Israeli-Romani Friendship Thread

IITT we discuss the long standing friendship between Israel and Romania and how we both can grow at the expense of others. Best thing about Romania is after all how many Jews that are there!

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fuck off kike name thief.


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delete this

Not you again you fucking Romanian autist

I am all for a jewish leadership.

this is not the real Nihil, just some kike impersonating him.

He is the real one cant you see his name

do you really take OP's bait seriously? i personally dislike Nihil die to his fits of rage, but this has gone too far.

Jews have been our friends for a long time why not.

no dude, the real Nihil is in all caps, plus this kike faker has a different trip. are you this dumb to have forgotten how trolls kept stealing his name in December? not this shit again...

nou fir

no they were not. they ruined our country since Pauker.

But isn't Nihil supposed to be Jewish? He said he was in another thread, so he prolly just went back to Israel for holidays

Based and redpilled, loyal servant afrogypsy reporting in!
Shut the fuck up nihil, no one gives a fuck about you

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funny how only one guy shills for Romania with his pc and from phone ..

il vom intalni pe adevaratul Nihil acolo. hai dati un sage la cacatul asta facut de un evreu mincinos.

Ah okay this is the real one, the trips matches. But then you agree with thr OP

Bullshit that was a communist.

no dude, please see: for info at how he was impersonated by jews. jews are lying and mocking him by stealing his name.

romania needs to be annexed by Israel, we're too dumb genetic dead ends tot think for ourselves.

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Preach brother.

no he is not.

and Communism is just Judaism.

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fuck off lying kike. show flag.

ITT a fellow jew ignites a civil war

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Like I said, shit the fuck up you breathing dogshit and bow before master Shlomo.

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Tell that to jews that were sold by Ceausescu

Ba lasati baitu asta de cacat

Nobody hates you my foreskineless friend at least not in the general population.

shut up kike, stop stealing names and stop making bait threads.

shut up angry kike.

so what? they went safely to Israel like all Zionists did.

Trust me Goyim, I am the real deal
This is a decent arrengement yes. This way we could each focus on what we did best. So some of us Jews could go back to Romania and do the thinking and you could send some serfs here to do our manual labour.

Silence, filthy shitstick. You show your penis, we're going to chop 2/3 of it off as a form of tax for Israel

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I've seen jews IRL. Why are they so ugly and start to drool when they see money?
Not even kidding, it was a very unpleasant experince. I learned afterwards that they were jews.

Foreskinned monsters are violent by nature, them fightig is inevitable

So they are not our enemy.

Naturally, we send as much romanians for labor as you want. No need to pay for them either, and feel free to beat them, the cat-o-nine-tails is the best motivator for a filthy romanian.
Unfortunately, many romanians are natural born rapists, so I recommend castrating them, so they won't lay their hands on your women.

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keep dreaming kike.

because they are demons.

yes they are, Israel is their HQ where they plan their schemes against the world

i know you are a filthy bozgor. why? because i seen some angry bozgor posting that cherrypicked photo many times.

What have the jews ever done to us mate, nothing stop being retarded.

i told you, they brought communism.

Nihil Sine Deo lives in all of us.
You just need to listen to the schizophrenic voices in the back of your head, they will tell you where can you find him.

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It was the red army not the jews.

unironically that should be one of the greatest picture ever taken. It's pure art.
It's not a coincidence that it's in a jew thread, they probably want to profit from it.

I mean why not. Kikes and jypsies, both scum, both very well fit each other.


This is why I think Romanians are our best friends. You never let such a silly thing as human dignity to stand in the way of a beneficial deal.
>dat pic
Kek'd and saved

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shut up stupid bozgor, you are the schizophrenic for stealing Nihil's name and mocking him.

And I know you only wash yourself when it rains and that your zodiac is a cockroach.
Why? Because a real romanian would bow to King Kike. You're not a real romanian! Filthy untermensch, don't you dare defile King Kike's favorite jester's, Nihil Sine Dio's name!

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Naturally. By doing the will of Zion we do the will of Nihil. Keep it Kosher (like he always says)

and Red Army was just made out of Mongol cannon fodder used by jewish officers.

shut up, stop making kikes and bozgors more riled.

i know you are some angry bozgor. you keep posting the same photos and mock Nihil. you are the kike here sir.

Will we spared in the day of Zion if we are loyal servants?

are you kikes this pissed because Nihil made pic related, reminding you of how you got beaten?

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>loyal servants
in other words, they want us to be their slaves.

Who cares if you can live

mafia hate vine si va baga pula pe gat la toti care se iau de autistu de nihil
la jidani v-o bagam pe nas ca aluneca mai bine

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Shut the fuck up, schizo shitskin ape. No one stole anyone's name, you just took your medications with cheap wine again.
Bringing joy to master's face is the only purpose in Radu's life.

