We’re getting roasted by black Twitter again

How could this happen?

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You are fake news. No white person ever got upset by a minority making fun of their whiteness. Ever. I think you're just trying to cause strife.

homophobia is okay coming from niggers?

Why you care?

They aren’t white, they are liberals


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Who gives a fuck?

They’re mocking us

The race that is most likely to be gay is mocking gay behavior?

Sticking my finger up someone's ass is an incredibly small price to pay to never have to deal with niggers.

frat boy culture deserves to be mocked

pretending to be massive literal faggots for "fun" and beating people up who refuse is peak degeneracy.

>pretending to be massive literal faggots for "fun" and beating people up who refuse is peak degeneracy.

pretty much

gay shit like this deserves to be made fun of. wtf are these literal faggots doing? fingering each other? what the actual fuck????

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Get over yourself. Nobody beyond shitter cares, and if you're bothered by what some twats think of uni wankers, you're a fool.

>All those overlapping text boxes


I don't care if subhumans are mocking us. being bothered by it would be casting pearls before swine

just a bit of banter with the lads


>t. didn't get into fraternity
you wil never be elite boi

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>Roasted by a subhuman

This. Sage

They're not gonna beat you up for not doing it you fucking retard...
Clearly you never had much of a social life in your early twenties.

All of those empires were established and owned by Jewish bankers

Yeah all this Jewish soldiers......

Dah Joos

It's similar to how you mutts continue to fight for Israel

Yeah but I think the initial point was about niggers saying whites can't fight when we are clearly the world's superior fighters

I never went into a frat house for anything other than parties. Their faggot-ass antics are indefensible in the view of any straight white man.


lol yeah who would do that

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kill them all

Dick washers.

Who cares they have monkey brains

it should be mocked tbhf

Stop caring what brown people think dad.

>Primates object to human behavior

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>Literally founded by a Rothschild agent

Niggers shitting on fags....its good

You guys also got btfo by farmers and goat herders

>nupol will defend this

elaborate, leaf

>Why are you gay?

>you guys
I can smell you from here lol

>Literally not an argument

Oh no! the disabled kids are making fun of us!

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>he's not banned on the Twitter yet

>Cecil Rhodes

>Cecil Rhodes, (1853-1902), South African businessman and politician
>Rhodes visited London in July 1887 and secured the backing of Nathaniel, 1st Lord Rothschild for De Beers in its bid for the French Diamond Company. Support for Rhodes had been encouraged by Randolph Churchill who had been acting as consultant to Rothschilds, assessing the prospects of gold and diamond mining in South Africa. Lord Rothschild later disagreed with Rhodes and his policies, although he was an executor of Rhodes's will and was instrumental in creating the Rhodes Scholarships from the estate.

They're mocking a bunch of weirdos being fucking weird. Even if in their own minds' that means all white people do this who fucking cares? I mean, they're fucking BLACK. That alone makes their opinion of me invalid lmao. I can't even imagine what it would be like to care what one of these animals thought of me.

>You are fake news. No white person ever got upset by a minority making fun of their whiteness. Ever.
I just find it annoying that we have to pretend they're equal, however they're allowed to say whatever they want about whites while whites aren't allowed to say anything back.
Same with how we're supposed to pretend women are equal, but women can basically say or do whatever they want while men get arrested for eye-rape.

I just want some fucking consistency. If society can finally admit niggers and women are not equal to white men, I'm okay with letting them bitch and cry as much as they want with no consequences.

>retarded leftwing cuck who hates white people because he knows he’s infeiror to us makes a thread where niggers do what niggers do as if we should care

T. Retard who cries xirself to sleep when a white guy says nigger

shes not even as dark as a mulatto. she is mostly white

Obviously untrue as evidenced by this board alone.

Literally nothing gay about checking your mates prostate health

White people at it again...

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Well stop being a bunch of fucking fags.

>niggers circumcision goys

Except our goal was not to kill all of them which objectively we were capable of doing.....

True to be honest, this degenerate 'lad' culture should be abolished.

Who ares what blacks on twitter think? It's not like anything they say is worth hearing.

>black Twitter
You mean Twitter?
Twitter exists solely for niggers. What were you doing look at that shit?

We should send all of these motherfuckers back to Africa

whos got the picture of the kids all taking a selfie with the black kid sucking the dick of the other black kid with the gun

You're retarded.

Kek, YOU never did nor are YOU capable of doing anything, with that said the US never achieved their goal in Vietnam and probably won't in Afghanistan either. I don't get why you kids act as if you have a hand in deciding government policy.

t. basedboy

gays are gross.

95% of whites are worthless and not worth saving

The truth hurts, peasant.

>Gays ruining things as usual
Nothing new

Speak for yourself wh*t*oid

>I have no understanding about collegiate Greek life and am retarted and socially inept: the post

Easily. Monkeys at the zoo will hoot at anything and everything that isnt gibs or fuck.

The result of jews

Dah joos

>Just keeps posting the same thing over and over
Aha! an golem I see.

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Keep it that way tar baby. Meanwhile, I'll be doing anything in my power to disadvantage colored people.

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white people are weird

>You lost!!!!! haha
>You never did anything reee!
Brown people are so dumb.


So then she must be okay with white people avoiding niggers based on their actions? Right?

Stop it

Shiet it was me. Sorry anons I’m drunk AF

what the FUCK are these people saying? can somebody translate this?

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y-you too racially ambiguous thing


>Don't achieve what you set out to do
>We won tho
Kek, snownigger mental gymnastics

>your neighbourhood now (making fun of his neighbourhood)
>definitely not mate
>you're a (type of coat) nigger mate (probably some inside joke)
>no I'm not/ I'm still here
>say no more mate

I have to deal with these people a lot

Ooonga boonga shiiieeet nigga

you are truly a skilled translator. usually i'm pretty competent when it comes to deciphering negrobabble but this was like an entirely different language to me

Whites are gross in general

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fair enough
please stay away from us

If you love sports, you’re a faggot

why would we care

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