How to change the current reality and live in a decent place? I hate where I was born and there's no way to solve it...

How to change the current reality and live in a decent place? I hate where I was born and there's no way to solve it. Life will most likely be hell, everything is already down the shitter with violence levels skyrocketing, no jobs and rampant corruption in every level of the hierarchy.
It's all so tiresome.

Attached: hell.png (954x477, 868K)

You stay there, subhuman, your genes influence your environment.

are you the brazil user from yesterday night in the survival thread


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What do you mean? I don't break any laws, and work as much or even more than most people I've met so far (IRL, that is). What's the point of putting any effort towards anything if you can't see any results?
I don't think so.

Ok. Listen to me.
I was born in a third world shithole too but took all my belongings and fled to the west as illegal. Became legal later on. It's possible. Why WASTE your valuable lifetime in some shithole? We only have one life..

Looks comfy if you have ~$10,000 in the bank.

Agreed. Unfortunately the unpopular solution is the most effective one at the moment.

>can't have any valuables, burglars break into houses all the time
>can't even have a smartphone, might get robbed at gunpoint and killed on the spot depending on the thug's mood
>trash everywhere, loud music, shitty internet, hot climate
It's shit, trust me.
Not willing to break the law, it goes against everything I've done so far.

the solution to all miseries is to get rid of all niggers and browns
Yes white people are evil and shit but at least they build order and prosperity, whereas niggers and browns make living hell

its not about poverty, its about what kind of people populate your country. Eastern europe has been a poor shithole most of the time of its history but it was still good to live there. Why? Because they created a sense of community and trust. Trust creates security and cleanliness. No matter the amount of money or prosperity

Sounds like a plan.

I thought Bolsonaro just made it so that you guys can own guns?

Even India, a country that's way poorer than Brazil, has virtually no violence. It's about the culture, indeed.

How can people live like that? What are they waiting for? Why are they so lazy and useless? The serfs from medieval times had more self-respect and better communities than these shits.

To be honest, I was expecting more relevant changes. He only changed a few bureaucracies, but most of the regulations still stand. Maybe he will improve the current system in the future, but I don't want to get my hopes up.

indians are violent too, look what they do to their women but i get your point
are you white?

what the fuck is wrong with those faggots? You don't need much money to buy some gardening/farming-like tools and clean up that shit in a couple of days

It's a complex issue, but I'd bet it is a mix of:
- A disregard for community; they don't care about littering or shitting the place, as long as it isn't inside their homes (which sometimes is);
- Everything they see on TV is people who got rich without working hard (rappers, youtubers, actors), so in their mindset working is "dumb" and any effort is worthless;
- Schools fucking suck, so they don't learn basic things like economy or critical thinking;
I'm by no means an expert on these issues, but I know there's no way to solve this in a single generation. It will take at least 200 years to see any improvement.

Why do Brazilians have no concept of cleanless? Why do our cities are so dirty and full of trash?
*I know there are exceptions, but even in the South the favelas are exactly like OP, dirty*

I don't think so. Mom's a portuguese mutt, dad's family is german. Not that it matters, I'm poor as fuck and will be stuck here for the time being.

start a company, employ these shits, educate them, take over their shithole communities, and mold them in your image

Starting a company from scratch in Brazil is tough. The complex tributary system means that even smaller entrepreneurs need a sector just to handle taxes, and with the economy as it is, my know-how (Electronics) isn't really in a good spot.

just do an online business
i did the same. Never registred my company officialy lmao

I don't get you third world shitters, you complain about having a shitty living conditions yet you do nothing to change it. For example in "your" pic there is trash thrown every where you don't maintain anything, why would you think Americans want you to come to our beautiful country and shit it up the same way. Also user has a point, lead by example don't flee your homeland like a coward stick it out till the end even if it's bitter.

the whole point is to employ people and be part of the community, not just make money off scamming first worlders on the internet

Looks comfy and naturely.

flee to one of those German towns marry a Germanic stock cutie and settle there.

forget that in brazil. the whole point is to give OP advice on how to make money fast and Get out of his shithole

because your presence is making life worse for the rest of us. your solution cannot work on a mass scale.

Im white so it doesnt matter
just unlucky to have been born in a shithole

Be a good person and be active in your community. Lead by example, faggot.

Romanians aren't white

czech to be exact

your shitty genes create shithole countries. Japs arent white and they make better civilizations than many white nations.

why did you post my house on Jow Forums?

Mas q viadão

yeah but they are chinks
better be poor and fully white than rich and having slanted eyes
you cant even see with that shit

>How to change the current reality and live in a decent place? I hate where I was born and there's no way to solve it.
LEAVE, nigger.

>The serfs from medieval times had more self-respect and better communities than these shits
not accurate

Czechia is a better place than this gypsy infested cesspit. Then again no matter where you are there can and will be worse as there will be better. I find it a better option to move out gather resources and start something of your own.

Lead your people in the fear and admonition of the Lord.

All else will fail.

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No ones give a damn fuck about your situation, and stop sharing this country to weirdos around the world, you'll bring a bunch of pedophile to here.

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women need to be kept in line with violence. without it, they will whore around.

ok then go be poor and fully white in your birth nation.

Get a job as a bartender in any half decent country and educate yourself.
A bartender in Europe will from 4 nights work get enough to cover rent + food in the major cities.
Apply for work permit in Oslo or Trondheim if you like snow.