What the FUCK is this guy's problem?

What the FUCK is this guy's problem?

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He's dying.

terminal case of mental retardation

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>What the FUCK is this guy's problem?
filthy jew, as always

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>no link

these ron perlman memes are awfully juvenile but effective.

Reminder he's a Jew.

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Fuck right off jerkweed. Do know how hard it is for gorillas to learn to talk at all? Especially albino ones.

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no way

Christ, he took a picture of it too.

Trump derangement syndrome

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he is a neanderthale for starters

why does he play with the poop Jow Forums?

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>long nose tribe no like orange chief of elephant tribe, orange chief bad!

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as another user said a few weeks ago, he's gone off the rails and his handlers want him to delete his account, but he refuses - so the show continues.

it truly is amazing to me with someone this low of IQ can become a millionaire

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Going the way of beucy but outwardly deranged


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I really hate Cernovich and his Monkey fucking book.

RP looks like an albino abo. No wonder he acts like one.


Dude got famous in the 80s starring in a show that was essentially about beastiality.

You don't have to be particularly intelligent to play pretend in front of a camera.

the left can’t me-

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His face mostly.
I mean that strikes you first, it’s the most major thing.
I love these new Pepe’s.

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Need a side by side comparison of RP and cernovitch. They look identical in their Jewish phenotypes

he looks like someone who got a face transplant

JEWS closely resemble the APE


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Nigger luvin kike doesn't limit his whacky brand of humour to just lil donnie.

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Fucking brutal

I heard he really likes to receive pictures of that cat.

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hes a typical schizo kike mental case that should be euthanized

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>yo lil donnie i cant stop puking, this bowel impaction has me fucking dying
>lil donnie i should have never eaten four loaves of bread at once, i bet you sure feel stupid now lil d
>yo lil donnie i need to go to the hospital
>ayo lil donnie what the FUCK

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goldman, silverman, pearlman... we know the identifiers

He can't get hired anymore and it's blumpf's fault

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he lieks to poopoo and pee pee lil donnie. lil donnie embarrassed by big ronnie. muthafucka.

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someone post the height chart with him and trump

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This whole twitter account is krassenstein-tier paid shilling. Is this his new role now?

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He's looked like that his whole life.

This is your brain on Judaism with black kids

>it truly is amazing to me with someone this low of IQ can become a millionaire
Have you seen what tops the Billboard charts? If anything the opposite is the case and low IQs in those brackets are what one is to expect.

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Basically Jow Forums got btfo but is too dumb to admit it

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What a shocker.

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This makes me physically ill

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Jews are so fucking ugly.

>tfw trump derangement syndrome is real

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his wife isn't that awful, not deniro tier and his kids look like normal amerimutts and not some kinds of freaks
am surprise

He's your average fake tough guy who can't come to grips with reality.

i didn't know he was a jew, it's like every other guy in hollywood is a jew

Name my band.

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best one fucking hell

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>Big Ron Perlman
*President Trump is 3” taller
*President Trump does not need to act like a naughty ass bag to have our attention. He deserves it. Big-who Ron Perlface, is hardly on the same tier as the President, it’s embarrassing to see him try so hard for a (You) and fail so conspicuously.

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He's a Jew, so anything that stands against their desire to subvert their host nation enrages them to the point of insanity. Especially when they've accomplished so much successful erosion of it.

No wonder he's going crazy.

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This freak ruined Son of Anarchy.

Just look at his face. He is literally a troll.

Look at that ogre jew face
Confirmed double digit iq

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Nigger Lover
Wasted his life on Black Pussy.

Even Niggers hate Black Pussy

We are living in a simulation there's no way that is a coincidence. The grand architect gives us hints to spot the subversive jew

good times.

call him Blockhead on Twitter and he'll ban you

Attached: HONK HONK.png (1795x1795, 878K)

What the fuck am I looking at?

I'd argue that the troll jew is another phenotype (like larry silverstein). With the hooked pustulous nose and face, very low slope forehead big pointy jew ears etc...
This case looks like some ugly jew face but a different one. Beady close eyes, big monkey mouth, nigger shaped skull... i like "ogre jew" but yeah it's just terminology anyway...

Not that bad looking for a mutt. He'd look a lot better with a haircut.

qrd lol

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Dinner. It’s ready.

Shit slid inside condoms. Yeah some sick fucks do this and keep them somewhere and them cover themselves in their own shit.
Look the "sick fuck" page of encyclopedia dramatica if you want to know more.

At least we can agree he is some kind of inhuman creature.

didnt they shut down holot a year ago

just saying.....

I didn't get it at first either, then it sunk in Mokkurkalve came into mind... that was a giant of clay the jotuns/jews made to fight thor... but it failed he was a chicken and thor struck him down with one blow

Time for some Trump curse

Why aren't these creatures sterilized for fuck's sake? This is what happens when you let them reproduce.

yeah even I as a Canadian find that to be an excessive amount of hatred for orange man.

>What the FUCK is this guy's problem?
All his roles in Hollywood are some kind of ugly ass carricature of Russians.
And as a kike cult member, he hates Russians with all his guts.

That did a number on his mental state.

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orange chief bad say cave paint. eat two berry and want put stone on stone round all cave so bean tribe no come no more. who pick berry if no bean tribe pick berry? grug no want pick berry, grug hunt. old way of grug wife pick berry no good say long nose tribe. say need all grug and grug wife hunt but also say hunt bad and only eat bean so man grug pick berry but also need bean tribe for pick berry cos all grug same make berry pick not so good as all different grug pick berry but grug with skin like ground good for pick berry and grug with skin like snow no good for berry pick. make no sense for grug but grug not shaman like long nose grug who paint cave so grug no ask. ask bad omen say long nose.

Isn't this that Chef who killed himself?

>swapping out David "Human Holocaust" Horsey's signature

the CIAniggers turned him into a sock puppet. He probably keeps a television on within 30 feet of him at all times

Let me translate:

>Yo HOLLYWOOD PRODUCERS. I'm making less money than I want to be. Please take this ORANGE MAN BAD post as an application to do your bidding further in exchange for more roles and money!

probably syfilis

FUN FACT: Ron Pelman breaks into tears of joy every time he takes a huge dump. He says its reminds him of the birth of his children.

he's actually possessed by Talmudic kike demon spirits

>Then BAM!
>There was no sickle, but there was a hammer.
>Took out all my teeth.
>That's your socialist utopia for you.

Without googling, who can guess which movie this badly remembered quote is from?


jannies = trannies


Does that make it a little clearer?

I'm not up on the latest trends. How exactly did this fucker come back into vogue anyway?