Two audios leaked recently. Maduro will be given an ultimatum at 12 pm. If he rejects or no reply, fireworks start
Venezuela Happening Tonight
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Looks like BS to me.
>Maduro will be given an ultimatum at 12 pm.
What time zone?
Probably the one Venezuela is in.
>transcribe to white people language please
where was this leaked from?
tldr. Martial Law
Fuck Maduro and fuck commie people
a civil war is going to happen lol
why did you have to do dat dood
The ultimatum was issued by Macron. Nothing to see here.
00:30 am first call
01:00 am second call
sounds like misdirection to me desu
Counterfeit and Homosexual
No one will die for Maduro outside of his very inner core.
what side are we on
OP hasn't worked out the details of his LARP
Spanish is a white language
Ultimatum by whom?
And who will exactly do anything against him?
He has the support of the army, what will a bunch of starved and disarmed tropical monkeys do against him once he refuses to step down?
any side thats not the zog
didnt you hear him, he said international police operating in vz aka seal team
your mother's cunt.
if guaido is backed by eu and usa than he is bad news, and maduro is no saint, hard to pick,
The side that pushes a happening the hardest
Knowing recent happenings it will be a nothingburger, but a civil war would be intresting
ok any spanish speaking user could give us a TL;DR version of whats said there?
if anyone tries anything against Maduro i have a feeling Russia is gonna light this motherfucker up, y'all better be ready for some shit
Venezuelan whatsapp group...
not prone to BS stories at all..
in the past days fake stories have spread that the marines were at every border,
that Maduro was hiding inside a church due to iminent invasion...
have some respect for women you dirty kafir
That's bullshit but I believe it.jpg
the right side of history
And what will a seal team, opperating illegally in a country do against a whole fucking army?
These are not goat herders, these are trained soldiers.that will outnumber them 1000 to 1.
>At 00:30 (Venezuelan time I guess) they will cal Maduro to abandon power.
>If he doesn't answer they call him again at 1 am.
>If he doesn't answer again or gives a negative response then it's war.
>Soldiers enter from Brazil and Colombia to BTFO the commie cunt.
>2+ months of yellow vests protests in
>still no one even tried to proclaim himself as a president of France
Fucking fuck. Imagine shitshow if that happened. Even better if Venezuela would acknowledge him as real president and issue ultimatum to France for new elections/for Macron to resign.
Is this basically exactly what happened in syria?
Will there be video? I hope there will be videos.
That would be the most stupid Plan ever.. Caracas itself is their fortress
Was it really the Jesuits?
Are they going to be having a whole standing army outside of his house or something? Special Forces are literally created for things like this you dumbass Argentinian mutt.
yea i know bro thats why this stinks of bs
>soldiers from brasil and colombia
LOL, there is absolutely no way this happens.
Colombia cant do shit against Venezuela and Brasil wouldnt invade a Russian ally, damaging their relationship with Russia.
>Are they going to be having a whole standing army outside of his house or something?
Literally yes.
Fuck off with your garbage thread schizo
some guy leaving a voice note for what appears to be a whatsapp group. he starts by saying hi to his friends ''good night to my friend rosa and jesus'' it is so fake, he says he is ''chief commissioner alberto gustamante'', because a chief commissioner of a random police department would know about this secret plan by the US.
An invasion plan isnt the kind of thing to be spreaded arround in a whatsapp menssage.
I call bullshit on this one.
Isn't there's USA puppet was elected in Brazil? If anything, it will be his chance to be useful.
>Implying that CIA boomers dont do this shit
user, I...
Maduro has 5 hours to call for Presidential elections. Then 8 EU countries will recognize Guaido.
"#BREAKING: Venezuela’s Nicolas Maduro has rejected a European Union ultimatum to call fresh elections in the country- @AFP"
don't ever click post when you are replying to me again you dirty PORK AND CHEESE
Yes, there is.
But there is a big difference between speaking against Maduro and invading the country and singlehandedly disposing the main Russian proxy in South America.
