how fucked is this right now?
How fucked is this right now?
We're saving Great Britain.
It's a complete clusterfuck. To such a degree that the Brits singlehandedly killed off the anti-EU moment in Europe.
And that's a good thing.
It's fucking nothing, nothing will change, everything will stay the same
what does no deal brexit mean?
>what does no deal brexit mean?
pic related
Probably that the top jews have to cut their salaries
More like top capitalists will get extra £££ and the average working man will get fucked in the ass by further deregulation
UK will try to undercut the EU by becoming a tax haven on their doorstep.
Everyone keeps waking on about the economy but remain or leave I'm still stuck living surrounded by fucking muslims and I don't think a few hundred quid more or less every month is gonna make fuck all difference.
The top guys behind Brexit are already leaving.
They just want to earn money elsewhere, send it to the UK and enjoy low regulation and taxation
Billionaires like him don't care about the rest of us
The UK right now is an oligarchy ruled by a clique of Oxbridge Etonians traitors
This. Always this.
(and that's not a good thing)
surprise it didn't explode.
Well, someone votes just like they want.
The media - especially tabloids - is completely in their hands. I seriously started to question the principle of free press after what pro-brexit newspapers like the Daily Heil have done to the public debate.
There's no free media anywhere in democratic capitalist societies. In a deomcracy money = power and influence. Money= ownership of the "democratic" opinion makers (them media)
Here, a short summary of the current situation.
it'll be alright
Is there not pro-UE tabloid?
>those feminist triggered glasses
godspeed britain, one thing i have to hand to you, you face your ultimate demise with a certain foolish courage or is it just blind ignorance about your real status in the world?
If it's the choice between a slow ignominious death or a madcap insane rush for glory that will likely kill you and you don't know which one a British person will pick then you don't know the British at all.
My grandmother has the same glasses. They used to be fashionable on the other side of the iron wall. So she is probably from east Germany.
Mogg as PM when?
Yeah. That's also the main argument against her also in the YT comment section.
>heh look at this cute brainless whore
>crams mouth full of plastic chicken
So basically they aren't actually smart enough to make an argument so they use NPC phrases and labels basically what they accuse SJWs off doing
Lads, I am scared!
Cars don't actually do that very often.
Precisely. Screw facts and arguments. All that matters is that the woman looks like a SJW Feminist lolol.
i cant be the only one that bursts out laughing every time i read about the british trying to play tough
Fell in love with her and her friend instantly desu. Wish I knew where to meet girls like this, literally every girl I know my age voted Remain.
thanks dave
The UK is the only nation on earth that can be so thoroughly outmaneuvered by a stationary opponent.
They are just too used to always get what they wanted. In the times past all they needed was to send a gunboat in order to plunder some other country's resources. Later, the UE just pandered to their every tantrum, which is why they snatched so many privileges and exceptions. At the same time they were essentially parasitizing on the entire EU via their predatory economic model, ie. being the centre of investment banking and hedge funds.
Now they are gonna hit the wall, but they are too delusional to see it.
oh no no no no i can't import delicious british products anymore
That's adorable
You're going to regret joking about this when you have to pay double for the famous british wines. and 2% alcohol luke-warm beer.
never said I disagreed with her you white knighting mouth breathing morons
>And make the EU pay
This reminds me of someone else campaign promise in recent history
Rules of trade default to WTO's standards. Goods moving from and to the UK will become more expensive. If the UK drops EU/EEA regulations (the ones Norway and Iceland follow to stay in the single market), some UK goods will be banned in the EU: for instance, USA has allowances for a set amount of rat hair, maggots, and shit in candy bars - Mars is an american company but instead of exporting candy bars from the USA to the EU it has factories in the EU which follow EU regulations instead of USA regulations.
It's getting harder everyday to defend democracy
Im defending im just responding never said she was correct calm down faggot saying that they don't know how to make an argument isn't white knighting
>iron lady
tin woman
It's more to that. There's also the problem of border controls, something to which Britain is completely unprepared. They have zero infrastructure for that.
Moreover, border controls on the Irish border would also mean that the Good Friday Agreement is essentially over.
lmao, the eu is the most disharmonious union on the planet
>May is a 10/10 in Britain
You never heard about early USA then.
jfk show some mercy
>27 nations agree on a Brexit negotiations strategy
>Britains own government can't agree on anything and they are all British so cultural and geopolitical differences are ''not a problem''
Do you ever think Zyklon-B Garrison ever regrets the choices he made in life? Or is he a complete whacko and honestly believes his shit?
What Brits did was retardedly honest. They should've said "fuck the rules" without fucking off from the EU, like Germans and France do. The only thing Germans and Frogs could've done was screech autistically because EU is absolutely toothless against countries that give more than they receive.
