PSD nu face afirmative action shill dar sunt oricum comunisti.
Nou fir; eterna lupta continua
How do we get rid of the already few romanian women and instead get asian qts.
PLUS unu
toti sunt comunisti, evrei si tigani rusi
Du-te in japonia si vezi daca te primesc sa le futi femeile.
Nu mersi le vreau pe alea care vin aici ca si asa suntem colonizati de ei si femeile noastre nu ne vor pe noi ci pe straini.
Aici erai, potaie?
Ah tu tre sa fii jidanu comunist.
Nici o femeie nu te vrea pe tine ca esti un labagiu, Te simt de la distanta. Curvele sunt ultima ta speranta.
cat dracu vor mai fura jidanii numele tripfagului?
Jidanu' comunist (tigan, tatar si ungur pe deasupra) cred ca is io.
Ce nu e un adevar ca romancele ii urasc pe romani si se duc cu straini indiferent de rasa sau religie, tu care stai in Italia ar trebui sa stii mai bine.
take it to if ya wanna speak Romanian
Reporting in
Good idea. We sorely need to improve our gene-pool. We could also marry Jewish women, and even convert. Like our ancestors a did whenever another religion was more profitable
Hush it you budget Finn.
shut up kike.
Avem deja affirmative action de cand n-ai mai fost in tara?
Tiganii au locuri speciale in scoli doar pentru ei rezervate. La fel si in facultati.
PSD e un partid profund toxic si unica lor calitate e ca momentan declanseaza neoliberalii.
Take it up the ass, fag
>PSD nu face afirmative action shill
What do you even mean by this. Them and BOR are the biggest shills for poisoning our society with gyspy filth.
True, real Nihil is a scitzo gypsy
cand le facem autostrada moldovenilor?
Clujul a devenit prea puternic.
The moment we get rid of romanian women and get the greatest treasure on earth asian qts.
he is not schizo or gypsy. but why do you still steal him name?
daca esti din Bucuresti du-te prin Colentina, e plin de asiatice pe acolo.
Va reamintesc ca singura cale spre fascism e crearea unei megacorporatii romanesti care sa patrunda prin toate vagaunele societatii si sa controleze efectiv destinul romanilor din prezent si mai departe instituirea unei noi generatii crescute cu principii solide, printre care loialitatea catre corporatie si stat stau pe primul loc.
I dont live in Bucharest and I only see asian men I want women, they can take romanian women after all they dont want us and everybody is happy.
>t. 16 ani
t. linge-mi coaiele amice
Ce pula mea se intampla cu tara asta?
O sa ajunga euro 6 ron asa cum s-a intampla la turcaleti?
I was in Herestrau yesterday and I saw 5 chinks, and they were all jogging. What does this mean? Why do they do this? I know they all look alike, but they were wearing different outfits, so I am positive it was 5 separate chinks.
ziceam de femei din Asia. E plin Bucurestiul de ele. Chiar daca vi aici, probabli nu or sa te placa pentru ca nu vrei sa construiesti autostrada in Moldova
But thats the problem I dont live in Bucharest I want them closer not to mention we need more women since there are more men here.
m'ai motivat. Maine ma voi duce sa fac dragoste cu o asiatica. Ma voi gandi la tine
Make sure to make babies since we need more people too.
Kill yourself
No also please stop being mean with me.
Trebuie sa ai 18 ani ca sa postezi pe Jow Forums, memeflaggot.
iti place mema asta?
al dracu sa fie de memeflags. din cauza lor am ajuns fabrica noastra de memeuri esta batjocorita de jidani si bozgori.
toti aia de pe fir care fura numele, sunt bozgori si jidani.
>am ajuns fabrica
adica am vrut sa spun, am ajuns cu.
este. in pula me gramatica, parca sunt beat.
mea. sunt atat de betiv.
You need an asian cute to help you with your grammar.
no, i need Romanians to stop taking bait from memeflags. i feel drunk and tired, but i still wonder where the fuck is the real Nihil. did SRI took him out?
Who cares about that retard he doesnt bring anything to the discussion anyway.
but he makes memes, so he has a purpose.
He doesnt have good memes to be honest.
OC dunut steel