I dont think Brasil would be dumb enough to damage their BRICS ties by taking physical action.
he literally rejected that, not gona happen
its war or nothing
Now he is a dead man
>Meme Flag
>Random Vocaroo
fake and gay
he will be a martyr for the new chavista revolution
Just wait for the un meeting and more teasing
Then he better get ready to feel the full force of the Grande Armée 2.0!
>t. totally not a Jesuit
>I dont think Brasil would be dumb enough to damage their BRICS ties by taking physical action.
>Jair Bolsonaro
>He is a vocal opponent of same-sex marriage and homosexuality, abortion, affirmative action, drug liberalization and secularism. In foreign policy, he has advocated closer relations to the United States and Israel.
We'll see, but it's not the first time when murican puppet doing things that go against his country's best interests.
checked and based, although I abhor that phrase.
CIA will use the Superbowl to shill for a war in Venezuela. Screencap this
shaddap ya filthy heeb
Seems fake but in resume; as never heard of a commissioner Alberto Bustamante before... but anyway, he is telling Maduro will unleash the Kraken at 10 pm with his Colectivos... something like uban guerrillas? to frighten the people with a curfew and make havoc on the streets. don't ask me how he knows this or how he knows THIS:
at 12 AM Atlanta time, Maduro will get a phone call asking if he is leaving or not. if he doesn't make up his mind at 1AM will get a second call to tell him he has up to 1:30AM to leave, at 1:30AM if he say he is not leaving at 2AM (he said 1AM guess he made a mistake) international intervention will start. Colombia troops will enter from the west, and Basil Troops from the south, (guess US from the cost to the north? )
He said which cities will be capture first and advise the Citizen of Venezuela to stay at their home and don't go out all day tomorrow for ANY reson, ( guess because can be seen as hostiles urban guerrillas) Charge the phones, change to the goggles DNS as internet will block, Store water, get candles as they are expecting Maduro to make a mega black out country wise. And to end he say to have faith in God.
I am skeptic because used to fake news given by the Cuban G2, their intentions is to give hope to the people and later, when nothing happens , crush that hope so people get depress and see there is really no one coming and better accept Maduro will reign forever. Personally I wont believe it till it happens. though is there wont be energy and internet guess i wont know for sure either... so Guess better to have faith in God.
who is the person on that recording?
Actual famous person or just a random guy with lots of time?
Archive and scour the web for every happening video you can find. I want to see artillery strikes, murder, public chaos and rape and death.
huh.... I'm not sure you are talking about the same Bolsonaro as I am thinking of.
When Bolsonaro is cucky its pure political strategy. And when Bolsonaro is a jewish shill is just because he is not very well informed about these things. But his heart is in the right place.
random guy
>comisiario y jefe alberto bustamante
who is this?
Actually being a spic and actually listening to the recordings, this isn't someone from venezuela since those ads don't play there, and the tv audio sounds non-shit which is also a sign thats its fake and gay.
Only way this could be real is if its some military guy from colombia or some shit.
>those ads don't play there
start by telling us what the ads are
Some basic stuff, cheese etc.
Btw you can clearly hear discounts (25%) etc. so its definitely not Venezuela.
You fucking mutts how much oil do you still need?
completely ignorant euro, pls stop posting no one cares about your uninformed opinion
G2 Cuban intelligence agent as far as i can tell...
Oil is already cheap as shit and oversupplied. Call me crazy, but it actually be a legit pull to get the country back to democracy
lol no
Im watching the super bowl
White nose nigger
Anyone see the FBI advert during the superbowl
jesus christ
they arent even hiding it
Is it on jewtube?
Not yet
interesting but theres always the possibility that he watching sat tv from another country
Considering venezuelas high mixture of africans,
Would you like a malnourished arabian gf, user?
When is this happening supposed to happen?
How many hours until the happening happens?
commies > kikes
Like 5-6 hours
They want to split your country apart man, not help it. Brazil and Colombia get a piece, USA get the piece, France probably too.
boy your life must suuuuck
OP is a faggot
Is it the Jews? Then we are on the opposite side. Lurk more newfag
>social democrats which wants to denationalize the oil again is not kikes