I wrote a theme song for Jow Forums and I am curious to hear what you think. I wrote it to the tune of "Imagine," the most boomer-tier song there is. What do you think - is it worthy to be the board's theme song?
I wrote a theme song for Jow Forums and I am curious to hear what you think. I wrote it to the tune of "Imagine," the most boomer-tier song there is. What do you think - is it worthy to be the board's theme song?
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bretty gud. swedish enigma's is a bit more poetic IMHOFAM
Holy kek I came here to call you a faggot, but that was not bad. Today, OP was not a fag.
bump lol thats fuckin good
Thanks, potatobro. I posted the lyrics on here a week ago and was met with positive feedback, so I just quickly recorded it a few minutes ago. It's not polished, but I'll probably spend more time making it higher-quality if this gets good feedback.
Bro send that to Owen Benjamin tonight. Look what he did to the jews
discord trannies spamming every thread with this faggot kike smdhfam
That was actually really good. Nice voice, by the way. You should record more stuff like this.
>Pepe Shekelstein
Kek. Nice work, my man.
Thank you. This song will help bring about positive changes.
Holy shit, good job OP!
Only thing I would change is to add a verse "Imagine all the niggers"
I think it would sound better
Actually, I was just trying to bump the thread.
"Imagine all the dindus" would be cool too.
I was kinda hoping the whole song was about niggers DESU. So many possibiliies.
This is Jow Forums's theme song, in my head at least.
Top fucking kek
Holy fuck I didn't paste the link!
Bump for exposure
I really like it
Title of the thread sucked + common Pepe = I came here for the cringe but had major keks
I guess other poltards don't even bother clicking it. OP should probably repost it with a better presentation
What would be a better title & picture, in your opinion?
Don't know, maybe a rarer pepe or a groyper.
Bait titles work better than plain descriptions
Polish this and it will be good
>first line
88/88 user good job
FUCK I love you user I love you user I love you user this makes my stupid hapa heart so happy for you y'all
I got too excited and mistyped that fuck
Someone already did one on Imagine right after the Paris attacks. I'll be sure to listen to yours when I have time, but you better not have stolen it from the other user...fren.
Bumping to keep alive until I can listen
Hey from a hapa thats onside with us, is it a good or bad idea to have a hapa kid? I would just consider them white but i know a lot have trouble at least online
Never heard what you’re referring to. I heard “Imagine” somewhere and the lyrics just started coming to me.
I've talked about this before on Jow Forums but due to being a hapa I've had identity issues my whole life and I feel terrible for being with my boyfriend (white) because I know I can't provide him white children. I've been semi redpilled my whole life which may have been part of it, but I definitely feel a lot of guilt about being a mutt. About the identifying as white thing, I've never met a Hapa who has successfully identified as just one race, there's just too much inner conflict about it.
Thanks for that man. I’d think your kids with a white person would just look completely white though? I can’t imagine them looking asian if you are a hapa and the other partner is white? Unless you have some strong as hell genes.
That's what I'm hoping for but I've seen some people who are only 1/4 or 1/8 nip but it shows like hell
Oh well you know, if you’re part japanese thats a great thing anyway. If i had a hapa kid like i said i’d just consider them white but i’d teach them to be proud of both sides too. I just worry seeing so many crazy cases online and on tv occasionally and wonder if i should avoid doing it because I would be respondible for creating that hard life for a kid and the real risk of them being crazy seems to be a real thing too. I want to believe its just the difference between good and bad parenting but i don’t know.
I also wonder if a hapas life might be better if they grow up in asia/japan. That way they’re kind of special.
I guess i’ll weigh it up some more.
Thanks, bongbro.
Fucking dank good job op
I don't have any direct experience with this, but from what I've heard it's much better for hapa kids to grow up in Japan because they'll be seen as different in good way rather than an outsider
This has been done so many times. Let me guess, imagine there's no niggers, faggots,or Jews.
OP is a samefagging nigger Jew faggot.
Don't forget to sage
Why the salt? Everyone else seems to enjoy it.
Maybe I'm wrong. Am I? Should I click that shit so I can listen to the beautiful voice of a unoriginal self bumping samefagger?
"Accidentally" sent to my coal-burning sister. Thanks user. Sent to my father too. He laughed.
Glad I could help!
Don’t we already have one?
Bump, niggers.
Nice digits and song OP
I was in tears by the end
Good job OP