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Care mafie tiganeasca,romaneasca,ruseasca,albaneza sau evreiasca?

Lmao you guys are fucking ridiculous I love this meme.

Sorry Nihil, you're a good guy though

aia universala cu multa valoare si pula mare

Adica evreiasca?

i would rather die than to be their servant.

da, el este mai rar cam autist, dar sa fie atacat de jidani e prea mult.

yes you did, you stole Nihil's name.

Good I would rather live than die so go for it.

please stop them from memeing. don't join them.

Of course you can trust us. We Jews are the chosen people, we are literally incapable of lying. You'll get a confy job as a household servant. The Bozgors will instead all esent to the saltmines

This country was only created to carry out the Will of the Zion. You're the king, and we're the pawns on the chessboard.
I recommend a personal union between romania and Israel. If the Middle East really explodes, many Jews will be in danger, and we can't let that happen. Israeli citizens should be gradually moved to the best part of Romania to keep them safe there, while the local population is deported to Israel, to fight against the Arabs.
Of course, some Israeli assistance is required. If romanian soldiers try to run away from the fight, Israeli officers need to correct this treasonous behavior with every method possible.

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pe dracu,aia n-au valoare si nici pula mare,doar nasu
ce jidani,e atacat de alti autisti ce vor sa-i suga pula si nu stiu cum sa zica

Deal where do I sign with my blood?

shut up you lying kike. how long are you schizo kikes steal Nihil's name and mock him?

But they rule the world so they have the biggest dick.

Change your name and join in.

>i would rather die than to be their servant.
Don't worry, that deal can be arranged

i already know you are a bozgor. you keep posting that cartoon.

dar tot trebuie sa punem capat circului asta.

How can you steal something that's for public use, like everything related to nihil?
NSD said himself
>Feel free to use my name, money, house, medications and my mother's holes as you like
He has even drawn pic related. He said she's a good fuck. He should know, he has an incestous relationship with her.

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If it makes you feel any better their relentless meming only makes me want to support your Romanian cause even more! They are showing their true colors!

and that dick is down their throat

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I think you want to say the world throat then yes I agree

In fact this whole meme has enticed me Google Nihil Sine Deo and learn a lot about the Romanian royalty. Very interesting stuff! Nothing without God, indeed


This is actually a very good. No need for hood Jews to die if we leave that to thers

if you think like this,i have some bad news for you and the only way to fix this is through suicide

you are idiot. prove it. LIAR!

you are always welcome to fight for us and tell everyone else what is happening ITT.

true, bozgors and kikes are butthurt because some Romaniand has the motto of the royal family. and so they ended up making people become more curious.

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din pacate n-ai cum,asta-i 4chanu fra,tot ce poate sa faca e sa se bucure de faima lui ca a ajuns sa fie cunoscut de supravietuitorii astia de avort si scapaturi in cap

kill all the jews

da si asta. dar lasa ca cu cat sunt mai nervosi bozgorii pe el, cu cat va veni noul Trianon odata. vom arunca si pe bozgori si pe jidani in cuptoare.

Lol you are a retard.

kill all kikes and bozgors.

No, you're the liar!
Nihil said himself that we should never trust the fake parasite with the romanian flag! Nihil hated his own flag and his country, so he offered it to Israel, but the flag wasn't removed, so he cried and gave many rimjobs to the mods until they brought back memeflag!
I have nothing to do with a liar like you! NSD never used his own flag, to hide the shame of being a romanian, he has hidden behind memeflags!

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you're more retarded than i'm

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No I am not

shut up lying retarded bozgor kike. we will go to Budapest again just to kill you for mocking our memefactory.

i bet all bozgors and kikes stealing Nihil's name, do it because they are paid by Soros to do so. because he made pic related, just because it shows Soros is both a bozgor and kike.

both bozgors and kikes will get the oven, you went too far this time.

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We'll circumcise you with a spoon after we had taken bucharest and turned the parliament into a synagogue. You'll be the first sacrifice, you shitblood faker.

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du-te sa te culci Mirele

i saw that pic before, a bozgor posted it. you are a stinking bozgor kike, like Soros.

asta nu e Mirel, ci mai degraba Marton.

eternal liar like always.

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n-are cum,asta are numa un pat in casa si sta cu maicasa si cum m-am culcat eu cu maicasa nu mai are unde sa doarma branzoiul asta

yes, you just confirmed you are a bozgor kike.

Hungary is as horrible as Israel. Romanian-Palestinian alliance when?

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romanians are loyal servicemutts of Israel
You've confirmed that you're a lying gypsy. Into Moloch's stomach you go.

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