>27 nations are told what to do by a higher power and just go along with it because they are subservient to that higher power
>they are shocked to see disagreements in a democratic system
Democratic tradition?
>27 nations agree
More like 27 PMs agree
>your union is in disarray!
>user demonstrates that it is not
>user demonstrates that your country is that which is in disaray
>heh democracy
>ignores that the UK is one of the worst democracies after america as far as representation goes
>ignores that every single post of the EU is democratically elected
based retard
27 PMs democratically appointed.
Tabloids tend to leant towards populism because of their target readers. Pro-EU press tends to be elitist. Most citizens in the EU know very little about the EU apparatus and it pretty much isn't taught in schools.
This is changing a bit now. During the great recession, EU came to be criticized by disgruntled nationalists and populists, both right and left, because it's proposed austerity measures (cutting spending and rising taxation to cover debt obligations) are VERY unpopular. The bunglings of these nationalist and populists fronts however (and I'm including Brexit, Syriza and PODEMOS here), sort of serves as an vaccine against them. Either way, the mass public is finally becoming more EU-counscious.
Alpha Anglos
>and it pretty much isn't taught in schools
It should be. When i graduated we weren't in the EU but i think now that we are in they should at least give it a few hours in school.
every single Jow Forumstard and Brexiter i've engaged with here has been woefully ignorant of how the EU functions. I don't mean not understand how appointments work or how the sentate functions exactly but to the extent of thinking there's just some german overlord that hand selects whatever university friend they had to rule over Europe as some demagogue its embarrassing how ignorant people are about the EU.
fortunately right wing parties are so retarded that even the retards are embarrassed to be party to them. pic related, average brexit IQ
Could someone explain why the left side in Britain is totally against brexit, whilst the left side in Norway is totally eurosceptic?
>democratically appointed
Which doesn't mean the nation agrees, just that they elected someone who agrees. Considering how democracies in Europe work, hardly any of those PMs won due to having a majority vote. So no, it's definitely not "27 nations agree"
British Archipelago is not part of Europa and British people are not Europeans. They should be expelled from the European Union, without referendums or dialogues.
>why the left side in Britain is totally against brexit,
Comrade Cobryn is a Brexiter.
you elect someone to represent you because you can't fit 8 million screaming drunk Czechs in the senate.
The EU will fall, but the Uk will also fall.
>hardly any of those PMs won due to having a majority vote
What?This is not America.Whoever get's the majority wins, we have no electoral college.
Genuine leftists tend to be pro-Brexit, or at least pro very heavy reform in EU. Confusion comes in because centrists like to portray themselves as left wing because they view it as more virtuous, but don't actually support any left-wing economic policies.
Can someone explain to me why a nation with a near unlimited source of a highly valuable raw resource that is universally desired has a natural upper hand in negotiations?
The EU will be the last super power standing before the end times. Eat your plastic and stay out of this
>The UK right now is an oligarchy ruled by a clique of Oxbridge Etonians traitors
And when was it ever not?
Everyone gets the plague he deserves eventually
How many of those PMs rule without a coalition?
EU will fall. The members have no loyalty towards one another and the Euro is making certain that the economic imbalance is only getting bigger.
Left wing party here is also euroskeptical
>EU will fall
Ok underage bro. Fortunately for you your betters understand the necessity of the EU in a global landscape to ensure a sufficiently powerful basis for economic negotiations.
>t. Underage Jow Forumstard with zero understand of what adults care about
You can make a coalition unless you are the one with the most votes AKA have the majority of votes amongst the voted parties. How old are you? If you are of a voting age you should know this.
>EU will fall
Ok, now i gotta know. What diaspora are you?
>projecting this hard
Here in Ameriga we cook all of our meals, unlike an uncultured brainlet who eats fucking Tysons nuggets such as yourself.
>Little rock
>Here in Ameriga we cook all of our meals
Met a few Americans, none did that.
The communists in my country are also hard eurosceptic - but they are underplaying that since Brexit negotiations turned out to be as they are. The left block (between the far-left and the centre-left, basically) was antagonistic towards the EU but it meant to pressure EU into fiscal leniency, with exiting being a plan B or maybe even C.
Overall, people who trust our politicians to manage our currency tend to be hard leftists - hard rightist also, but those have no parliamentary seats. Most other people just want stability and it can't be argued that political corruption and electoralist policies didn't drive this country into the financial abyss.
hes having a laugh mate. he's dumb (doesn't believe in the hyper power of the EU that will someday conquer the solar system) but he knwos americans are fat and stupid
Sure you did Ahmed. Met some on Jow Forums didn't you?
>Here in Ameriga we cook all of our meals
You do? Which Ameri''g''a are we talking about here? The one i know of, doesn't cook... ever.
americans are so bad at making or taking banter on Jow Forums that the moment one makes a joke everyone jsut takes it at face value now matter how meme it is :((((