Now that the dust has finally settled, was he in the right?
Now that the dust has finally settled, was he in the right?
Absolutely, little White grandmas are killed in this country by niggers all the time. It was revenge.
I don't believe in murdering civilians. So no. Fuck him.
No. He went for the little fish in the big pond. If he really wanted to "retaliate" for the anti white racism he would have gone for bigger fish.
If it was gang bangers yes but he killed church going people. He should rot in hell.
>people that want to ethnically cleanse all nations of whites
pick one
>sympathy for niggers
>sympathy for niggers because they worship the same abrahamic god as you
no, he’s burning in hell
If you don't believe in the jewgod, you don't go to hell.
>boomerfag crying over niggers because they go to a church
how about you look into black churches and see the kind of shit they say
There you go faggot, I doubt the little old black lady at church is plotting white genocide. Piss off.
has anyone ever read his manifesto ?
He killed a Black Senator
He killed old niggers that we’re done with their niggardry and we’re too old to even spawn more niglets. It was pointless
>pages on blacks
>a paragraph on jews
Confirmed for smallbrained/psyops, niggers aren't the real problem it's kikes
no you dipshit the sooner you realize that ideological problem is the "true" problem the sooner we can move on to making the world better. there will allways be low iq dipshits in every ethnic group. until we solve the large problem of people sucking off the the taint of there commie overlords , we need to educate and redpill the masses to show them there faults that is the only way. You can just larp as allways and say "Clense muh ethnic group" your country is more immigrant then native' forget the fact of "muh ethnostate" its not feasible. this idiot was just that an idiot. he murdered people in a house of worship plain and simple. now user do some long thinking about how this shits gunna play out in the future. things change and we change. education can change the masses in a huge way you just got to show them the light.
Soft targets necessary to start a race war. Plus see:
He's still alive fag
Yup, what a retard. Would have been better off at a Synagogue
It demonstrated the point very well that these people are our racial enemies. Even if you pretend to be white and be a good system boy, we still want you dead. Also from a propaganda standpoint it was much better than shooting some nigger hoodrat.
T. Jew
>they were good bois they wen to church n shiiet
Yeah he was in the right. Black churches are the organizational centers of black politics.
Why didn't the nigras burn Charleston down? If it was LA or Atlanta the ash would still be falling...
everybody saying he wasnt is a race traitor or a kike