal?